MACHIAS – Students in the Recreation Services for Special Populations class at the University of Maine at Machias will hold a disabilities awareness night, “Your World, My World, Our Diverse World,” from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 12, at the Reynolds Center on campus.
Participants will have the opportunity to experience simulated disabilities at 10 stations, each focused on a specific disability. Stations will include hearing impairments, spinal injuries, visual impairments, temporary disabilities, permanent disabilities, aging, learning disabilities, autism, mobility and more. Information booths will be available for participants to learn about resources, services and career opportunities.
“Your World, My World, Our Diverse World” is sponsored by UMM’s Professional Studies Division, Student Senate, MRPASS and Hall Council. Other contributing groups and organizations include UMM Student Education Association, UMM behavioral studies students, UMM Career Development, UMM Student Support Center, UMM Counseling Services, Maine Autism Society, Cooperative Extension’s Senior Companion Program and the Maine Warden Service.
For more information, call Jo-Ellen Harvey at 255-1238.
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