ROCKLAND – Volunteer positions are available in all departments of the Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland.
Admission desk volunteers are needed for year-round on-call service or for a once-a-week commitment. Weekday and weekend coverage is needed. Duties include providing visitors with information about the museum campus and exhibits as well as the surrounding community, using the cash registers, and completing daily close-out procedures. Summer 2002 is already being scheduled, so call to reserve choice of day and time.
The museum store is also looking for assistance. Needed are sales clerks and behind-the-scene workers whose duties include inventory, cleaning, pricing and mail orders.
Clerical help is needed in all departments at the administrative level. Duties might include filing, data entry, telephoning, mailings, photocopying and special projects. Library and education volunteers are also needed for work on many different projects.
Museum volunteers attend two meetings annually, which provide training and educational session with guest speakers and artists. Benefits include volunteer receptions, the ability to earn museum membership through volunteering a specified cumulative number of hours, a subscription to the museum newsletter, and volunteer pricing for museum trips to regional museums.
For more information, call Necole Dabrio-Wall, volunteer coordinator, at 596-6457, Ext. 143.
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