March 22, 2025

Old Town wins league cheering title

PRESQUE ISLE – The Old Town cheerleaders put together the top routine of the preliminary round, then backed it up in the finals en route to the Big East cheering title on Saturday.

Coach Kate Loveless’ Old Town squad scored 84 points in the first round and duplicated that mark in the second round. Houlton scored 80 points in the second round after a 78.5-point effort in the preliminaries and finished second.”I think they performed very well, basically [the same way] they’ve been performing in practice,” Loveless said. “I knew what they were capable of, and they definitely met my expectations for this competition.”

The members of Old Town’s team: Kailee Bradstreet, Miranda Parsons, Cassie Madden, Whitney Randall, Kim Hamel, Rachel Clukey, Cherri MacDonald, Stacey Goodspeed, Angela Madden, Amanda Shields, Jeni Cunningham, Meghann Foster, Ashley Hogan, Avril Williams, Heather Lonko, Val Dionne, Sasha Cook-Coghill, Jessie Ford.

“They performed [the routine] better the first time in terms of steadiness and stunts,” Loveless said. “The perfection of the stunting was better, but they were less nervous the second time, so that equaled off.”

Rounding out the top seven in the 13-team competition: 3. Brewer, 78 points in the second round; 4. Bangor, 72.5; 5. Ellsworth, 68.5; 6. Caribou, 67.5; 7. John Bapst, 62.5.

The teams that didn’t qualify for the second round, and their first-round scores: Hampden, 63.5; Presque Isle, 61; Nokomis of Newport and Hermon, 56.5; Bucksport, 54.5; and Mount Desert Island, 41.

The Penobscot Valley Conference championship begins Saturday (4 p.m.) at Hermon High School.

Boys basketball

Stearns 74, Houlton 71

At Houlton, Derek DiFrederico’s conventional three-point play with 10 seconds left provided the Minutemen with the margin of victory.

DiFrederico poured in 34 points to pace Stearns of Millinocket, while Kevin McLaughlin scored 14 and Matt Leino added 12.

James Skehan led Houlton with 27 points and 13 rebounds.

Stearns (4-7) 74

Leino 4-2-12, Arsenault, Fitzpatrick, DiFrederico 11-10-34, Johnson 0-2-2, McLaughlin 6-2-14, Hartwell 2-3-7, Mat. Legassey 2-1-5, Mar. Legassey

Houlton (6-7) 71

Frenette 6-0-12, Drake 1-2-5, Brown, McCann, E. O’Connell 2-0-4, Lloyd 1-4-7, La. O’Connell 5-2-16, Skehan 10-7-27

3-pt. goals: Leino 2, DiFrederico 2; Drake, Lloyd, La. O’Connell 4, Skehan 10-7-27

Stearns 14 29 50 74

Houlton 12 31 45 71

JV: Houlton 67-45

Caribou 82, Old Town 79 (2OT)

At Caribou, Griffin St. Peter scored a layup with three seconds left to send the game into overtime and Joel Griffeth scored 31 points to lead the Vikings to victory.

Tyler Giles contributed 24 points for Caribou.

Shawn Kenniston, whose hoop sent the game into the second OT, poured in 33 points for Old Town. Ryan Brown added 15 and Brian Tewhey scored 10.

Old Town (1-7) 79

Rearden 2-0-4, Tracewski 3-2-8, Emerson 3-0-9, Tewhey 4-2-10, Brown 7-1-15, Kenniston 8-8-33

Caribou (4-6) 81

Levasseur 0-1-1, Beaulieu 0-2-2, Cyr 1-0-3, Nason 1-2-4, Nadeau 1-1-4, St. Peter 3-0-6, Chasse 3-0-6, Giles 10-3-24, Griffeth 11-6-31

3-pt. goals: Emerson 3, Kenneston 3; Griffeth 3

Old Town 19 34 48 67 73 79

Caribou 16 29 52 67 73 81

JV: Old Town 49-33

Nokomis 57, John Bapst 48

At the Bangor Auditorium, Luke Hayden scored 23 points as the Warriors downed the Crusaders.

Trenton Estes had 16 points and Ryan McLellan tossed in 13 for Nokomis of Newport.

Zev Myerowitz topped John Bapst with 14 and Bryan Snyder added 12 points.

Nokomis (5-2) 57

McLellan 4-4-13, Estes 3-10-16, Horr 0-1-1, Hayden 7-9-23, Mullis 2-0-4, Bradstreet, Ellis, Veazie, Buzaraski, Martin

John Bapst (3-7) 48

Jellison 3-1-7, Snyder 5-2-12, Day 2-0-4, D. Myerowitz 1-3-5, Z. Myerowitz 7-0-14, Irish 1-0-3, Baldlus 1-1-3, Means, Rand, Connole, Tremble, Bromley

3-pt. goals: McLellan; Irish

Nokomis 16 26 46 57

John Bapst 11 23 36 48

JV: Nokomis 59-54

Bucksport 69, Orono 63

At Orono, the Bucks erased a 16-7 deficit at the end of one period and led by nine at halftime.

Jason Harvey scored 22 points and Corey Guilford added 20 for the Bucks. Chris Dow notched 12.

Mike Socoby and Derek Sinclair scored 13 points each to pace Orono. Jeff Miller and Nick Heitmann tallied 10 apiece.

Bucksport (11-1) 69

McHale 1-0-2, Cain 1-0-2, Beeson, Sheehan 1-0-2, Allard 1-0-2, Nason, Guilford 8-1-20, Harvey 7-7-22, Ogden 2-0-4, Dow 6-0-12 Sullivan, Wingate 1-1-3

Orono (5-6) 63

J. Miller 4-0-10, B. Miller, Heitmann 4-0-10, Perron 1-1-3, Sinclair 6-1-13, Socoby 5-0-13, White 3-0-6, Saucier 2-2-6, Levesque 1-0-2, Gavett

3-pt. goals: Guilford 3, Harvey; Miller 2, Heitmann 2, Socoby 3

Bucksport 7 35 50 69

Orono 16 26 41 63

JV: Bucksport 54-52

DI-Stonington 71, Searsport 59

At Deer Isle, Bennett Gray scored 29 points to lead the Mariners to the win. Josh Bolton contributed 17 points.

Jared Weaver scored 18 points for Searsport while Josh McFarlin added 15 and Drew Mercer had 13.

Searsport 59

Weaver 7-3-18, McFarlin 5-3-15, Mercer 3-7-13, Grove 2-0-4, Manner 1-3-5, Lockhart 2-0-4, Quisenberry, Gartor

Deer Isle-Stonington 71

B. Gray 8-9-29, Bolton 6-5-17, Wallace 1-1-3, Hardy 3-1-7, Gross 1-0-2, C. Gray 3-2-8, Gielarowski 2-1-5, Smith, Trundy

3-pt. goals: McFarlin 2, Weaver; Gray 4

Searsport 13 22 41 59

DI-Stonington 13 33 50 71

JV: DI-Stonington 64-34

Ellsworth 55, Hermon 48

At Ellsworth, John Morse made 8 of 11 foul shots in the fourth quarter to seal the win.

Morse tallied 25 points and Jake King contributed 10.

Joey Schacht scored 16 for the Hawks. Adam Porter had 10.

Hermon (3-6) 48

Cayford, Schacht 5-4-16, Frye, Robinson, McLeod 2-0-4, Ouellette 3-0-7, Watson, Shaw 2-2-7, Porter 4-2-10, King 2-0-4, Keith

Ellsworth (6-6) 55

King 3-4-10, Mayo 0-2-2, Dewitt 1-4-6, Bradford 0-2-2, Smith 2-2-8, Wood 1-0-2, Sawyer, Joh. Morse 7-8-25, Joc. Morse, McMillan

3-pt. goals: Schacht 2, Ouellette, Shaw; Joh. Morse 3, Smith 2

Hermon 14 20 38 48

Ellsworth 15 23 40 55

JV: Ellsworth 80-72

Mattanawcook 70, Schenck 53

At Lincoln, Fred Pete led the Lynx with 14 points.

Jon Carney scored 11 for Mattanawcook. Matt Malone added 10.

Brian Graham led Schenck of East Millinocket with 17 points while Ryan Deschenes scored 16 and Tyler Thompson had 11.

Schenck (7-3) 53

Johnson 2-0-4, Thompson 4-1-11, Deschenes 8-0-16, Graham 6-2-17, Jamo 1-0-3, Bardette 1-0-2, Hanington, Waite, Vaness, S. Graham

Mattanawcook (7-4) 70

Kyes 2-0-4, LaPlante 2-5-9, Kites 1-2-4, Pete 5-4-14, Cousineau 3-1-8, Greenlaw 2-1-5, Berry 0-1-1, Malone 3-2-10, Libbey 2-0-4, Carney 4-3-11, Hanscom, Gardner, Whitney

3-pt. goals: B. Graham 3, Thompson 2, Jamo; Malone 2, Cousineau

Schenck 11 14 29 53

Mattanawcook 12 33 55 70

JV: Mattanawcook 68-57

Bangor Chr. 76, Lee Acad. 47

At Bangor, David Chrisos led Bangor Christian with 16 points.

Matt Conley had 15 for the Patriots while Josh Madden added 11.

Frank Severance was Lee Academy’s top scorer with 13 points.

Lee Academy (2-8) 47

Severance 5-3-13, Mallett 3-2-8, Worster 3-1-7, Carpenter 3-0-6, Dow 2-0-5, Thompson 1-1-3, Pickering 1-0-2, J. Ham 1-0-2, A. Ham 0-1-1, House, Rideout

Bangor Christian (11-2) 76

Chrisos 7-1-16, Conley 6-1-15, Madden 4-2-11, Carey 3-0-6, Bradford 2-1-5, P. McCleary 2-0-4, Doten 2-0-4, Putnam 1-0-2, Wilson 1-0-2, Ossinger 1-0-2, Patterson 1-0-2, Sobey 1-0-2, Cole 1-0-2, D.J. McCleary 1-0-2, Pinkham 0-1-1

3-pt. goals: Dow; Conley 2, Chrisos, Madden

Lee Academy 7 15 28 47

Bangor Christian 22 45 60 76

Girls basketball

Old Town 58, Caribou 40

At Caribou, Mallory Brown scored 14 points to pace Old Town.

Kristi Mitchell netted 13 points and Renee Thibodeau had 10.

Jessica Cyr’s 22 points led Caribou.

Old Town (5-3) 58

Spencer 3-1-9, Greene 2-1-5, Thibodeau 4-0-10, Brown 6-2-14, L. Mitchell 2-0-4, K. Mitchell 5-3-13, Metivier 1-0-2, Kennedy 0-1-1

Caribou (3-7) 40

Bouchard 0-2-2, Cyr 8-4-22, Vincent 1-0-2, Burlock 3-0-6, Drew 1-2-4, Selander 0-4-4, Harrigan

3-pt. goals: Spencer 2, Thibodeau 2; Cyr 2

Old Town 10 25 39 58

Caribou 5 22 29 40

JV: Old Town 43-25

Nokomis 61, John Bapst 19

At the Bangor Auditorium, Michelle Murray scored 12 points to help give Nokomis the win.

Lindsey Welch and Ashley MacKenzie each contributed 11.

Nicole Yeo was top scorer for John Bapst with six points.

Nokomis (6-1) 61

Welch 4-0-11, J. Gould 1-1-3, Murray 5-0-12, MacKenzie 4-1-11, Paradis 1-4-5, Merrow 2-0-4, Perry 0-1-1, Lowe 1-2-4, Clark 3-3-9, K. Gould, Snow

John Bapst (1-8) 19

Sturgeon 1-0-2, Crotty 1-0-2, Sekera 1-0-3, Yeo 3-0-6, Mitchell-Storer 0-2-2, Hunter 1-0-2, Picard 1-0-2, Miller, Andrle, Zitaner, Ryder, Ginn

3-pt. goals: Welch 3, Murray 2, MacKenzie 2

Nokomis 18 34 46 61

John Bapst 9 11 15 19

JV: John Bapst 26-23

Belfast 53, Rockland 42

At Rockland, Ashley Bryant scored 16 points to pace Belfast.

Kate Ross contributed 11 points.

Lindsey Grant led Rockland with 10 points.

Belfast 53

Crandall 2-0-5, A. Bryant 2-3-7, L. Bryant 2-3-7, Ross 4-0-11, Murphy 2-4-8, Bailey 2-0-4, Mehuren 1-0-2, Cassidy-Groening, Brown, Ellis, Marden, Evan

Rockland 42

L. Grant 4-2-10, C. Grant 0-3-3, Marcotte 2-3-7, Gushee 1-1-4, Hurley 0-1-1, Felt 3-2-8, Pennell 2-4-8, Manning, Clark

3-pt. goals: Ross 3, Bryant 2, Crandall; Gushee

Belfast 14 23 41 53

Rockland 7 20 31 42


John Bapst 9, Winthrop/H-D 2

At Sawyer Arena in Bangor, Zach Means led 7-3 John Bapst with five goals and one assist while John Motta scored two and assisted on six.

Reuben Thibodeau and Zach Grenier each had a goal and an assist and Kyle Maynard added an assist. Jamie Hardy made 23 saves on 26 shots for the Crusaders.

Justin Feeney scored two goals for 2-5 Winthrop/Hall-Dale. Doug Blanchette stopped 17 of 26 shots.

Stearns 6, Foxcroft 4

At Sawyer Arena in Bangor, Rick Michaud led Stearns of Millinocket with three goals and two assists.

Drew Somers scored two goals and had an assist while Devon Pelkey added a goal. Matt Huston and Sean Jamieson each recorded assists while Nick Simon made 25 saves on 29 shots.

Derek Smith and Seth Gabarro each had a goal and an assist for 1-7 Foxcroft while Hunter Wilbur and Corey Beaulieu each scored goals. Dan Perkins made 18 saves on 21 shots.

Hampden 8, Old Town 1

At Brewer, Greg Taylor had two goals and three assists while Adam Standley scored twice and assisted on two goals as the Broncos cruised past the Indians.

Mike Brooks, Greg Brown, Colin Ingram and Peter Macone added goals for 4-5 Hampden Academy while Garrett MacGowan stopped 15 of 16 shots.

Josh Buzzell scored off a Josh Fournier assist for 2-6 Old Town. J.P. Stowe and Mike Tardiff combined to make 34 saves on 42 shots.

Brewer 6, Massabesic 0

At Biddeford, Will Prescott scored two goals and had two assists as 4-3 Brewer defeated Massabesic of Waterboro.

Josh Caldwell had a goal and two assists for Brewer. Matt Grimes, Robbie Hayes and Josh Kochis had a goal apiece. A.J. Hayes had an assist and Spencer Dunbar stopped nine of nine shots.

Shane Brooks made 38 saves on 44 shots for the 1-5-1 Mustangs.

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