September 20, 2024
Sports Column

The sunny side of sports: Pedroia, Brady, Celts, local teams

Sports fans have certainly been under siege lately. What with all the steroid talk and dog fighting charges, it seems like fans of all these games haven’t had a lot to cheer about.

Toss into that mix the potential for a serious betting scandal with at least one well-known NBA official, and you have all the makings of disenchantment with the whole scene.

Want some advice from an old coach?

Here it is: Find the silver lining in all those dark clouds. Keep your sunny side up. (Remember Johnny Hamp’s song?) Yes, I’m aging myself a bit.

Tired of the home-run chase and its inherent misgivings abut the so-called human growth enhancer users? Then refocus on those who never fell under the glare of criticism and scrutiny.

They’re out there. Trust me when I tell you that. Guys like Boston’s Dustin Pedroia. All this rookie second baseman has done is win a starting job for a winning team which was mighty good before he landed there.

Pedroia has silenced a lot of critics like yours truly, and he’s brought class and dignity to a team that boasts such variables.

Not satisfied with all-star quarterbacks who involve themselves with illegal dog fighting? Can’t say as I blame you.

Here’s a tip. Follow one who doesn’t disappoint you. Here’s a suggestion. Look no further than a guy named Brady. Yup, he’s the one.

About the only attention this kid gets is from the fashion police, who follow Tom around, looking for his latest date. Patriots coach Bill Belichick wouldn’t have it any other way. Steer clear of rumor and innuendo on this kid – please.

Ref scandal got you down?

It should, but now New Englanders can return to the golden days of Boston Celtics lore and follow the newest version of the Men In Green. Wow, I’m thinking. Who will beat this team in the East? Adding Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett not only puts the Celts in contention in the Eastern Conference, but it also makes them a legitimate threat to make a serious run at the whole thing. Forget the past. Concentrate on the future, which, for the first time in a long time in Boston, is bright.

That, dear readers, is something we haven’t been able to say for a while.

Not enough glee for you?

OK. How about all the local Little League, Junior League, Senior League, and Legion baseball teams which have prospered lately? Now, that is something special.

Toss into that bunch the beginnings of the high school fall sports scene, and that’s bound to bring a smile to your face.

Take a drive to the Mansfield Complex on Thirteenth Street in the Queen City and see the best teams in the world in the Senior League division go at it for a world title – wow!

Take a jaunt up I-95 and watch the athletic goings-on in Orono at UMaine if you desire a taste of the big time. Or, stay at home in Bangor and take a trip to the Winkin Complex and see the ever-improving Husson College football team and other fine sports teams.

There’s plenty to choose from, my friends, that doesn’t involve the aforementioned woes.

Yes, keep your sunny side up. There are pure, clean games going on out there, being played by pure, clean athletes.

Enjoy them.

30-Second Time Out

The thought occurred to me recently that despite some of the recent bullpen woes in Boston, the Red Sox are in dire need of some base-running instruction.

Let’s see. We’ve got pitching coaches, bench coaches, bullpen coaches, and first and third base coaches. How about a base running coach?

BDN columnist Ron Brown, a retired high school basketball coach, can be reached at

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