September 20, 2024

Garcia lifts Madawaska

MADAWASKA – Senior Marc Garcia’s two free throws in the final minute provided the Owls’ winning margin as Madawaska earned a 64-62 schoolboy basketball win over Limestone/Maine School of Science and Mathematics on Thursday.

Garcia finished with 24 points and five assists while Shawn Paradis and Keith Cyr tossed in 10 apiece. Paradis grabbed eight rebounds and Cyr had seven.

Josh Stackhouse led a balanced Limestone attack with 13 poiints. Steven Hardwick and Joey Cote added 11 each while Josh Knoll and Lucien Longlais scored 10 apiece.

Limestone (4-2) 62

Tamburello 0-2-2, Poisson 1-0-2, Longlais 4-1-10, Hardwick 5-1-11, Knoll 2-6-10, Cote 5-0-11, Patten 1-0-3, Stackhouse 5-3-13

Madawaska (2-5) 64

Guerrette 3-1-7, Morin 1-0-2, Cyr 3-3-10, Levesque, Paradis 5-0-10, Nadeau, Morneault 2-4-9, Garcia 7-7-24, Pennington 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Longlais, Cote, Patten; Cyr, Morneault, Garcia 3

Limestone 19 35 46 62

Madawaska 9 27 41 64

JV: Limestone 51-49 (OT)

Calais 78, Houlton 51

At Houlton, Andy Frost and James Provencher nailed three 3-pointers apiece in the first quarter as Calais stormed out to a 27-12 lead and never looked back en route to its seventh win without a loss.

The Shiretowners played the game without several players who were apparently suspended for disciplinary reasons after an incident involving fans at Houlton’s game at Ellsworth last Thursday. Apparently, three players have been suspended for the season and three for one game.

Frost finished with 22 points and Provencher added 16. Nathan Pelletier and Joe Footer put in 13 each.

For Houlton, James Skehan netted 17 points and Erik O’Connell tossed in 16.

Calais (7-0) 78

Pelletier 6-1-13, Morrell 2-0-4, Provencher 6-1-16, Lloyd, Demoiet, McLean, Frost 9-1-22, McPhee 2-0-4, Woodside 2-0-4, Footer 6-1-13, LaPointe 1-0-2

Houlton (5-4) 51

Brown 2-0-5, York 1-0-2, McCann 3-0-6, Lenentine, O’Connell 8-0-16, Lloyd 2-0-5, Skehan 8-1-17

3-pt. goals: Provencher 3, Frost 3; Brown, Lloyd

Calais 27 41 58 78

Houlton 12 22 34 51

JV: Houlton 86-54

BC Patriots 76, So. Aroostook 51

At Dyer Brook, David Chrisos’ 24 points, along with a 24-6 third-quarter burst, keyed the Patriots triumph.

Pat McLeary added 15 for Bangor Christian.

Corey Shields led the Warriors with 22 points and Matt McCluskey added 10.

Bangor Christian (6-2) 76

McLeary 6-3-15, Putnam 1-0-2, Carey 4-0-8, Chrisos 9-5-24, Patterson 0-2-2, Sobey 2-0-4, Bradford 2-1-7, Madden 3-2-10, Conley 1-2-4

Southern Aroostook (3-5) 51

Hardy 2-5-9, Edkins 1-0-2, Grant 1-1-3, Nadeau 1-0-2, McCluskey 3-2-10, Shields 10-2-22, Hersey 1-1-3

3-pt. goals: Madden 2, Chrisos; McCluskey 2

Bangor Christian 11 26 50 76

Southern Aroostook 13 27 33 51

JV: Southern Aroostook 60-55

Fort Fairfield 80, Wisdom 62

At Fort Fairfield, Jason McLaughlin buried five 3-pointers on his way to 25 points as nine of the 10 Tigers who played scored at least once against the Pioneers.

Brandon LeVasseur chipped in with 11 for Fort Fairfield. Aaron Kennison and Ryan Helstrom added 10 each.

Brothers Andrew and Aaron Gervais led the way for Wisdom of St. Agatha with 19 apiece. Brad Thibeault notched 17.

Wisdom (1-7) 62

An. Gervais 7-3-19, Aa. Gervias 8-2-19, Pelletier 1-0-2, T. Thibeault 2-1-5, B. Thibeault 7-0-17

Fort Fairfield (5-3) 80

Cunningham 2-0-4, Bernaiche 1-0-2, LeVasseur 3-5-11, Kennison 5-0-10, Helstrom 5-0-10, Esancy 2-0-4, Clark 3-2-8, Dorsey 2-2-6, McLaughlin 8-4-25, King

3-pt. goals: B. Thibeault 3, An. Gervais 2, Aa. Gervais; McLaughlin 5

Wisdom 14 33 43 62

Fort Fairfield 29 55 70 80

JV: Fort Fairfield 79-26

Van Buren 50, Easton 35

At Easton, Stacy Ayotte scored 20 points as the Crusaders rolled.

Tyler Hews put in 11 for the winners and Jeremy Chasse added 10.

Danny Warren led the Bears with 10.

Van Buren (3-4) 50

Ayotte 8-4-20, Hews 5-0-11, Ouelette 0-1-1, Corbin 1-1-3, Gagnon, Chasse 4-2-10, Violette 2-0-4, O’Hare, Smith, LaPierre 0-1-1, Martin

Easton (1-8) 35

P. Warren, McMann 3-0-9, Fuller, Tompkins, Desmond 1-2-4, Marquis, Warren 4-1-10, Osgood 0-3-3, Carlow 3-0-7, Bradley

3-pt. goals: Hews; McMann 3, Warren, Carlow

Van Buren 20 26 37 50

Easton 9 14 23 35

Jonesport-Beals 71, Machias 44

At Jonesport, Alvin Beal poured in 24 points, including a 14-for-14 effort from the free throw line, as the Royals rolled over Machias.

Kyle Mitchell contributed 13 points and Ben Durkee added 11 for Jonesport-Beals.

Chris Correll paced Machias with 12 points.

Machias (2-6) 44

Smith 1-0-2, Stevens 1-4-6, Parker 1-0-2, Frutchey 2-0-4, Correll 5-0-12, Leahy 2-2-6, Ginn 1-0-2, Richards 2-2-6, Poora 1-2-4, Hasselmann, Stuart

Jonesport-Beals (4-3) 71

Ab. Beal 3-2-9, Al. Beal 5-14-24, Mitchell 4-5-13, D. Beal 3-0-6, Merchant 3-0-6, Durkee 4-3-11, Dyer 1-0-2, Bryant

3-pt. goals: Correll 2, Ab. Beal

Machias 11 18 22 44

Jonesport-Beals 17 31 53 71

JV: Jonesport-Beals 57-45

Washington Acad. 109, Lubec 61

At East Machias, Bob Richardson scored 14 of his game-high 26 points in the first quarter as Washington Academy bolted out to a 30-14 lead en route to its fourth straight win.

Nick Reynolds had 13 points and 10 rebounds, Jared Gray and Whitney Stevens scored 11 points apiece and Matt Gibson contributed 10 points. Bryant Reing grabbed 10 rebounds to go with his eight points.

Dylan Lord’s 16 points, Jason Mallar’s 12 and Jordan Hall’s 11 points paced Lubec.

Lubec (1-6) 61

Buehner 3-1-7, Feltner 3-2-8, Lyons 0-1-1, Ja. Mallar 5-0-12, Seavey 2-0-4, Hall 5-0-11, Lord 7-2-16, Blake 1-0-2, Marson, Boutin

Washington Academy (7-2) 109

Berry 2-0-4, Fagonde 1-0-2, Gibson 4-2-10, Holmes 3-1-7, Reing 4-0-8, Reynolds 5-3-13, B. Richardson 11-1-26, G. Richardson 0-1-1, Craven 2-2-6, Mawhinney 2-1-5, Harmon 1-1-4, J. Gray 4-2-11, Stevens 5-1-11, Cabau 1-0-2, Kamseu

3-pt. goals: Mallar 2, Hall; B. Richardson 3, Gray, Harmon

Lubec 14 34 47 61

Washington Acad. 30 61 99 109

JV: WA 59-32

Hodgdon 72, Cen. Aroostook 51

At Hodgdon, Tyler Putnam scored a game-high 22 points and Matt Day contributed 18 points and 14 rebounds to help Hodgdon remain unbeaten.

Chris Blanchette had 14 points and Jimmy Griffin had 11 points and nine assists for the Hawks.

Daniel Codrey had 17 points for Central Aroostook, which was without injured standout Lance Bradstreet.

Central Aroostook (7-2) 51

Woodworth 1-0-2, Clockedile 1-3-5, Wiggins 2-1-5, Clark 1-0-2, Grew 2-0-4, Tapley, Collins 2-0-5, Walsh 1-0-2, Grivois 1-0-3, Kilcollins 3-0-6, Codrey 8-1-17

Hodgdon (7-0) 72

Putnam 10-2-22, Hogan 0-3-3, Blanchette 6-2-14, Williams, Day 9-0-18, Hovey, Condon, Hanning, Sanford 2-0-4, Griffin 4-3-11, Lilley, Prescott

3-pt. goals: Collins, Grivois

Central Aroostook 10 23 37 51

Hodgdon 12 38 51 72

JV: Hodgdon 40-39

Katahdin 83, Ashland 63

At Ashland, brothers Todd and Doug Rodgerson combined for more than half of Katahdin’s points as they held off Ashland.

Todd scored 26 while Doug added 19 for the Cougars of Sherman Station.

Eric Ham paced the Hornets with 18. David Smith added 16, and Buck Pineau scored 12.

Katahdin (4-3) 83

T. Rodgerson 9-6-26, D. Rodgerson 5-9-19, Sullivan 7-2-18, McNally 3-1-7, Davis 0-3-3, Willigar 2-1-5, Heath 1-0-3, Rush, Cyr, Cullen

Ashland (2-5) 62

Ham 6-6-18, Smith 5-6-16, Pineau 5-2-12, Bessey 2-0-4, Oakes 1-0-3, Eastman 3-0-6, Junkins 1-0-2, Hitchcock 1-0-2, Lovewell

3-pt. goals: T. Rodgerson 4, Sullivan 2, Heath; Oakes

Katahdin 17 37 65 83

Ashland 11 24 54 63

Shead 87, Woodland 47

At Eastport, Jason Bones scored 12 points and Ben Toney added 10 during Shead’s pivotal 32-11 scoring run in the third quarter.

Bones and Toney each finished with 25 points for the Tigers and Ben Maloney added 12. Toney also grabbed 20 rebounds, 11 offensive, and Maloney notched eight rebounds and eight assists.

Jesse Nicholson paced Woodland with 15 points and Billy Smith put in 10.

Woodland (3-5) 47

Nicholson 4-5-15, Smith 4-0-10, Kochendoerfer 2-1-5, McCoubrey 0-5-5, Tupper 1-0-2, Townson 1-0-2, Kessel 1-0-2, Potter 3-0-6, Worster, Sabattus, Engroff

Shead (5-3) 87

Toney 12-1-25, Bones 11-2-25, Maloney 4-4-12, Altvater 0-1-1, Moores 1-0-2, Richer 0-2-2, Curtis 1-2-4, Marshall 1-0-2, Ellington 1-0-2, Constant 1-0-2, Demmons 2-2-6, Sapiel 2-0-4

3-pt. goals: Nicholson 2, Smith 2; Bones

Woodland 12 22 33 47

Shead 15 34 66 87

JV: Woodland 65-43

Sumner 68, Narraguagus 63

At East Sullivan, the Tigers connected on 14-18 free throws in the fourth period to seal the victory over Narraguagus of Harrington.

Jamey Polk made five of six from the line and J.J. Phinney hit four of four to lead the way.

Polk finished with 18 points and nine rebounds and Justin Winslow racked up 14 points and 11 rebounds. Phinney added 13 points, Roman Jordan contributed 12, and Dylan Johnson netted 11 for Sumner.

Luke Shaw paced the Knights with 22 points, including four 3-pointers. Steve Knapp tallied 17 more.

Narraguagus (4-3) 63

Shaw 9-0-22, Fraser 3-0-7, Knapp 7-3-17, Beal 2-1-5, Emerson 1-0-3, Rossi, Bailey 1-2-4, Peltier 2-1-5

Sumner (4-4) 68

Phinney 3-4-13, Johnson 3-4-11, Alley, Polk 4-9-18, Huber, Jordan 4-4-12, Winslow 6-2-14, Walden

3-pt. goals: Shaw 4, Fraser, Emerson; Phinney 3, Johnson, Polk

Narraguagus 14 26 44 63

Sumner 14 27 44 68

JV: Sumner 73-45

Piscataquis 59, Dexter 51

At Dexter, Keith Dawson scored 23 points and buried six 3-pointers as the unbeaten Pirates of Guilford edged rival Dexter.

Kyle Pulkkinen chipped in 18 for Piscataquis. Ben Smith added 14.

Matt Mountain paced Dexter with 14 points, while Travis Patterson scored 13. Eric Cooley and Dustin Paige had 11 and 10 for the Tigers.

Piscataquis (4-0) 59

Hoffman 1-0-2, White, Pulkkinen 6-6-18, Prescott, Dawson 8-3-23, Smith 4-6-14, Carson 1-7-9, Young, Tracy 1-0-2

Dexter (5-1) 51

Martin, Patterson 4-5-13, Towle 1-0-2, Cooley 4-2-11, Russell, Hersey, Mountain 6-1-14, Belair, Derosier, Vafiades, Paige 4-2-10, Kenney, Roach 0-1-1

3-pt. goals: Dawson 6; Cooley, Mountain

Piscataquis 20 28 41 59

Dexter 10 25 35 51

JV: Dexter 57-34

Lincoln Academy 64, Belfast 60

At Belfast, 6-foot-5 Ben Maynard scored 31 points and ripped down 10 rebounds to pace the Eagles of Newcastle past the undersized Lions.

Dane Verney netted 12 more for Lincoln Academy.

Chris Duval tossed in 18 for the Lions, whose top nine players each stand 5-foot-10. Jesse Robbins added 14 and Ben Cowan notched 11.

Lincoln Academy (3-2) 64

Maynard 15-1-31, Verney 4-4-12, Harrington 1-1-3, Williams 1-0-2, Rainey 2-2-6, Benner 1-0-3, Hancock 1-0-2, Powell 2-0-5, Brown

Belfast (3-5) 60

Duval 7-4-18, Robbins 6-1-14, Cowan 3-4-11, Horne 3-0-6, Arthers, Gregory, Welch, Aldus 1-2-4, Button 1-0-2, Reynolds, Hesseltine 2-0-5

3-pt. goals: Benner, Powell; Robbins, Cowan, Hesseltine

Lincoln Acad. 13 33 53 64

Belfast 14 26 44 60

JV: Belfast 73-59

GSA 79, DI-Stonington 35

At Blue Hill, the George Stevens Academy Eagles used a balanced scoring attack to beat the Deer Isle-Stonington Mariners.

Nick Henry and Ryan Hutchins each scored 13 points for the winners, Duane Leiden added 12 and Mark Clapp put in 11.

Josh Bolton paced DI-S with 19 points.

Deer Isle-Stonington 35 (0-6)

Hardy 2-0-5, Wallace 1-0-2, Bolton 8-2-19, Smith 1-0-2, C. Gray 0-1-1, Gross, Trundy 0-1-1, B. Gray 2-0-5, Douglas, Ballou, Haley

George Stevens (6-1) 79

Astbury, Clapp 5-0-11, Leiden 5-0-12, Friend 2-2-6, Allen 1-2-4, Freedman 0-2-2, Henderson 2-0-4, Henry 5-3-13, Saunders 4-0-8, Lowell 2-1-5, Candage 0-1-1, Hutchins 6-1-13

3-pt. goals: Hardy, Bolton, B. Gray; Clapp, Leiden 2

DI-Stonington 9 19 27 35

George Stevens 20 42 63 79

JV: GSA 50-42

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