February 09, 2025

Casino worth gamble, but what’s Powell’s gambit?

This week’s ClickBack featured election-related issues, and as usual, elicited a range of comments. Look for new questions in Tuesday’s editorial comments. More comments are found at the ClickBack page at bangordailynews.com.

Should the Oxford casino be approved?

Let’s see … The casino will take money from many people in Maine (losers), give it to others in Maine (winners, employees and government) and take the rest back to Las Vegas. Except for money going to Las Vegas, it sounds like what the governor and Legislature have been doing for years. Of course we can vote for the Legislature and governor. How does Maine gain on this?

– Justwon During

It will bring tax revenue, jobs, and allows adults spend their money where they want. Of course it should not be approved.

– ShawnDaily

Perhaps the no vote people, Mr. Gorman and his L.L. Bean money, will build a new manufacturing plant in Oxford County and kill two birds with one stone; the casino and L.L. can sell something made in the USA. How sweet is that? Really though that won’t happen so vote yes to build it.

– LarrySG

What do you make of Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Obama?

I think it would be very, very odd if a former U.S. general and secretary of state were to endorse a terrorist for president. This endorsement kind of punches holes in that argument. Hmm, Joe the Plumber didn’t work that well either. So, on we “lurch” to socialism!

– anne of mdi

Colin Powell may have been registered with the Republican Party, but has never been a part of any conservative movement. From the outside looking in, I would guess that he was in the GOP because it made life easier in the Army. He served as secretary of state only because Bush was trying to be more middle of the road. It really isn’t anything shocking. It’s all so funny, all the play the media gives it compared to, say, Joe Lieberman not only endorsing but campaigning for John McCain.

– duckwa

Gen. Powell’s endorsement might swing some moderate Republicans, especially vets, but Oprah’s endorsement was more valuable. And Sen. Obama’s serving on civic boards with a co-founder of the Weather Underground, who didn’t kill anyone but some of themselves, only serves to give Sen. Obama valuable street cred. If Sen. McCain wins the election he will be a good president, but Sen. Obama inspires much more confidence in his being able to grasp and promote real solutions to our problems.

– Keith132

Powell sells his endorsements to the highest bidder.

He’s just another military whore!

– Mainelyme

Powell came out and said what many voters have been thinking since the Republican National Convention: Sarah Palin is simply not ready for prime-time politics, and McCain just seems out of touch with reality. The endorsement by Colin Powell is the final nail in the McCain-Palin coffin. Let’s just get this over with!

– tenzing211

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