. Aug. 18
Blueberry Festival, a small festival featuring nonprofit vendors selling jams, muffins, pies, gifts and crafts, with special entertainment for children, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Rangeley Inn Green, Main Street, Rangeley. Contact: Patty Kolva, Rangeley Boosters Club, 864-5599, (800) 685-2537, mtlakes@rangeley.org, and www.rangeleymaine.com.
. Aug. 18-27
Portland Chamber Music Festival 2005 Concert Series, celebrating its 12th season with four performances by artists from ensembles including the Chicago, Boston, St. Louis symphonies and the New York Philharmonic, Ludke Auditorium, Westbrook College campus, (800) 320-0257 and www.pcmf.org.
. Aug. 19-21
13th Annual Great Falls Balloon Festival, one of the largest hot-air balloon festivals in northern New England, plus food, entertainment, vendors, carnival rides and balloon rides. Free admission, Railroad Park, Auburn, 786-0328, (800) 639-6331, info@greatfallsballoonfestival.com.
. Aug. 19-21
30th Annual Machias Wild Blueberry Festival, a celebration of the blueberry harvest, featuring a children’s parade, fish fry, homemade blueberry pancake breakfast, arts and craft show. Downtown Machias, 255-6665, centrestchr@maineline.net and www.machiasblueberry.com.
. Aug. 19-21
22nd Annual Beach Olympics, three days of fun competition, music and shows to benefit the Maine Special Olympics. Location: Old Orchard town square, Palace Playland and Old Orchard Beach. Contact: 934-2500, info@oldorchardbeachmaine.com and www.oldorchardbeachmaine.com.
. Aug. 19-22
Barn Again! Celebrating an American Icon, this Smithsonian traveling exhibit traces the history of farming and the place barns hold in American culture. 10 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday; 1-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, 10-14 Broad St., Bethel, 824-2908 and www.bethelhistorical.org.
. Aug. 19-21
MS Regatta Harborfest Weekend, Maine’s largest sailing race with an auction Friday night and the race on Saturday. More than 130 sailboats participate. Portland area and Casco Bay, National MS Society Maine Chapter, 781-7961, (800) 639-1330, info@msmaine.org and www.msmaine.org.
. Aug. 20
27th Annual Maine Highland Games, featuring bagpipe bands, Highland and Scottish dancing, Scottish vendors and crafts and folk singing. Thomas Point Beach, Brunswick, Saint Andrew’s Society of Maine, 688-4483, macrodel@aol.com, www.mainehighlandgames.org.
. Aug. 20
28th New England Auto Auction, 200 antique and classic consigned autos head to the auction block, 9:30 a.m., Owls Head Transportation Museum, Owls Head, 594-4418, auction@ohtm.org and www.owlshead.org.
. Aug. 20
Lumbering in the Maine Woods, chronological demonstrations of Maine forestry practices from the 1600s to the present, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Maine Forest and Logging Museum, Leonard’s Mills, 581-2871 and www.leonardsmills.com.
. Aug. 20
Shaker Village Nature Walks, guided tours through Shaker fields and woods leading to Loon’s Point on Sabbathday Lake, then return by the footbridge at Aurelia’s Cascade to view flora, fauna, beaver art and Shaker history. Reservations required. Times: 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 1:30-4 p.m., Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, Leonard L. Brooks, Shaker Museum, 926-4597, usshakers@aol.com and www.shaker.lib.me.us.
. Aug. 21-27
Union Fair and State of Maine Wild Blueberry Festival, classic, rural Maine fair celebrating all aspects of agriculture, including harness racing, wild blueberry pie baking and eating contests, tractor pulls and fireworks, Union Fairgrounds, Union, 273-2772, info@therealmaine.com and www.unionfair.org.
. Aug. 25
32nd Annual Sidewalk Art Show and Sale, sidewalk show in Ogunquit Center, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., downtown Ogunquit, 646-2939. www.ogunquit.org.
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