September 21, 2024
Sports Column

Fan Feedback

Albino deer is one others should see

I was sickened by the story in John Holyoke’s column (BDN, Nov. 3) about the hunter (Roland McLaughlin) who shot and killed an albino deer. Apparently, Mr. McLaughlin has been hunting for “70 years or so” and had never seen a true albino deer before.

What would possess someone to kill this magical creature? If Mr. McLaughlin has only seen one true albino deer in 70 years of hunting, what are the odds that the rest of us will every lay eyes on such a beauty?

If only Mr. McLaughlin had held his fire, perhaps there could have been others to experience the splendor of seeing a white buck in the wilds of the Maine woods.

Carol Rosinski


Grandfather’s lesson: Don’t shoot albino deer

I’m writing in response to the photo (BDN, Nov. 3) of the 82- year-old man and his albino deer. How sad it was to see that someone would take such a precious life and that the paper would publish it.

My grandfather was an avid hunter and always taught us that one should never take the life of an albino deer, mainly because it was special and also because it would cause you bad luck for seven years.

Hunters out there, please before you pull the trigger, be sure of what you are shooting.

Robin Farrin


Coach Osborne sets example in Hampden

Congratulations to the SAD 22 Middle School football team, who recently completed their 7-0, undefeated season. This group of young Broncos from Hampden, Winterport and Newburgh have a very bright football future ahead of them and as parents, we look forward to watching and enjoying their ongoing development as players and as men.

Under the leadership of captains, Mike Jenkins, Nolan Turner and Matty Lindemann, these athletes truly exemplified class and sportsmanship on and off the field!

A successful team does not get there on their own, but with having the good fortune to have experienced great coaching along the way. The middle school Broncos have been taught through the years by many coaches, including Jon Perry, Ray Johnson, Tom Jenkins and Rick O’Donald, as well as this year’s middle school staff of Scott Ross, Ed Bostic and Jeff Osborne.

Thanks to all of you, over these many years for sharing your time and efforts with our sons. A special note of appreciation to volunteer coach, Jeff Osborne. Coach Osborne is a dedicated, caring man who has generously given of his time, talents and resources throughout the years, sharing his passion and love for the game of football with the many young men who have been coached by him at the youth, middle school and high school levels.

Jeff has always been there for these athletes, not only as a coach, but also as a mentor and a friend. Coach Osborne has had to overcome his share of obstacles during his coaching years, in order to give so freely of his time, including recovering from a stroke and then showing more recently, what it take’s to defeat one of life’s challenges in his ongoing battle with Parkinson’s disease.

Jeff is now leading by example yet again, as he undergoes surgery for his Parkinson’s. We want to let Coach Osborne know, that on behalf of his players and their parents, we truly appreciate all that he has done and given our sons, as well as the lessons we have learned from Jeff’s experiences, and that we look forward to having Coach Osborne back on the gridiron next season!

Dave and Patti Lindemann


Sox now normal

This is in response to Mr. Grant’s letter (BDN, Nov. 1) that stated we will have to wait a long while for another title from the Boston Red Sox.

Although it is true our beloved Red Sox faltered this year after an awesome season last year, we will not forget that our No. 1 starter was out for a few months. This is same starter who did “cowboy up” with a bloody sock and showed us what he’s all about.

Please also factor in that like you said, spending money doesn’t bring happiness or championships, it does however keep the owners happy with what they have (not to mention more money in their pocket) and give them the freedom to sign better players.

Our team of “idiots” did well this year even with “Manny being Manny.” Doesn’t it seem funny that there was no allegations of any Red Sox member being “juiced” like Mr. Jason Giambi.

So here is the bottom line, yes we didn’t defend, yes we lost some good players from last year’s team, and yes some, but not many picked us to defend our title. With a $200 million dollar payroll, I believe that we would expect to win, just like the New York fans do, so how upsetting is it to be a normal team like everyone else – except a little more broke?

Clint Young

Old Town, ME

Freshman basketball needed in Orono

My husband and I have a son who is in his first year at Orono High School. All throughout his grade school years he played basketball. During his younger years he played for the Veazie recreation program and during his 6th-, 7th- and 8th-grade years he played for the Veazie Community School team. While playing during his last year at Veazie, his team won the championship and was undefeated. Although he also played baseball, basketball is his favorite sport.

Now that basketball season has come upon us again, our son has been outside practicing and getting ready for freshman basketball. Imagine how upset he, as well as his father and I were, when he found out there would be no freshman basketball.

Due to budget cuts in the school, freshman basketball was axed. Not freshman football, but freshman basketball. How sad for the freshmen who were looking forward to improving their skills and playing team ball this year for their high school. Not only do these kids lose a whole season worth of improving their skills, but are forced to turn to hopefully some other type of sport rather than ending up being bored and falling into the wrong crowd or hanging out on the streets.

Mike and Sherry Williams


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