September 20, 2024

Orono boys top Central in overtime Dwyer helps Riots halt Devils’ streak

CORINTH – Sophomore guard Seth Dwyer scored 16 points Tuesday night as the Orono Red Riots earned a 57-52 boys basketball victory over Central.

Mardy Simon added 13 points and Travis Bryant nine for Orono, which ended the Red Devils’ five-game winning streak.

Tyler Pineo paced Central with 15 points, while Stephen LaFlamme scored 13 and Danny Kane added 11.

Orono (4-3) 57

Dwyer 7-0-16, Millard 2-2-6, Dunton 1-1-4, Bryant 4-1-9, Simon 5-3-13, Spencer 1-2-4, Henigan 2-1-5, Theriault

Central (5-2) 52

Kane 4-3-11, LaFlamme 6-1-13, Pineo 6-1-15, Fenn 1-0-2, Palmer 0-3-3, L. Nickerson 1-0-2, Collins 1-0-2, R. Nickerson 1-2-4

3-pt. goals: Dwyer 2, Dunton; Pineo 2

Orono 11 15 35 45 50 57

Central 13 23 39 45 50 52

JV: Orono 48-35

Bangor 59, Lawrence 22

At Red Barry Gymnasium in Bangor, the Rams avenged an earlier defeat by limiting Lawrence of Fairfield to seven field goals – and only two from inside the 3-point arc.

Alex Gallant scored 14 points for Bangor, which led 8-0 after the first quarter and 23-6 at halftime in moving out to its fourth win in its last five games.

Troy Jellison added nine points and Lee Suvlu eight for the Rams.

Ben Costain led Lawrence with six points.

Lawrence (4-4)

Dy. Costigan 1-0-3, Oakes, Dangler 1-0-3, Costain 2-0-6, Rice, De. Costigan 0-1-1, A. Champagne 0-1-1, Perkins 1-1-3, Doyon, Stitham 1-0-3, Bixby, Bois, Raven 1-0-2, S. Champagne

Bangor (5-2) 59

Crews, Jellison 3-3-9, Clukey, McAllian 1-0-2, Edwards 1-1-3, Suvlu 3-2-8, Hackett 2-0-5, Collard-Seguin 1-0-2, Webb 1-1-3, Gallant 7-0-14, Chase, Mead 3-1-7, Weston

3-pt. goals: Costain 2, Dy. Costigan, Dangler, Stitham; Hackett

Lawrence 0 6 16 22

Bangor 8 23 42 59


MDI 63, John Bapst 37

At Bar Harbor, Robin Daley netted 12 points with two 3-pointers to lead Mount Desert Island to the win.

Kyle Staples added 11 points for the Trojans.

Anthony Ortiz paced John Bapst of Bangor with nine points.

John Bapst (3-5) 37

Healey 1-0-2, Frye 0-1-1, Ortiz 4-0-9, Gagnon 1-0-3, Keefe 1-0-2, Adams 2-0-5, Jameson 0-1-1, Novak 1-2-4, Shaler 4-0-8, Cushman 1-0-2

Mount Desert Island (4-2) 63

Paradis 3-0-7, Willis 3-1-7, Daley 4-2-12, Staples 3-4-11, Walton 4-0-9, Wardman 1-1-3, Blandford 1-0-2, Merrill 1-2-4, Veilleux 1-0-2, Chipman 3-0-6

3-pt. goals: Ortiz, Adams; Daley 2, Paradis, Staples, Walton

John Bapst 9 14 29 37

MDI 26 38 50 63

Mattanawcook 70, Bucksport 42

At Lincoln, Levi Slike scored eight of his 10 points to fuel a 28-7 second-quarter scoring burst that carried the Lynx to victory over the Golden Bucks.

Derek Libbey paced Mattanawcook Academy with 15 points. Dylan Hanscom added nine.

Todd Freeman’s 14-point effort led Bucksport.

Bucksport (1-7) 42

Freeman 5-0-14, Robbins, Rump 2-3-7, Pappas, Maguire, McLellan, Fish 3-0-6, Cooke, Bisher 2-0-4, Bowden 0-1-1, Kone 1-0-2, Cattrell 3-2-8

Mattanawcook Acad. (6-2) 70

Libbey 5-1-15, Slike 3-4-10, Smith, Birmingham 2-0-4, Gardner 3-1-7, Andrews 2-1-6, D. Hanscom 4-0-9, Emery 2-2-7, Langevin, E. Hanscom 3-0-6, L’Italien 3-0-6

3-pt. goals: Freeman 4; Libbey 3, Andrews, D. Hanscom, Emery

Bucksport 14 24 30 42

Mattanawcook 6 34 49 70

JV: Mattanawcook 46-29

MCI 37, Rockland 36

At Pittsfield, Eric Sobey rebounded his own miss and converted a layup with six seconds left to give the Huskies the winning edge.

The basket was Sobey’s only hoop of the game.

Andy Tracy racked up 25 points and 12 rebounds for Maine Central Institute.

Garrett Worster paced the Tigers with 16 points and Ben Baudanza-Sturks added 12.

Rockland (4-3) 36

Worster 5-3-16, Baudanza-Sturks 5-1-12, Dresser 0-1-1, Walton, Morrill 1-0-2, Ilvonen, Elwell, Coppola 0-1-1, Patterson, Tripp 2-0-4, Baudanza

MCI (5-1) 37

Tracy 8-7-25, Nichols 0-2-2, Hart 1-0-2, Trombley, McGrady, Quint 3-0-6, Sobey 1-0-2, Souliere, Marcoux

3-pt. goals: Worster 3, Baudanza-Sturks

Rockland 4 16 28 36

MCI 8 19 27 37

JV: MCI 43-37

Bangor Christian 71, Searsport 47

At Husson College in Bangor, Brock Bradford tossed in 21 points and handed out eight assists to pace the Patriots.

Josh Frost contributed 10 points, nine rebounds, five assists and three steals for Bangor Christian. Matt Denbow added 10 points.

Josh Nickerson led Searsport with 15 points and Garrett Greenlaw tallied 10.

Searsport (1-6) 47

Chaar 3-2-8, Adams 1-1-3, Nickerosn 6-3-15, Knox 2-0-4, Greenlaw 4-2-10, Parks 2-1-5, Achey 1-0-2, Robertson, Anderson, Patterson

Bangor Christian (5-2) 71

Bro. Bradford 10-0-21, Frost 2-5-10, Phinney 2-0-4, Denbow 4-2-10, Robinson 0-1-1, Gregory 4-0-8, Cook 2-0-4, Bre. Bradford 1-2-5, Dorman 2-2-6, Hinkley 1-0-2, Buchanan, Murphy, Caldwell

3-pt. goals: Bro. Bradford, Frost, Bre. Bradford

Searsport 6 13 33 47

Bangor Christian 22 39 63 71

JV: Bangor Christian 60-45

Dexter 78, Stearns 29

At Dexter, Nick Pierce led four players in double figures with 18 points as the Tigers rolled past the Minutemen of Millinocket.

Brandon Woodman had 14 points and five steals while brother Aaron Woodman had 12 points. Dan Beatham chipped in with 10.

Corey Kaul paced Stearns with 14 points.

Stearns (0-6) 29

Kaul 5-3-14, Cormier 1-0-2, Rideout 2-0-4, Steward 0-1-1, McGreavy 3-0-6, Beaulieu 1-0-2, Charette, McCleary, MacKenzie

Dexter (4-2) 78

Woodman 3-5-12, Pierce 6-6-18, B. Woodman 7-0-14, Beatham 5-0-10, Lavigne 3-0-6, Robinson 2-0-4, Eastman 1-0-3, Martin 2-3-8, Cote 1-0-2, Spizuoco

3-pt. goals: Kaul; A. Woodman, Eastman, Martin

Stearns 3 15 23 29

Dexter 16 47 67 78

JV: Dexter 74-26

Hermon 76, Foxcroft 31

At Dover-Foxcroft, Zach Johnson tallied 19 points to lead Hermon to victory.

Derek Helms scored 14 points, including four 3-pointers, while Ryan Tarr added 12 points for the Hawks.

Pat LaCasce paced Foxcroft with nine.

Hermon (2-4) 76

Helms 4-2-14, R. Tarr 6-0-12, Johnson 6-4-9, Dority 1-1-3, Deabay 1-0-3, K. Tarr 1-0-3, Pellerin 3-0-6, Hinton 3-0-6, Hurd 3-0-6, Estes 2-0-4, Hills

Foxcroft Acad. (0-7) 31

Bearce 1-0-2, LaCasce 3-3-9, Limbert 2-0-5, T. Nason 2-0-4, Geiger 2-1-5, Atkins 3-0-6, Gomes, Gourley, J. Nason, Worthing

3-pt. goals: Helms 4, Johnson 3, Deabay, K. Tarr; Limbert

Hermon 13 36 55 76

Foxcroft 6 15 24 31

JV: Hermon 72-43

Mt. Blue 59, Nokomis 53

At Newport, Steve Wells had 19 points, seven rebounds and five steals to help lead Mt. Blue of Farmington to its seventh straight win.

Adam Gilbert scored 13 points for the Cougars.

Rikki Hopkins paced Nokomis with 11 points and Dylan Palmer had nine points and four steals.

Mt. Blue (7-1) 59

Wells 8-0-19, Gilbert 4-5-13, Moloney 3-1-7, Toothaker 3-0-6, Paytas 2-2-6, Cleary 0-2-2, Trask 2-0-4, Brathwaite 0-2-2

Nokomis (3-5) 53

Hopkins 2-7-11, Palmer 3-3-9, Norris 3-3-9, Mensah-Bonsu 4-0-8, Oldenburg 3-1-7, Murray 2-1-5, Leal 2-0-4, Woodbury, Shea

3-pt. goals: Wells 3

Mt. Blue 15 24 46 59

Nokomis 10 21 33 53

JV: Nokomis 60-34


Orono 6, Presque Isle 4

At Presque Isle, Kyle Weiland notched four goals as the Red Riots earned the win.

Tony Raymond and Nathan Curtis added a goal each for 5-1 Orono. Jared Buzzell had 15 saves on 19 shots.

Ryan Cyr, Corey Collins, Erik St. Peter and Dylan Collins notched a goal each for the 3-3 Wildcats. Brendon Esquibel made 18 saves on 24 shots.

Girls basketball

Brewer 49, Hampden 39 (OT)

At Brewer, Elizabeth Cote and Katie Kenney each scored four points in the overtime period when the Brewer Witches outscored the Hampden Academy Broncos 10-0.

Kenney scored both her baskets off Cote passes.

Brewer’s Leah Jackson sent the game into the extra session when she scored with 1:30 left in regulation.

Cote paced the winners with 15 points and Kenney added 12.

Lindsey Martin led Hampden with 12 points while Kimble Rawcliffe and Nori Francis-Mezger added 10 each.

Hampden (2-5) 39

Webb 1-3-6, K. Rawcliffe 5-0-10, Martin 6-0-12, R. Rawcliffe 0-1-1, Francis-Mezger 4-2-10, Lafayette, Wilson, Libby

Brewer (4-3) 49

Quimby 1-1-3, Wilson 2-3-7, Cote 6-2-15, Jackson 4-0-8, McLain 2-0-4, Kenney 6-0-12

3-pt. goals: Webb; Cote

Hampden 12 21 34 39 39

Brewer 15 23 32 39 49

JV: Brewer 48-44

Bangor 60, Lawrence 34

At Fairfield, Serena Dubois scored 12 points and had 10 rebounds to lead Bangor to the win over Lawrence.

Allie Clukey had 12 points for the Rams while Kelsey Curtis and Tawnya Godinez each added nine points.

Jamie Nickerson led Lawrence with 11 points.

Bangor (6-1) 60

Angst 1-1-3, Heath 2-0-4, A. Hacket 2-1-5, Wadleigh 2-2-6, Dubois 5-2-12, Curtis 2-5-9, Clukey 5-2-12, Godinez 3-3-9, Dana, Smith, Lincoln, Bisacre, Hartley, B. Hackett

Lawrence (4-4) 34

Noyes 2-1-7, Blakney 0-2-2, Campbell 1-2-5, Libby 2-3-7, Spieldenner 0-1-1, Nickerson 4-3-11, Bernatchez 0-1-1, Gilbert, Perry, Dow, Murray, Woodbury

3-pt. goals: Noyes 2, Campbell

Bangor 11 28 44 60

Lawrence 9 17 26 34

JV: Lawrence 40-35

Messalonskee 59, Old Town 30

At Old Town, Chelsea Barker scored 21 points to help push Messalonskee of Oakland to victory.

Amanda Barker had 12 points for the Eagles.

Erin Reardon led Old Town with nine points.

Messalonskee (4-2) 59

C. Barker 7-6-21, Busque 2-0-4, A. Barker 4-2-12, Stuart 1-0-2, Oliver 3-0-6, Bridges 1-0-2, Perry 1-0-2, Boulette 0-2-2, Duren 1-3-5, Roderique 1-1-3, Labelle, M. Haise, S. Haise

Old Town (0-7) 30

Bergeron 2-4-8, Brown 2-0-4, Jones 1-0-2, Reardon 4-1-9, McLaughlin 1-0-2, King 1-2-5, Randall, Wilcox, Kennedy, Smart, Guay, Prendergast

3-pt. goals: A. Barker 2, C. Barker; King

Messalonskee 11 30 46 59

Old Town 9 14 24 30

JV: Old Town 36-33

Rockland 56, MCI 47

At Rockland, Caitlin Hynes had 29 points, 10 rebounds, seven blocks, six assists, and four steals to push Rockland past Maine Central Institute of Pittsfield.

Dana Clark scored 12 points for the Tigers.

Victoria Huff led the Huskies with 21 points and Jenna Lorentsen added 17 points.

MCI (4-2) 47

B. Asaro 1-0-2, K. Dodge 1-4-7, V. Huff 8-1-21, Lorentsen 6-5-17, A. Asaro, Oviatt, Perkins, Ky. Huff, Ka. Huff

Rockland (6-1) 56

Todd 1-0-3, Clark 3-6-12, Hynes 9-11-29, Barnes 3-2-8, Ranquist 1-0-2, Boggs 0-2-2, Felt, Butler, Hansen

3-pt. goals: V. Huff 4, K. Dodge; Todd

MCI 4 15 26 47

Rockland 10 17 42 56

Gr. Houlton Chr. 54, Easton 29

At Easton, Amanda Livezey scored 10 points to help keep Greater Houlton Christian Academy undefeated.

Kassie Lovely scored 23 points for Easton.

Gr. Houlton Chr. (6-0) 54

Farrar 2-2-6, Boutilier 4-0-8, Hartin 1-0-2, Korhonen 2-2-7, Livezey 5-0-10, Vargas 3-0-6, Lord 1-0-2, Riopel 3-0-7, Brewer 3-0-6, Jago, Burgason

Easton (1-6) 29

Lovely 8-4-23, White 1-0-2, Boxwell 1-0-2, Hopkins 1-0-2, Conroy, Ireland, Dayringer, Getchell, Monson

3-pt. goals: Korhonen, Riopel; Lovely 3

Gr. Houlton Chr. 12 26 36 54

Easton 2 10 15 29

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