Your editorial “Climate Change Bearometer” (BDN, Jan. 10) lays the responsibility for the planet’s apparent warming squarely in the lap of the Bush administration. In the first sentence, no less!
As a retired Air Force meteorologist, I have more than a passing acquaintance with climatology. While I grant there is certainly room for further discussion and study, this should be done within the framework of atmospheric science, not political science.
Further, your assertion that, “if it is found that melting sea ice is the reason for the decline in the polar bear population, government agencies will be required to try to stop the melting” is overly simplistic. Which government? Ours? The world community? The United Nations?
As long as world population continues to increase, so will the consumption of fossil fuels, and the attendant emission of carbon monoxide. While humanity can attempt to reduce consumption, government legislation is not the answer.
John Mullins
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