October 16, 2024

Following the bobcat

In reply to a letter to the editor in the News last week regarding the 57-pound bobcat killed by Mr. Perry, I must take exception to the letter writers. While I must admit that a bobcat is a beautiful animal, I know that this 57-pounder killed hundreds of beautiful animals to attain that exceptional size. To my way of thinking the dozens of deer that must have been killed by this animal were much more beautiful.

I have followed bobcat tracks in the snow for thousands of miles during my long life time. I estimate that I have found the carcasses of over 200 deer killed by bobcat. Also, I have found many remains of rabbits, beaver, muskrat, partridge, porcupines and two foxes. Man is also a predator but he recognizes seasons and bag limits where as animals such as bobcats, coyotes and such kill indiscriminately. Two different times I have found as many as five deer evidently killed by the same cat. It is up to man to keep these predatory animals under control. I say that Mr. Perry should be praised rather than critized.

These anti-hunting, trapping people don’t know the damage they may be doing by influencing some reader who is as ignorant of wildlife as the writers. We have strict laws in regard to hunting and trapping which are well enforced; one cannot get a hunting or trapping license without taking a mandatory course.

The sportsman has to have licenses and also tax themselves which money goes towards creating refuges and enforcing good fish and game laws.

What have you anti’s done lately or at any other time to benefit wildlife?

David Priest Sr. Lincoln Center

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