September 20, 2024

Bissell helps Witches tame Dragons

BREWER – Bill Bissell led four Brewer Witches in double figures with 16 points while grabbing 10 rebounds at they knocked off the Brunswick Dragons 57-45 in schoolboy basketball action Friday night.

Coby Hutchins tossed in 11 points while Nate Carson chalked up 10 points, 10 boards and four blocked shots for the winners. Kyle O’Connell added 10 points.

Tyler Bryant netted 11 points and Daniel Scully 10 for Brunswick.

Brunswick (7-7) 45

Miller 2-1-5, Barquez 4-0-9, Scully 5-0-10, Breisacher 1-1-3, Bryant 4-0-11, Easter 2-2-6, A. Totman, Wilson Edgerton, Fraser

Brewer (4-10) 57

T. Bissette 1-0-2, O’Connell 2-5-10, R. Bissette 1-0-2, Bissell 4-7-16, Hutchins 2-5-11, Murphy 1-0-2, Carson 4-2-10, Belote 0-4-4, Drake, Meeker

3-pt. goals: Bryant 3, Barquez; Hutchins 2, Bissell, O’Connell

Brunswick 11 18 34 45

Brewer 15 24 40 57

Richmond 50, Greenville 36

At Richmond, the host Bobcats had 11 players crack the scoring column in the victory over Greenville.

Brandon Lancaster scored a game-high nine points for unbeaten Richmond.

Richie Chilson led Greenville with seven.

Greenville (6-6) 36

St. Louis 1-0-2, Post 1-4-6, Chilson 3-1-7, Caola, Jardine 2-0-4, DeAngelo 1-4-6, Gilbert 2-1-5, Aucoin 3-0-6, Wheelock

Richmond (13-0) 50

Holden 2-0-4, Woods 2-0-5, S. Carter 3-0-7, Lancaster 3-2-9, Murrin 3-0-6, Curtis 1-0-2, Braso 2-0-4, T. Carter 1-0-2, Miller 2-0-6, Carver 1-0-2, Zaharchuc 1-0-3, Dowd, O’Brien, Brown

3-pt. goals: Woods, S. Carter, Lancaster, Miller 2, Zaharchuc

Greenville 4 11 25 36

Richmond 21 33 42 50

Hampden 60, Mount Ararat 40

At Hampden, Antonio Juco scored 17 points to spark Hampden by Mount Ararat of Topsham.

Brad Haase tallied 15 points and seven rebounds for the Broncos.

Shawn Dostie posted a game-high 20 points to lead Mount Ararat.

Mount Ararat (7-6) 40

Dibohista 1-0-2, Walker, Almy 2-0-4, Donahue 1-0-2, Randall 3-0-7, Dostie 9-2-20, Vermette 0-1-1, Palmer 2-0-4

Hampden (8-6) 60

Hersey 1-0-2, Burke 2-0-4, Turner, White, Evans 1-0-2, Moore 1-3-5, Haase 5-2-15, Juco 7-2-17, Burditt 5-0-10, Perry, Morey, Workman, Brown 1-3-5

3-pt. goals: Randall; Haase 3, Juco

Mt. Ararat 7 18 32 40

Hampden 14 25 48 60

JV: Mt. Ararat 53-48 (OT)

Old Town 60, Central 44

At Old Town, Mamadou Ba paced a balanced attack with 11 points as Old Town defeated Central of Corinth.

Luke Bartlett and Ethan Shanley contributed 10 apiece for the Coyotes.

Tyler Pineo led all scorers with 15 points for Central.

Central (2-12) 44

Pineo 5-5-15, J. Speed 3-1-8, Bean, B. Speed, P. Speed 2-0-4, St. Peter 2-0-4, LaFlamme 1-0-3, Dorr 1-1-3, Brown 0-4-4, LePage 1-0-2

Old Town (9-5) 60

Ba 4-0-11, Bartlett 4-2-10, Shanley 4-2-10, Zeigenbein 4-1-9, Hussey 3-0-6, Shorey 2-0-6, Wilkins 1-2-4, Paradis 2-0-4, Boucher, Merry

3-pt. goals: J. Speed, LaFlamme; Ba 3, Shorey 2

Central 8 21 28 44

Old Town 18 30 47 60

JV: Old Town 56-50

Schenck 50, Lee 46

At East Millinocket, Aaron Hutchins scored 19 points and led the Schenck Wolverines past visiting Lee Academy to avenge an earlier loss to the Pandas.

Nate Lewis added 12 for the Wolverines.

Luis Medina led Lee with 22.

Lee (11-4) 46

Medina 8-4-22, Beers, Doty 4-0-8, Morris, MacDonald 3-0-7, Parker 0-2-2, Harris 2-0-5, Bingham 1-0-2

Schenck (11-3) 50

Hutchins 8-1-19, Lewis 6-0-12, Thompson 2-2-6, Waite, Lowell 2-4-9, McLaughlin 2-0-4, LeVasseur

3-pt. goals: Medina 2, MacDonald, Harris; Hutchins 2, Lowell

Lee 7 23 36 46

Schenck 15 28 38 50

JV: Lee 59-53

Oak Hill 64, MCI 53

At Pittsfield, Tim Levesque made four 3-pointers and scored 24 points overall as Oak Hill of Sabattus earned the victory.

Shawn Greenier added 20 points for the Raiders, who outscored Maine Central Institute 17-10 in the fourth quarter to pull away.

Alex Sidelinger led MCI with 20 points, while Owen Campbell scored 11 and Jake Marcoux added 10.

Oak Hill (4-10) 64

Rines 1-0-3, Foss, Morin 1-0-2, Bussiere 2-0-4, Greenier 4-10-20, Brown 1-1-3, Drewry 3-2-8, Levesque 8-4-24

Maine Central Institute (1-13) 53

Badeen 1-2-5, Campbell 5-1-11, Hunt 1-0-3, Hammond, Gerry, Cook 1-1-3, Sidelinger 8-3-20, Morton 0-1-1, Marcoux 3-4-10

3-pt. goals: Levesque 4, Greenier 2, Rines; Badeen, Hunt, Sidelinger

Oak Hill 18 35 47 64

MCI 6 22 43 53

Mt. View 63, Medomak 59 (OT)

At Waldoboro, Ethan Jean and Zach Babin each netted 13 points as Mount View of Thorndike topped Medomak Valley in overtime.

Tyler Miles scored 12 points while Dylan Keller added 10 for the Mustangs.

Alex Goldrup paced Medomak Valley with 16 points. Alex MacKenzie and Clayton Barnes posted 14 points apiece for the Panthers.

Mount View (5-10) 63

Der. Keller 0-1-1, Dy. Keller 4-2-10, Jean 3-6-13, Babin 4-5-13, Miles 6-0-12, St. Clair 3-1-8, Cochran 1-0-2, Coleman 2-0-4

Medomak Valley (7-7) 59

Benner 1-1-3, Merrifield 1-0-2, Vannah 1-0-2, MacKenzie 7-0-14, Winchenbach 1-3-5, Barnes 4-2-14, Goldrup 5-4-16, Guistra 1-0-2, Lee 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Dean, St. Clair; Barnes 4, Goldrup 2

Mount View 15 32 44 56 63

Medomak Valley 16 34 47 56 59

Cony 74, Nokomis 33

At Newport, Brian Carville connected for a game-high 20 points to spark Cony by Nokomis.

Andrew Pullen posted 15 points while Greg O’Neill added 11 for the Rams.

Cody Haverly-Johndro paced Nokomis with eight points.

Cony (10-4) 74

Cotnoir 2-0-4, Lee, Rende 1-1-3, Lachance 1-2-4, Burns 1-1-3, O’Neill 5-0-11, Violett 1-0-2, Morang 1-1-3, Carville 8-2-20, Record, Patridge 1-0-2, McDonald 2-0-4, O’Brien 1-1-3, Pullen 7-0-15

Nokomis (0-13) 33

Amoroso 2-2-6, Haverly-Johndro 3-2-8, Wintle 0-2-2, Hopkins 1-1-3, Woodbury 2-0-5, J. Higgins 1-0-2, Braley 1-0-2, K. Higgins 0-1-1, Wooldridge 1-2-4, Barrows

3-pt. goals: O’Neill, Carville 2, Pullen; Woodbury

Cony 24 44 61 74

Nokomis 4 11 20 33

JV: Cony 70-49


John Bapst 3, Leavitt 0

At Sawyer Arena in Bangor, Derek Duff stopped all 16 shots he faced to earn the shutout and lead John Bapst by Leavitt.

Nick Mitchell, Andrew Casey and Neil LaFrance each netted a goal for John Bapst. Chase Huckestein posted two assists while Matt Duplisea and LaFrance each grabbed one for the 9-3 Crusaders.

Richard Thibeault made 33 saves on 36 shots for 7-5 Leavitt.

Girls basketball

Mount Ararat 43, Hampden 35

At Topsham, Hannah Fenwick tossed in 13 points to propel Mount Ararat by Hampden.

Amelia Lamb chipped in with 10 points for the Eagles.

Sarah Pond and Michaela Stephenson paced Hampden with eight points apiece. Rylee Rawcliffe grabbed 14 rebounds for the Broncos.

Hampden (1-13) 35

Pond 4-0-8, Stephenson 2-4-8, Webb 2-1-6, Wilson, Moore 2-0-4, Rawcliffe 2-3-7, Chambers, Snyder 0-2-2, Anderson

Mt. Ararat (5-7) 43

Fenwick 6-1-13, Lamb 2-6-10, Martin 1-0-2, Bowley 2-0-4, Owen, Talbot 3-2-8, Hitchcock, Leduc 1-0-2, Young 2-0-4

3-pt. goals: Webb

Hampden 2 11 17 35

Mt. Ararat 12 23 23 43

JV: Mt. Ararat 55-40

Brunswick 61, Brewer 34

At Brunswick, Claire Baecher scored 16 points and Mardi Artis added 14 as the Dragons earned their 10th win of the season.

Leah Jackson led Brewer with 10 points.

Brewer (5-9) 34

Hutchins 0-2-2, Adams, Murphy 0-1-1, Nickerson 0-2-2, Valley 2-4-8, Aleksiewicz, Jackson 3-4-10, McLain 2-1-7, Boulier, Bryant 1-0-2, Judkins, Kenney 1-0-2

Brunswick (10-4) 61

Artis 6-2-14, Long, Baecher 5-5-16, Kelly 2-0-4, Halmo 2-1-6, Champagne, Elliott, Roy, Dearborn 2-1-5, Lucas 1-1-3, Suckow-Maines 3-2-9, Flynn, George 1-0-2, E. Bryant 1-0-2, A. Bryant

3-pt. goals: McLain 2; Baecher, Halmo, Suckow-Maines

Brewer 6 16 25 34

Brunswick 14 33 53 61

JV: Brunswick 41-28

Piscataquis 35, Schenck 27

At Guilford, Christine Davis came up with 16 points and six steals to lead the undermanned Piscataquis Pirates past Schenck of East Millinocket.

Ashley Deloge scored 15 points for the visiting Wolverines, who were without the services of leading scorer and point guard Jill Martell. Martell missed the game due to a concussion.

Schenck (1-10) 27

Deloge 6-3-15, Kimball, Bouchard 1-0-2, Powers 1-0-2, Lowell 1-1-3, MacLeod 1-1-3, Jamo, Brown 1-0-2

Piscataquis (8-6) 35

Davis 6-2-16, Martell, Laweryson, Bravi 2-3-7, Morrill 2-1-5, Riitano, White, Izbicki 2-3-7

3-pt. goals: Davis 2

Schenck 13 17 23 27

PCHS 7 21 28 35

Oak Hill 63, MCI 57

At Sabattus, freshman Maggie Sabine hit 14 of 17 free throws and finished with a game-high 32 points to help lead Oak Hill over Maine Central Institute of Pittsfield.

Carrie Hayden and Emily Sabine scored 11 and 10 points, respectively, for the Raiders.

Jenna Lorentsen led the MCI Huskies with 20 points. Bianca Asaro scored 14.

MCI (2-12) 57

Lorentsen 9-2-20, Asaro 6-2-14, Mosher, Judkins 3-0-9, Houston 1-0-2, Fields-Love 2-3-8, Clement 2-0-4

Oak Hill (5-10) 63

M. Sabine 9-14-32, Hayden 5-1-11, E. Sabine 4-2-10, Provost 2-3-7, Wark 1-1-3, Nyberg, Chaput, Safford, Lekotay, Corbin

3-pt. goals: Visitor; Home

MCI 14 26 43 57

Oak Hill 13 24 36 63

JV: Oak Hill 47-23

Stearns 66, PVHS 33

At Millinocket, Becca Leavitt had 15 points and April Davis 13 as their Stearns Minutemen doubled up Schenck of East Millinocket.

Adriana Urich scored 12 for the Minutemen.

Casey McCloskey had 16 to pace the Wolverines.

Penobscot Valley (2-11) 33

McCloskey 5-6-16, Theriault 4-1-9, K. Dawson 2-1-5, Rancourt 1-0-2, Keene 0-1-1, E. Dawson, Hallett, Vanidestine

Stearns (12-2) 66

Leavitt 5-4-15, Davis 5-0-13, Urich 5-0-12, Beaulieu 2-2-7, Lyons 2-1-5, Marten 2-1-5, Lynch 2-0-4, Levesque 1-0-2, Mills 1-0-2, Sheridan 0-1-1, LeGassey, Osborne

3-pt. goals: Leavitt, Davis 3, Urich, Beaulieu

Penobscot Valley 12 23 32 33

Stearns 15 32 57 66

JV: Stearns 37-16

Bangor Christian 61, Searsport 31

At Searsport, the visiting Bangor Christian Patriots used a balanced scoring attack to knock off Searsport.

Hope Johnson scored 14 points, Katie Libby 13, and Hannah Pray 10 for the Patriots.

Amanda Cheney and Olivia Quigley each had six for the Vikings.

Bangor Christian (9-4) 61

H. Johnson 5-4-14, Libby 4-4-13, Pray 5-0-10, Bragg 4-1-9, E. Johnson 1-0-2, Holmes 1-0-3, Robinson 1-0-2, Bean 2-0-4, Roman 2-0-4, Simmons, Ramirez

Searsport (0-12) 31

Chaney 2-2-6, Quigley 3-0-6, Clark 1-0-2, Gray 1-0-2, Garcelon 2-0-4, Messer 2-1-5, Jettinghoff 2-0-5, Carter 0-1-1, Kalis, Lindelof

3-pt. goals: Libby, Holmes; Jettinghoff

Bangor Christian 25 40 52 61

Searsport 4 6 14 31

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