September 21, 2024

Brewer rallies to OT win Hutchins, Libby, Babin help Witches top Skowhegan

BREWER – The Brewer Witches outscored Skowhegan 15-7 in the fourth quarter behind six Coby Hutchins points and then outscored the Indians 7-0 in overtime to record a 51-44 schoolboy basketball win Tuesday night.

Brad Libby hit three free throws in the overtime for Brewer while Ryan Babin and Rick Adams each added a basket.

Babin finished with 16 points to pace Brewer and Hutchins added 11.

Will Luther led Skowhegan with 13 points and Justin Fisher netted 12.

Skowhegan (2-13) 44

Luther 5-2-13, Fisher 6-0-12, Thistle 2-0-4, Taylor 2-1-5, Vigue 1-0-2, Verville 3-0-8, Davis

Brewer (7-8) 51

Bessette 1-0-3, Libby 0-7-7, Adams 1-2-4, Bissell 1-0-2, Hutchins 4-0-11, Babin 7-1-16, Belote 4-0-8

3-pt. goals: Luther, Verville 2; Bessette, Hutchins 3, Babin

Skowhegan 13 23 37 44 44

Brewer 6 15 29 44 51

JV: Brewer 40-37

Lincoln Acad. 54, Maranacook 50

At Newcastle, Jesse Bagley scored 16 points as Lincoln Academy sent Maranacook of Readfield to its second loss of the season.

Stephen Coopersmith added nine points and eight rebounds for the Eagles, while Devon Peaslee had eight points and five steals and David Prior had eight points and 11 rebounds.

Ryan Martin led Maranacook with 13 points.

Maranacook (14-2) 54

Poulin 2-4-9, Martin 5-1-13, Denbow 2-3-7, Hewett, Bardaglio 2-0-5, Pushard 1-0-3, Gerrity 1-0-2, Leary 3-0-7, Gilman 1-2-4, Bean

Lincoln Acad. (11-5) 54

Bagley 5-6-16, Taylor 1-0-2, Coopersmith 3-3-9, Peaslee 2-4-8, Alley 1-1-4, K. Wright 3-1-7, Prior 2-4-8

3-pt. goals: Martin 2, Poulin, Bardaglio, Pushard, Leary; Alley

Maranacook 10 19 35 50

Lincoln Acad. 19 31 46 54

Lee 68, Woodland 49

At Lee, Devan Parker scored 16 points and added eight rebounds to lead Lee Academy to victory over Woodland.

Tom Bird had 12 points and five assists for the Pandas. Jesus Torres scored 12 points and Sydney Surratt had 11 points and five assists. Peter Pickering had six assists and four steals.

Chad James paced the Dragons with 13 points and four assists. Todd Diadone and Aaron St. Pierre scored 10 points apiece as Spencer Brown chipped in 10 rebounds.

Woodland (9-5) 49

James 4-4-13, Diadone 4-2-10, St. Pierre 3-1-10, Brown 2-1-5, Sears 2-0-5, Smith 2-1-5, Lincoln 0-1-1, Curtis, Boomer, Sappier, Flaherty, Wormell

Lee Academy (9-5) 68

Parker 7-2-16, Bird 6-0-12, Torres 4-2-12, Surratt 4-0-11, Pickering 3-0-7, Connick 4-0-9, Beers 0-1-1, Coulombe, Guido, MacDonald, Doty

3-pt. goals: St. Pierre 3, James, Sears; Surratt 3, Torres 2, Pickering, Connick

Woodland 15 26 35 49

Lee 14 37 51 68

JV: Lee 63-50

Highview Christian 62, Averill 51

At Hinckley, Stefan Rowe tossed in a game-high 30 points to pace Highview Christian of Charleston to the win.

Jonas Cramer added 12 for the Knights.

Corey Groves led Averill with 26 points.

Highview Christian (4-8) 62

Rowe 9-10-30, Cramer 6-0-12, Crooker 4-0-8, Reed 1-2-4, Joens 2-0-4, N. Allard 1-0-2, Mack 1-0-2, W. Allard, Fernandez, Pogorzelski

Averill (1-9) 51

Groves 11-2-26, Rawls 3-2-9, Day 3-3-9, Morse 1-0-3, Cote 1-0-2, Manzo 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Rowe 2; Groves 2, Rawls

Highview Chr. 6 21 46 62

Averill 10 21 33 51

Old Town 68, Nokomis 65

At Newport, Mamadou Ba scored the go-ahead basket with four seconds left in regulation to give Old Town the winning edge.

Corey Fournier scored an insurance bucket with two seconds left for the Coyotes. He also led the team with 18 points and four steals. Ba had 15 points and Ethan Shanley scored 11 points. Dillon Clark had 10 points and four steals and Zach Hussey added 10 points and nine rebounds.

Dylan Palmer paced the Warriors with 21 points. Jordan Woolridge had 12 points and eight rebounds and Joe Meyers chipped in 10 points.

Old Town (2-13) 68

Fournier 7-1-18, Ba 7-1-15, Shanley 4-3-11, Clark 5-0-10, Hussey 3-2-10, Clukey 1-0-2, Shorey 1-0-2, Paradis, Ziegenbein, Wilkens, Carmichael

Nokomis (2-13) 65

Palmer 6-9-21, Woolridge 5-2-12, Meyers 5-0-10, Shea 4-1-9, Littlefield 3-2-8, Gustin 1-1-3, Richards 1-0-2, Badeen

3-pt. goals: Fournier 3, Hussey 2

Old Town 13 20 50 68

Nokomis 12 33 52 65

JV: Nokomis 61-60

Mount View 62, Waterville 48

At Thorndike, Ethan Jean tallied 15 points to propel Mount View to victory over Waterville.

Tyler Miles added 12 points for the Mustangs.

Nate Lancaster posted 12 points to pace Waterville.

Waterville (1-14) 48

Webb 3-2-8, Lancaster 4-4-12, Higgins 3-0-8, Bizier 1-0-3, Johnson 2-0-5, Maheu 0-1-1, Eaton 5-1-11, Bishop, Lee, Spofford

Mount View (6-9) 62

Keller 2-5-9, Jean 6-2-15, St. Clair 4-0-9, Price 1-0-2, Carter 3-2-9, Miles 6-0-12, Caron 1-4-6, Mehurer, Derby, Piersiak

3-pt. goals: Bizier, Johnson; Jean,Carter

Waterville 8 21 37 48

Mount View 10 28 43 62

JV: Mount View 49-47 (OT)

MCI 54, Belfast 44

At Pittsfield, Pat McGrady scored 15 points and Hunter Nichols added 12 as Maine Central Institute earned its 11th victory.

Troy Murray contributed 11 points for the Huskies.

Yates Murphy paced Belfast with 14 points.

Belfast (4-11) 44

Arthers 2-3-8, Benjamin 1-0-2, Philbrook, Martens 1-0-2, Felton 3-1-8, Higgins, Lehman 1-1-3, Murphy 6-2-14, Davis 3-1-7

Maine Central Institute (11-4) 54

Nichols 4-3-12, Murray 5-1-11, Jones 1-0-2, Mensah-Bonsu 3-0-6, McGrady 4-4-15, Quint 0-2-2, Sidelinger, Morton 2-2-6

3-pt. goals: Arthers, Felton; McGrady 3, Nichols

Belfast 12 23 32 44

MCI 15 30 37 54

JV: MCI 55-40

Girls basketball

Dexter 58, Piscataquis 49

At Guilford, Mallory Ames poured in a game-high 35 points to lead the Dexter Tigers past Piscataquis Community.

Tracy Dewey led three Pirates in double figures with 15 points. Jill Martell and Kellie Martel added 12 apiece.

Dexter (13-1) 58

Ames 15-5-35, Chambers 2-0-4, Gove 1-3-5, Burton 3-0-6, Chapman 0-1-1, Poirier 2-3-7, Richardson

Piscataquis (8-7) 49

Martell 4-3-12, Dewey 5-1-15, Martel 4-0-12, Davis 3-0-6, Shufelt 2-0-4, Woodbury, Izbicki

3-pt. goals: Martel 4, Dewey 4, Martell

Dexter 14 28 39 58

Piscataquis 8 18 26 49

JV: Dexter 30-16

John Bapst 51, Bucksport 40

At Bucksport, Eve Jordan poured in a game-high 26 points, including five three-pointers, as John Bapst of Bangor won its 14th straight.

Lauren Nichols had 16 points for the Crusaders.

Jordan and Nichols combined for 25 first-half points as John Bapst built a 13-point intermission lead.

Lindsey Gordon and Bri Kone had 12 points each and Katie Hurd scored 10 more for the Bucks.

John Bapst (14-1) 51

Jordan 8-5-26, Nichols 7-2-16, Andrle, Maquillian 0-2-2, McGuan 0-1-1, Estes, Gormley, Laferriere 2-2-6

Bucksport (9-6) 40

Robinson, LaLonde, Gourley 0-1-1, Lanpher, Gordon 4-3-12, Kone 5-2-12, Beeson, Cooke 2-0-4, Hurd 4-0-10, Sanborn 0-1-1

3-pt. goals: Jordan 5; Hurd 2, Gordon

John Bapst 16 27 43 51

Bucksport 9 14 23 40

Bangor Chr. 63, DI-S Mariners 25

At Deer Isle, Katie Libby scored 18 points to lift Bangor Christian over Deer Isle-Stonington.

Morgan Staples added 10 points for the Patriots.

Audra Eaton led the Mariners with 11 points.

Bangor Christian (11-5) 63

Libby 8-0-18, Staples 4-0-10, Johnson 3-3-9, Chasse 2-5-9, Ramirez 1-0-3, Pelletier 1-0-2, Ricci 2-0-4, Robinson 2-0-4, Bragg 0-2-2, Roman 1-0-2

Deer Isle-Stonington (6-9) 25

Eaton 2-7-11, Weeks 1-4-6, Gray 0-1-1, Powers 1-1-3, Siebert 0-2-2, Garcia 1-0-2, Haskell, Robinson, L. Cousins, K. Cousins

3-pt. goals: Libby 2, Staples 2, Ramirez

Bangor Chr. 14 26 45 63

DI-Stonington 2 6 19 25

Foxcroft Acad. 49, Hermon 48

At Hermon, Leslie Martin netted 23 points as Foxcroft Academy held off Hermon for the win.

Vanessa Lougee added 11 points for the Ponies.

Hillary Keith scored 14 points to pace Hermon. Ashley Kelley posted 12 points while Vanessa Davenport added 11 for the Hawks.

Foxcroft Acad. (3-12) 49

Martin 11-1-23, V. Lougee 5-1-11, Pluff 2-1-5, Brown 1-0-2, Sharrow 2-0-4, T. Lougee 2-0-4, Keane, Withee

Hermon (7-8) 48

Keith 7-0-14, Kelley 5-2-12, Davenport 5-1-11, Veilleux 0-1-1, Durgin 3-0-6, Arnold 2-0-4, Berglund, Woodard

3-pt. goals: none

Foxcroft Acad. 14 30 37 49

Hermon 11 21 30 48

JV: Hermon 57-54 (OT)

Belfast 45, MCI 42

At Belfast, Jillian Ross scored seven of her 17 points in the fourth quarter to lead Belfast to the narrow victory over Maine Central Institute of Pittsfield.

Bianca Asaro and Jenna Lorentsen scored eight points apiece to lead the Huskies.

Maine Central Institute (11-4) 42

B. Asaro 4-0-8, A. Asaro 2-0-4, Mosher 3-1-7, B. Huff 1-0-3, Lorentsen 4-0-8, Ky. Huff 3-0-6, Clement 1-0-2, Ka. Huff 2-0-4, Judkins

Belfast (11-4) 45

Littlefield 2-0-4, Ross 5-7-17, Reed 1-4-6, Whittier 0-7-7, Hills 2-1-5, Anderson 1-0-2, Hogan 0-4-4, Blair

3-pt. goals: B. Huff

MCI 10 23 30 42

Belfast 11 25 27 45

JV: MCI 36-27

Highview Christian 31, Averill 20

At Hinkely, Jade Philbrick scored 12 points as Highview Christian Academy of Charleston topped Averill.

Michala Rowe added nine points and 10 rebounds for Highview.

Courtney Hurlburt paced Averill with five points.

Highview Christian (6-4) 31

Jade Philbrick 6-0-12, Rowe 4-1-9, Jana Philbrick 3-2-8, Hanson, Jones, Loreda

Averill (2-12) 20

Hurlburt 2-0-5, Carron 2-0-4, Hans 1-0-3, Staier 1-0-2, Kitchin 1-0-2, Henderson, Mack 1-0-2, Tomah 1-0-2, Foster, Mitchell, Small

3-pt. goals: Hurlburt, Hans

Highview Chr. 12 14 22 31

Averill 3 10 18 20

Nokomis 44, Old Town 34

At Old Town, Tatum Welch registered 18 points to lead Nokomis past Old Town.

Kelley Paradis added 16 points for the Warriors.

Sarah Wilcox scored 10 points to pace Old Town.

Nokomis 44

Welch 8-2-18, Paradis 6-2-16, Lieberman, White 1-0-2, Lincoln, Batchelder 1-1-3, Cooper 2-0-5

Old Town 34

Wilcox 3-4-10, Guay 1-0-2, Randall 1-0-2, Goodwin 0-2-2, Brown 1-0-2, McLaughlin, King 4-1-9, Prendergast 2-2-7, Taylor, Lewis, Soule

3-pt. goals: Paradis 2, Cooper; Prendergast

Nokomis 11 27 38 44

Old Town 2 9 21 34

JV: Old Town 49-40

MDI 57, George Stevens 38

At Blue Hill, Amethyst Cousins and Lindsey Lewis scored five points apiece in the third quarter as Mount Desert Island outscored George Stevens Academy 20-7 to erase a one-point halftime deficit.

Cousins finished with a game-high 19 points, Lewis had 13 more and Amber Orman tossed in 10 points.

Maddi Park’s 16 points and Alida Peake’s 10 led GSA.

Mount Desert Island (11-3) 57

Parady, Stratton 1-2-4, Young 1-0-2, Banks, Lewis 4-5-13, Orman 3-3-10, Gray, Cousins 8-3-19, Falt 3-0-6, Vaux 0-3-3, Joy, Minctons

GSA (8-7) 38

Clapp, Davis 0-1-1, Park 5-4-16, E. Peake, A. Peake 4-1-10, Van derEb 0-1-1, Brown, Eaton 2-2-6, Freedman, Farnsworth, Theoharidis 0-1-1, Astbury, Ahern 0-1-1

3-pt. goals: Orman; Park 2, A. Peake

MDI 10 23 43 57

GSA 8 24 31 38

JV: MDI 45-23

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