DEXTER – A candidate for one of the three SAD 46 seats was omitted inadvertently from a candidate list provided to Bangor Daily News by the town office, and therefore was not included in an earlier story about the candidates.
Michael Bennett, a University of Maine graduate who serves on the board, is a candidate and his name is on the ballot for the Nov. 4 election. Bennett is employed by Cianbro Corp. as director of the Cianbro Institute.
Bennett says he understands the concept of consolidation but is not sure it’s realistic because there are too many unanswered questions. His foremost concern, he said, is how it will affect the education of children.
The district’s toughest challenge, Bennett said, is ensuring children get a proper education and are challenged; that the staff and administrators have the tools they need to provide that education; that the board is fiscally responsible to the taxpayers; and that the new school creates a long-term environment conducive to learning for both students and staff.
“I care about not just my own children but the education that our children and future generations are going to have,” Bennett said. “That’s what it’s all about. It’s not about me, it’s not about my kids, it’s about the kids in the district and what we’re able to provide for them so they can have the same opportunities that we’ve all had.”
Other candidates are Steven Foster, Joey Burton, Dale Thompson and Sherree Mitchell.
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