April 16, 2024

UUs not Christian

I am writing to discuss the tendency in our culture to lump all religious denominations into one big Christian melting pot when discussing differences on social issues (“Clergy back same-sex marriage,” BDN, Nov. 14). When Unitarian-Universalist ministers speak out on an issue, they certainly have the right to do so, but they should not be classified as a Christian denomination because their beliefs are rooted in presuppositions that are at dramatic odds with actual Christianity. The reason that Christianity has always claimed the cross as its symbol is because the blood atonement offered there by Christ is central to the faith. Christians believe and have always believed that His vicarious sacrifice is the only way by which men can escape the wrath of God.

Whether or not one agrees with this belief is not the issue; the issue is that Christianity is historically and biblically defined by this central doctrine of the faith and any group that rejects the atonement rejects Christianity itself.

Unitarian-Universalists have always dismissed the atonement because they have never seen a need for it. To the Unitarian-Universalist, God is too laissez faire to judge anyone, and mankind is not bad enough to be judged in any case. They believe the idea of blood atonement belongs on the same unenlightened ash heap as outdated doctrines such as judgment and hell.

Because of this I have to gently protest their being presented as spokespersons for a faith to which history says they (and their liberal allies) have never adhered.

Vince Hartford


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