March 24, 2025

Oratorio Society, orchestra to hold holiday show

The Oratorio Society “is a choral group at the University [of Maine] that performs large works,” wrote member David Kroehler of the organization conducted by Ludlow Hallman and accompanied by Clayton Smith that is “open to members of the community as well as students.”

“We usually prepare something to sing with the Bangor Symphony [Orchestra] each spring semester and, in the fall, we perform on campus.”

This fall, he continued, the Oratorio Society and the University Orchestra will present the Christmas Oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 16, in Minsky Hall on the Orono campus. Admission is $6.

“As an oratorio,” he said of the presentation, “it has recitatives,” a type of singing with the rhythm and tempo of speech, “arias and choruses, and Bach has used all three to tell the Christmas Story.

“We have been rehearsing, each Monday evening throughout the semester and, quite often, we will pause to marvel at the exquisite manner Bach combined the vocal and instrumental forces of his day.”

Guitar-bass-songwriting instructor Bill Pierce of Mark’s Music in Brewer invites you to a “student showcase” he describes as a rock-popular music concert that features his students which, this year, he has decided to be host to “a charity event for the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter.”

The show at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 16, at The Next Generation Theatre, 39 Center St. in Brewer already is sold out, but tickets will be available at the door for the second show at 4:30 p.m. that day, at that site, and for the third show, at 6 that evening, at that site.

The second show features a former student and former Bangor resident Jim Dowe and the band The Retro Rockers.

The third show, Pierce wrote, “is an all-out teen music extravaganza featuring ’emo’ music through very heavy metal.”

In addition to this benefit, Pierce wrote he also will donate half of all proceeds for “lessons sold for November and December” to BAHS. Those lessons are $2.50 and $3.

November is Hospice Month, and Belfast area residents have two opportunities to learn more about hospice.

Dr. Deb Peabody, Margie Spencer-Smith, Waldo County Home Health and Hospice social worker, and Connie Woitowitz, director of Hospice Volunteers of Waldo County, will speak and answer questions about hospice from 6 to 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 17, and from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20, in the Abbot Room of Belfast Free Library.

The women will discuss services available to patients and their families approaching end-of-life situations.

For more information, call Spencer-Smith at 338-2268.

Reservations are required by Monday, Nov. 17, for any Dedham resident, 50 and older, who would like to attend Dedham’s Seniority Thanksgiving Dinner at noon Sunday, Nov. 23, at Dedham Congregational Church on the corner of Route 46 and Mill Road.

Jan Currier reports this annual event is sponsored by the town of Dedham, and that there is no charge for eligible residents.

Those who want to attend are asked to RSVP by calling 843-5956; 843-5370 or 944-6430.

Jennifer Brooks of Penquis reports that at the Bangor Region Influenza Coalition flu clinic, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18, at Bangor Civic Center, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Penquis representatives will be there taking LIHEAP appointments first come, first served.

Applicants should bring “Social Security numbers, dates of birth of all household members, their most recent electric and telephone bills, a copy of their fuel bill with your name and account number; for renters, their landlord’s name, street address and phone number; proof of all gross income for all household members for the previous three months or previous 12 months; and proof of all interest income, general assistance and child support for the same time frame as your gross income.”

Ann Wiersma of Community Health and Counseling Services called to report all Curves of Maine are conducting a food benefit Nov. 17-19 for “local food banks and needy families.”

Anyone making an appointment at local Curves on one of those days who brings a food gift card, with a suggested donation of $12, will be granted a no-charge service fee to register at Curves.

Wiersma said CHCS is “very grateful for the donations for our clients.”

Check with your local Curves for more details about this benefit.

Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402;; 990-8288.

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