March 27, 2025

State cross country championships


At Belfast, 5K


Scarborough 62, Lewiston 98, Cheverus 102, Brunswick 148, Massabesic 157, Thornton Acad. 180, Hampden Acad. 226, Bonny Eagle 236, Cony 238, Mount Ararat 241, Mt Blue 248, Morse 250, Windham 256, Gorham 300, Marshwood 318

Top 60: 1, Geoghegan, Will, Brunswick, 16:16.40. 2, Hathaway, Nate, Scarborough, 16:16.66. 3, Fontaine, Luke, Cony, 16:20.37. 4, Robinson, Craig, Scarborough, 16:28.98. 5, Terwilliger, Jack, Cheverus, 16:29.06. 6, Cullenberg, Kelton, Mt. Blue, 16:31.93. 7, Cassidy, Liam, Brunswick, 16:38.11. 8, Dundas, Taylor, Cheverus, 16:51.41. 9, Leeman, Robbie, Lewiston, 16:55.85. 10, Belanger, Timothy, Bonny Eagle, 16:56.20. 11, Kaake, Jason, Morse, 16:58.54. 12, Driscoll, Matt, Lewiston, 17:00.94. 13, Peters, Sebastian, Lawrence, 17:05.52. 14, Clemmer, Garrett, Wind, 17:06.08. 15, Chick, Sam, Scarborough, 17:08.44. 16, Ibrahim, Hussain, Lewiston, 17:09.40. 17, Morrison, Benjamin, Massabesic, 17:16.82. 18, Woods, Tim, Cheverus, 17:17.82. 19, Griffin, Sean, Scarborough, 17:18.26. 20, Lundquist, Will, Cony, 17:19.58. 21, LePage, Peter, Massabesic, 17:28.83. 22, Abdillahi, Faisal, Lewiston, 17:32.24. 23, Marshall, Logan, Gorham, 17:32.41. 24, Clement, Jonathan, South Portland, 17:33.02. 25, Bommarito, Michael, Hampden, 17:34.07. 26, Nakanishi, Brad, Scarborough, 17:37.41. 27, Brooks, Michael, Lawrence, 17:40.75. 28, Gammon, Tyler, Edward Little, 17:42.75. 29, Brown, Zach, Scarborough, 17:43.71. 30, Reali, Josh, Cheverus, 17:44.26. 31, Nixon, Tucker, Marshwood, 17:46.33. 32, Neuts, Seth, Deering, 17:46.64. 33, Letourneau, Tom, Thornton, 17:47.65. 34, Piccirillo, Evan, Hampden, 17:49.04. 35, Anderson, Ryan, Massabesic, 17:49.86. 36, Beauchemin, Marc, Thornton, 17:55.71. 37, James, Alonzo, Morse, 17:57.35. 38, Scarponi, Kory, Morse, 17:58.54. 39, Duquette, Brad, Thornton, 17:59.47. 40, Toothaker, Tyler, Mount Ararat, 18:00.66. 41, Beede, Briar, Cony, 18:03.24. 42, Reifman-Packett, Andy, Mount Ararat, 18:05.43. 43, Merrill, Parker, Brunswick, 18:05.65. 44, Brown, Andrew, Hampden, 18:07.19. 45, Cortright, Nathan, Massabesic, 18:08.84. 46, Leclair, Justin, Lewiston, 18:09.44. 47, Nisbett, Sam, Bangor, 18:12.92. 48, Quentin, Tom, Thornton, 18:14.64. 48, Prosack, Joe, Scarborough, 18:14.64. 50, Groeger, Dalton, Bonny Eagle, 18:18.43. 51, Lagerstrom, Spencer, Thornton, 18:20.56. 52, Beahm, Mark, Cheverus, 18:23.30. 53, Horan, Patrick, Brunswick, 18:23.61. 54, Letourneau, Jake, Mount Ararat, 18:28.82. 55, Webster, Lance, Wind, 18:29.01. 56, Hines, Brody, Mt. Blue, 18:31.30. 57, Moody, Madison, Massabesic, 18:32.49. 58, Olsen, Tad, Marshwood, 18:33.33. 59, Demonsthenes, Nick, Mount Ararat, 18:38.11. 60, Tinker, Colton, Bonny Eagle, 18:40.43.


Scarborough 85, Brewer 134, Massabesic 134, Mt. Blue 162 Bonny Eagle 170, Cheverus 176, Gorham 178, Thornton Acad. 191, Kennebunk 204, Brunswick 208, Mount Ararat 214, Bangor 257, Lewiston 327, Hampden Acad. 339, McAuley 341.

Top 60: 1, Leonardi, Abbey, Kennebunk, 18:02.97. 2, Durgin, Emily, Bonny Eagle, 18:16.34. 3, Hendry, Fiona, Cheverus, 18:28.51. 4, Wilkinson, Rachel, Gorham, 19:03.02. 5, Pierce, Hannah, Massabesic, 19:12.34. 6, MacKenzie, Olivia, McAuley, 19:30.09. 7, Hewey, Vicky, Sanford, 19:36.59. 8, Lam, Melody, Mt. Blue, 19:37.72. 9, Spies, Kate, Mount Ararat, 19:50.48. 10, Flatley, Erin, Windham, 19:54.11. 11, Chamberlain, Whitney, Scarborough, 19:58.56. 12, Dostie, Amber, Bonny Eagle, 20:06.90. 13, McMahon, Kathleen, Brunswick, 20:12.25. 14, Chick, Abby, Scarborough, 20:14.61. 15, Dellatorre, Melissa, Scarborough, 20:20.39. 16, Lundkvist, Amelia, Cheverus, 20:21.89. 17, Downing, Kimberly, Noble, 20:21.92. 18, Glynn, Grace, Thornton, 20:22.98. 19, Haluska, Michelle, Brewer, 20:25.02. 20, Dugas, Sarah, Scarborough, 20:34.32. 21, Dudley, Lauren, Bonny Eagle, 20:38.21. 22, Wiley, Hannah, Kennebunk, 20:38.55. 23, Norbert, Abby, Cheverus, 20:38.92. 24, McCarthy, Brenda, Thornton, 20:43.49. 25, Chavarie, Sara, Brewer, 20:50.03. 26, Donahue, Annelise, South Portland, 20:52.04. 27, Cullenberg, Addie, Mt. Blue, 20:53.85. 28, Beede, Morgan, Cony, 21:01.45. 29, Smith, Amanda, Massabesic, 21:03.20. 30, Hyatt, Krislyn, Mount Ararat, 21:04.24. 31, Frazier, Mikala, Massabesic, 21:08.00. 32, McCullough, Sarah, Gorham, 21:10.64. 33, Elwell, Stephanie, Edward Little, 21:12.16. 34, Noyes, Kaitlin, Brewer, 21:12.87. 35, McDonough, Meghan, Brunswick, 21:13.64. 36, Aseltine, Shelby, Mt. Blue, 21:16.83. 37, Beacham, Gwen, Mt. Blue, 21:16.87. 38, Porter, Katie, Bangor, 21:23.14. 39, Wilson, Caitlyn, Brewer, 21:24.40. 40, Davis, Libby, Scarborough, 21:27.88. 41, Madden, Brooke, Brewer, 21:30.85. 42, Lunn, Kendall, Bangor, 21:32.72. 43, Cadorette, Sarah, Massabesic, 21:34.49. 44, Rex, Kelsey, Gorham, 21:35.55. 45, Geiser, Ashley, Brewer, 21:37.92. 46, Summerson, Meghan, Scarborough, 21:42.30. 47, Malitsky, Leah, Kennebunk, 21:42.66. 48, Hart, Hannah, Edward Little, 21:43.57. 49, Pierce, Lauren, Massabesic, 21:46.30. 50, Thuotte, Jenny, Gorham, 21:48.93. 51, Saunders, Alana, Thornton, 21:49.45. 52, Jordan, Blakelee, Hampden, 21:50.40. 53, Snow, Katie, Brewer, 21:51.96. 54, Roth, Erika, Thornton, 21:52.86. 55, Reading, Mariah, Bangor, 21:54.76. 56, Smith, Nicole, Massabesic, 21:59.93. 57, Summa, Caroline, Cheverus, 22:00.08. 58, Fitzsimmons, Erin, Mount Ararat, 22:00.42. 59, Welzel, Farren, Brunswick, 22:00.86. 60, Belanger, Joyce, Bangor, 22:06.00.


Greely 38, Cape Elizabeth 88, Falmouth 105, York 143, Yarmouth 164, Ellsworth 166, Caribou 180, Fryeburg Acad. 224, Belfast 273, Mount Desert Island 280, Maranacook 291, Medomak Valley 300, Erskine Acad. 314, Leavitt 340, Winslow 384.

Top 60: 1, Moser, Alex, York, 16:04.73. 2, Rand, Matt, Cape Elizabeth, 16:15.51. 3, McCauley, Mark, Greely, 16:19.22. 4, Seekins, Sam, Erskine, 16:25.04. 5, LePage, James, Greely, 16:33.75. 6, Price, Logan, Greely, 16:37.13. 7, Flathers, Chris, Cape Elizabeth, 16:52.34. 8, Chapman, Ben, Ellsworth, 16:52.99. 9, James, Ryan, Belfast, 17:08.13. 10, Follo, Timothy, Falmouth, 17:08.67. 11, Fitch, Andy, Greely, 17:14.55. 12, Stewart, Gabe, John Bapst, 17:16.01. 13, Bottomley, Thomas, Cape Elizabeth, 17:17.62. 14, Johnston, Sam, Greely, 17:25.37. 15, Turner, Lauren, Leavitt, 17:26.57. 16, Gardner, Scott, Falmouth, 17:27.64. 17, Lajoie, Dylan, Poland, 17:29.59. 18, Nelson, Mike, Waterville, 17:29.95. 19, Nickerson, Ben, Yarmouth, 17:29.98. 20, Humphries, Sam, Greely, 17:30.10. 21, O’Donnell, Patrick, Medomak Valley, 17:34.78. 22, Stephens, Jesse, Caribou, 17:37.03. 23, Eastman, Seth, Fryeburg, 17:37.09. 24, Epstein, Jamey, Falmouth, 17:37.43. 25, Regan, Connor, Greely, 17:37.62. 26, Roper, Jeremiah, Ellsworth, 17:38.47. 27, George, Andrew, Yarmouth, 17:41.14. 28, Palhof, Tristan, York, 17:42.84. 29, Woodbury, Ben, Yarmouth, 17:44.32. 30, Hale, Jeff, Waterville, 17:47.60. 31, Hall, Kenedi, Fryeburg, 17:49.69. 32, Weeks, Kyle, Falmouth, 17:52.16. 33, Herbein, Dan, York, 17:52.75. 34, Melbourne, Steve, Caribou, 17:52.87. 35, Swerdlow, Charlie, Falmouth, 17:55.49. 36, Brigham, Peter, Cape Elizabeth, 17:58.05. 37, Freme, Tim, Caribou, 17:59.54. 38, Batson, Brian, Ellsworth, 18:01.06. 39, Yokabaskas, Bobby, Cape Elizabeth, 18:02.66. 40, Haller, Chris, Cape Elizabeth, 18:03.58. 41, Thomas, Sean, Cape Elizabeth, 18:05.77. 42, Bondeson, Finn, Caribou, 18:07.65. 43, Fillebrown, Jacob, Fryeburg, 18:08.95. 44, Greely, Justin, Maranacook, 18:09.34. 45, Widzgowski, Ryan, Camden Hills, 18:09.97. 46, McGrory, Conor, Falmouth, 18:13.21. 47, Waldman, Aaron, York, 18:13.79. 48, Woodbury, Sam, Yarmouth, 18:13.81. 49, Barbour, Luke, Falmouth, 18:16.76. 50, Swann, Sam, MDI, 18:17.00. 51, Farrell, Brian, York, 18:17.24. 52, Rollins, Jacob, Erskine, 18:17.52. 53, Hellum, Dakota, Ellsworth, 18:21.58. 54, Muzzy, True, MDI, 18:23.57. 55, Freeman, Silas, York, 18:24.53. 56, Logue, Peter, MDI, 18:26.15. 57, Joshua, Anderson, Medomak Valley, 18:28.31. 58, Kirby, Stephen, Ellsworth, 18:28.42. 59, Leach, Willie, Belfast, 18:28.52. 60, Peterson, Samuel, Yarmouth, 18:29.69.


Cape Elizabeth 36, Freeport 116, Greely 117, York 132, Mount Desert Island 148, John Bapst 162, Ellsworth 167, Falmouth 185, Caribou 185, Presque Isle 209, Medomak Valley 255, Leavitt 291

Top 50: 1, Mace, Abby, Maranacook, 18:48.59. 2, Atwood, Emily, Cape Elizabeth, 19:23.74. 3, Dunn, Brianne, Ellsworth, 19:30.73. 4, Barton, Kelsey, Cape Elizabeth, 19:38.61. 5, Carley, Tess, Greely, 19:46.91. 6, Swiatek, Michaela, York, 19:49.47. 7, Dickens, Sarah, John Bapst, 19:51.90. 8, Manion, Dacie, Old Town, 19:52.68. 9, Goding, Mallory, Greely, 20:03.91. 10, Susla, Molly, Freeport, 20:06.65. 11, Nichols, Rachel, Cape Elizabeth, 20:06.87. 12, Palmer, Alecia, Presque Isle, 20:13.29. 13, Tierney, Catherine, Cape Elizabeth, 20:16.42. 14, Doss, Hannah, Cape Elizabeth, 20:18.31. 15, Spencer, Kim, John Bapst, 20:18.86. 16, Stressenger, Marita, Cape Elizabeth, 20:22.41. 17, Sheehan, Mary Jo, Caribou, 20:24.47. 18, Burr, Taylor, Maranacook, 20:31.30. 19, Kozlowski, Paige, Cape Elizabeth, 20:40.17. 20, Michaud, Dayna, Caribou, 20:48.61. 21, Boutin, Monique, York, 20:50.49. 22, Morris, Erin, Falmouth, 20:50.51. 23, Hall, Rachel, Greely, 20:50.77. 24, Curtis, Mackenzie, MDI, 20:52.37. 25, Leeman, Nikki, Lincoln, 20:55.67. 26, Davis, Caroline, Freeport, 20:57.38. 27, White, Hayley, Ellsworth, 20:58.91. 28, Atwood, Emily, Fryeburg, 20:58.99. 29, Russell, Kailyn, MDI, 20:59.36. 30, Goodrich, Andrea, Freeport, 21:05.11. 31, Goodness, Kate, Old Town, 21:07.05. 32, Parrish, Maggie, Falmouth, 21:10.35. 33, Dacyczyn, Laura, Leavitt, 21:11.74. 34, Moiles, Gwen, Medomak Valley, 21:13.05. 35, Berkemeyer, Kiera, Freeport, 21:14.13. 36, Blank, Frances, MDI, 21:15.21. 37, Carl, Molly, York, 21:18.95. 38, Merrill, Lindsey, Freeport, 21:19.84. 39, Ferland, Elizabeth, York, 21:20.76. 40, Bartlett, Hallie, Presque Isle, 21:23.44. 41, Saunders, Hannah, Caribou, 21:25.36. 42, Madeira, Lily, MDI, 21:27.56. 43, Brooks, Kymry, MDI, 21:28.11. 44, Stroud, Megan, Greely, 21:29.45. 45, Fereshetian, Allison, Leavitt, 21:32.20. 46, D’Alfonso, Francesca, Falmouth, 21:32.77. 47, Ocean, Kiana, Medomak Valley, 21:35.71. 48, Carmack, Mary, John Bapst, 21:35.72. 49, Donovan, Laura, John Bapst, 21:36.16. 50, Barkhouse, Lauren, Ellsworth, 21:39.81


Monmouth 72, Boothbay 83, Winthrop 87, Foxcroft Acad. 88, Hall-Dale 110, Lisbon 114, Telstar 174, Traip 220, Lee Acad. 256, Orono 264, Bangor Christian 265, George Stevens Acad. 285

Top 50: 1, Davis, Wade, Hall-Dale, 16:40.11. 2, McClintock, Matthew, Madison, 17:26.84. 3, Pearsall, Graham, Foxcroft, 17:28.65. 4, McCollett, Matt, Monmouth, 17:40.08. 5, Romar, Patrick, Winthrop, 17:44.34. 6, Masselli, Ethan, Lisbon, 17:45.38. 7, Branson, Alex, Lisbon, 17:46.60. 8, McInnis, Patrick, Monmouth, 17:46.62. 9, Brown, Chase, Boothbay, 17:52.78. 10, Desmond, Kevin, Monmouth, 17:53.39. 11, Leavitt, Kevin, Winthrop, 17:56.76. 12, Rees, Schuyler, Traip, 17:59.29. 13, Rees, Brigman, Traip, 18:00.84. 14, Campbell, Zach, Boothbay, 18:02.49. 15, Schwehm, Nate, Boothbay, 18:02.82. 16, McCollett, Mike, Monmouth, 18:05.61. 17, Cottrell, Alex, Winthrop, 18:07.74. 18, Dumont, Nolan, Mattanawcook, 18:10.20. 19, Fessendan, Evan, Telstar, 18:13.51. 20, Guiod, Matt, Mattanawcook, 18:15.34. 21, Morrill, Steven, Greenville, 18:15.46. 22, Jones, Nick, Lisbon, 18:18.91. 23, Bridges, Chris, Foxcroft, 18:19.88. 24, Jones, Charles, North Haven, 18:21.67. 25, Trott, John, St. Dominic, 18:24.83. 26, Forgues, Matt, Boothbay, 18:26.56. 27, Mann, Kaleb, Foxcroft, 18:29.21. 28, Almy, Amos, Foxcroft, 18:36.17. 29, Cavanaugh, Ryan, Calais, 18:36.72. 30, Blanchette, Kyle, Hall-Dale, 18:36.81. 31, Oldfield, Seth, Foxcroft, 18:39.55. 32, Clark, Casey, Elan, 18:39.71. 33, Collichio, Anthony, Elan, 18:41.14. 34, Lewis, Ben, Telstar, 18:43.06. 35, Whitaker, Bradley, Wiscasset, 18:45.30. 36, Sirois, Dylan, Hall-Dale, 18:46.17. 37, Gomberg, Jake, Winthrop, 18:50.92. 38, Thayer, Wendell, Boothbay, 18:51.67. 39, Colon, Alex, Hall-Dale, 18:58.54. 40, Carle, Zach, Calais, 19:04.68. 41, Kameron, Souza, Winthrop, 19:07.32. 42, Ellis, Patrick, Hall-Dale, 19:08.56. 43, Brown, Tom, Boothbay, 19:10.70. 44, Thurlow, Josiah, Lee Acad., 19:11.13. 45, Christ, Nikos, GSA, 19:13.39. 46, Kuester, Jake, Lee Acad., 19:14.80. 47, Egenhofer, Patrick, Orono, 19:17.35. 48, Newlin, Mitch, Waynflete, 19:19.41. 49, Wilcox, Bradley, Bangor Christian, 19:19.43. 50, Kahl, Elliott, Monmouth, 19:19.67.


Waynflete 49, Monmouth Acad. 80, Lisbon 82, Mattanawcook Acad. 99, St. Dominic 99, Foxcroft Acad. 123, Orono 146

Top 40: 1, Espy, Adele, Waynflete, 19:04.27. 2, Boutot, Grace, Fort Kent, 20:21.95. 3, Oldfield, Chelsie, Foxcroft, 20:38.33. 4, Bernard, Kaitlyn, Fort Kent, 20:47.41. 5, Laweryson, Jocelyn, Valley, 21:07.32. 6, Larlee, Jana, Mattanawcook, 21:24.36. 7, Doyle, Anna, Winthrop, 21:34.54. 8, Grenier, Kerstin, Monmouth, 21:35.57. 9, Carle, Bandy, Calais, 21:58.43. 10, Ottmann, Kelsey, Penquis, 22:03.33. 11, Seekins, Annie, Searsport, 22:17.90. 12, Ayer, Devon, Monmouth, 22:19.79. 13, Mackey, Faith, Searsport, 22:30.94. 14, Trafton, Emily, Waynflete, 22:30.96. 15, Sobel, Zoe, Waynflete, 22:36.77. 16, Pellerano, Allegra, GSA, 22:43.01. 17, Ruhl, Hannah, Mattanawcook, 22:55.68. 18, Moan, Kayla, Lisbon, 22:59.12. 19, Bulgin, Angie, Lisbon, 23:02.34. 20, Borden, Phoebe, Traip, 23:03.83. 21, Joseph, Carolyn, St. Dominic, 23:20.56. 22, Neureuther, Destinee, Greater Houlton, 23:23.28. 23, Reidy, Michele, Islesboro, 23:25.72. 24, Poulin, Grace, Bangor Christian, 23:27.20. 25, Arabadjis, Sophie, Orono, 23:27.48. 26, McGonagill, Naomi, St. Dominic, 23:31.71. 27, Spencer, Stephanie, Monmouth, 23:32.02. 28, Theberge, Jessica, Madison, 23:34.75. 29, Caton, Jennifer, Lisbon, 23:35.54. 30, Clyatt, Emily, Traip, 23:35.55. 31, Knausenberger, Ann, St. Dominic, 23:38.27. 32, Meixell, Maggie, NYA, 23:40.14. 33, High, Grace, Waynflete, 23:40.20. 34, Keane, Katlyn, Telstar, 23:43.44. 35, Wilson, Cadyn, Hall-Dale, 23:56.69. 36, Thomas, Kimber, Central, 23:58.00. 37, Lindsey, Molly, Winthrop, 24:01.32. 38, Pinkham, Sunny, Traip, 24:02.74. 39, Wheeler, Iree, Waynflete, 24:07.20. 40, Pizzo, Adrienne, Waynflete, 24:08.20.

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