September 21, 2024

Libby, Griffin spark Royals past Dragons

JONESPORT – Joseph Libby poured in 28 points and Ross Griffin posted 26 points and six blocked shots to power the Jonesport-Beals Royals to an 84-53 boys basketball victory over the Woodland Dragons Monday.

Benjamin Ellis tossed in 10 points and grabbed 10 rebounds for Jonesport-Beals.

Stephen Newell paced Woodland with 17 points, while Chase Smith and Todd Diadone added nine points each.

Woodland (2-2) 53

Smith 4-0-9, Newell 7-1-17, Moody 2-2-6, Diadone 4-1-9, Kesel 2-1-5, Sears, Allen 1-0-3, Carlow, Lincoln, Burke, James 2-0-4

Jonesport-Beals (3-0) 84

Alley 1-2-4, Backman 2-0-5, Brock 1-0-2, Barton 2-1-5, Ellis 5-0-10, Herzog 1-0-2, Kelley, Libby 10-6-28, Griffin 13-0-26

3-pt. goals: Smith, Newell 2, Allen; Backman, Libby 2

Woodland 17 25 43 53

Jonesport-Beals 23 38 64 84

JV: Jonesport-Beals 62-61

DI-Stonington 66, GSA 41

At Blue Hill, Collin Ciomei connected for 26 points to lead the Mariners to victory.

Shane Eaton scored 15 points and pulled down 11 rebounds for Deer Isle-Stonington, while Bryant Ciomei added 12 points.

Collin Henry led George Stevens Academy with 15 points. Caleb Owen added 10.

Deer Isle-Stonington (3-0) 66

Powers, C. Ciomei 10-4-26, Billings 1-0-3, Siebert, J. Eaton 1-2-4, Douglas, Brown 2-1-5, B. Ciomei 6-0-12, S. Eaton 7-1-15

George Stevens Acad. (3-1) 41

Owen 4-1-10, Astbury, Wessell 1-0-2, Larry 1-0-2, Peake 1-0-2, Gray 1-0-2, Henry 7-1-15, Smith, Bridges 1-2-4, Dow, Gale 2-0-4, Lawson, Gordon

3-pt. goals: C. Ciomei 2, Billings; Owen

DI-Stonington 14 31 46 66

GSA 10 16 25 41

JV: GSA 35-31

Orono 68, Searsport 51

At Orono, Travis Dunton’s 18 points led a well-balanced effort as the Red Riots held off the Vikings.

Bryan Hennigan added nine points as Orono had 11 players with at least two points. Nyasha Millard chipped in with nine rebounds, seven points and four assists.

Sean Johnson paced Searsport with 19 points. Garrett Greenlaw scored 12 and Matt Nickerson had 10.

Searsport (1-4) 51

Patterson 1-0-2, Chaar 2-0-4, Adams 0-1-1, J. Nickerson 1-1-3, Anderson, M. Nickerson 3-4-10, Johnson 6-7-19, Greenlaw 6-0-12, Knox, Ritchie

Orono (2-1) 68

Dwyer 3-0-6, McGowan 1-0-2, Theriault 1-0-2, Millard 3-1-7, Dunton 6-3-18, Bryant 2-0-4, Simon 3-1-7, Tomer 1-0-2, Spencer 3-2-8, Bates 1-0-3, Hennigan 4-1-9, Patel

3-pt. goals: Dunton 3, Bates

Searsport 12 28 38 51

Orono 16 28 48 68

JV: Orono 68-49

Washington Acad. 74, Sumner 42

At East Machias Saturday, Jarred Sternbergh scored 16 points as Washington Academy triumphed.

Josiah Porter netted 11 points and Eric Leighton added 10. Corey Colbeth came up with eight steals.

Justin Brenton and Alex Polk had eight points each for Sumner of East Sullivan.

Sumner (1-3) 42

Parritt, Jacques 0-2-2, Alexander, Huber 1-4-6, Alley 1-0-2, J.W. Brooks 2-0-5, Johnson 1-4-6, Polk 3-2-8, J. Brooks 1-0-2, O’Brien 0-1-1, Manning 0-2-2, Brenton 4-0-8

Washington Acad. (1-1) 74

Leighton 4-1-10, Gauthier, Wood 2-2-6, A. Smith, Von Rotz 4-0-8, Hunter 3-1-7, M. Smith 2-0-4, Colbeth 4-0-8, Sternbergh 7-2-16, Ramsdell 1-2-4, Porter 4-3-11, Nicely

3-pt. goals: J.W. Brooks; Leighton

Sumner 16 19 29 42

Washing. Acad. 18 37 60 74

JV: Sumner 56-46

Shead 69, Lubec 41

At Lubec, Chad Hastings posted 23 points and 13 rebounds to lead the Tigers of Eastport to victory.

Dana Mitchell added 15 points and Matt Patterson 11 for the winners.

Chad Murray’s 17 points sparked the Hornets.

Shead 69

Patterson 5-1-11, Hastings 9-0-23, Mitchell 6-3-15, Stanhope 2-0-4, Pottle 2-0-4, Clossey 3-0-6, Sullivan 2-0-4, Lewey 1-0-2, Reed, Cyr

Lubec 41

Murray 7-2-17, Schults 3-2-8, McPherson 3-1-7, Gross 1-2-5, Munson 2-0-4, Stafford, Jones, Francis

3-pt. goals: Hastings 4; Gross

Shead 14 33 54 69

Lubec 5 19 34 41

Rockland 66, Winslow 44

At Rockland, Ben Bonanza-Sturks tossed in 20 points to lead the Tigers past the Black Raiders.

Garrett Worster chipped in with 13 for Rockland.

Adam Puiia paced Winslow with 11.

Winslow (1-2) 44

S. Siviski 1-0-2, Puiia 4-2-11, Marks 3-0-6, St. Siviski 1-0-2, Wood 1-0-2, Goulette 3-2-8, Gallagher 3-0-6, Burne 2-3-7

Rockland (2-0) 66

Bonanza-Sturks 8-3-20, Worster 5-0-13, Dresser 1-0-2, Walton 4-0-9, Ilvonen 2-0-5, Elwell 0-1-1, Moholland 1-3-5, Coppolla 2-5-9, Curtis 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Puiia; Walton, Ilvonen, Bonanza-Sturks

Winslow 7 17 32 44

Rockland 17 38 53 66

Penobscot Valley 76, Stearns 62

At Millinocket, Matt Cummings racked up 26 points as the Howlers of Howland pulled away in the second half.

Rock LaChance tossed in 19 points and Chad Trapier 18 for the winners. Nick Hockridge added 10.

Travis Martin led the Minutemen with 18 points while Josh Beaulieu and B.J. Charette chipped in with 14 and 12, respectively.

Penobscot Valley (3-2) 76

Cummings 8-7-26, LaChance 6-5-19, Trapier 8-2-18, Hockridge 3-3-10, Waite 1-1-3, Babineau, Harris, Crosby, Aywalt, Chabot, Cyr

Stearns (0-4) 62

Martin 6-4-18, Beaulieu 6-2-14, Charette 6-0-12, McGreevy 2-2-6, McCleary 1-0-2, Steward 1-2-4, Rideout 1-0-2, Cormier 2-0-4, MacKenzie

3-pt. goals: Cummings 3, LaChance 2, Hockridge; Martin 2

Penobscot Val. 13 29 49 76

Stearns 11 23 40 62

JV: Penobscot Valley 49-44

Girls basketball

Narraguagus 42, Machias 40

At Narraguagus, Mandy Ostberg netted a team-high 15 points as Narraguagus held off Machias.

Beryl Lipton scored 15 points for Machias and Stephanie Whitman added 10.

Machias (1-2) 40

Cherry 1-0-3, Whitman 4-1-10, Lipton 6-3-15, Alley 1-3-5, Holmes 1-4-6, Harrington, Elliot

Narraguagus (1-2) 42

Cirone 0-2-2, Torrey 3-0-6, Foss 1-1-3, Greene 2-0-4, Teeney 4-1-9, Mandy Ostberg 6-3-15, Baker 1-0-2, Hatt

3-pt. goals: Lipton, Whitman, Cherry

Machias 13 21 30 40

Narraguagus 11 21 29 42

JV: Narraguagus 46-31

Shead 54, Lubec 39

At Lubec, Tawnya Cook poured in 16 points as the Tigerettes rallied for the win.

Fawn Cummings chipped in with 12 points for Shead of Eastport and Laureta Ricker added 11.

Paige Case and Kayla Corey paced the Hornets with 11 points apiece. Kristina Scoville scored 10. Chelsea Hall and Caitlin Wright each had seven rebounds.

Shead (4-1) 54

Cook 6-3-16, H. Pottle 1-0-2, Ricker 4-3-11, Cummings 3-4-12, Murphy 2-0-4, Beal 1-0-2, Smith 3-0-7, D. Pottle, Seeley

Lubec (0-1) 39

Scoville 3-2-10, Corey 5-1-11, Case 5-0-11, Hall 1-2-4, C. Wright 1-1-3, K. Wright, Wormell

3-pt. goals: Cummings 2, Smith, Cook; Scoville 2, Case

Shead 15 30 40 54

Lubec 17 26 34 39

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