September 21, 2024

Chasse, Nadeau spark Caribou to OT victory

CARIBOU – Josh Nadeau and Jon Chasse combined to score 10 points in overtime Monday, lifting Caribou to a 70-58 schoolboy basketball victory over Bucksport.

Chasse netted a game-high 23 points for the Vikings. Nadeau scored 14 points and Matt Nason added 12.

Adam Sheehan netted 16 points for the Golden Bucks. Joey Carmichael scored 14 points and Joey Cyr had 11.

Bucksport (2-11) 58

LaLonde 2-0-5, Sheehan 6-3-16, Legere, Knight, Carmichael 6-0-14, Cyr 4-3-11, Cough 2-0-4, Clapper, Hopkins 2-0-6, Wingate 1-0-2

Caribou (6-7) 70

Wakana 1-0-2, St. Peter 0-3-3, Thompson, Nadeau 3-6-14, Peterson 0-3-3, Nason 4-4-12, Susee 4-0-9, Chasse 10-3-23, Cedarman 2-0-4

3-pt. goals: Carmichael 2, Hopkins 2, LaLonde, Sheehan; Nadeau 2, Susee

Bucksport 12 27 44 56 58

Caribou 21 30 48 56 70

JV: Caribou 52-43

CAHS 94, Madawaska 72

At Mars Hill, Bryan Grew scored 21 points to power the Panthers to their 10th win.

Andrew York scored 20 points for Central Aroostook. Patrick Walsh netted 11 points and Taylor McLaughlin added 10.

Myles Morneault tallied 22 points for the Owls. J.J. Dubois scored 16 points and Andrew Pennington had 13.

Madawaska (1-12) 72

Morneault 9-3-22, Dubois 6-2-16, Pennington 5-2-13, P. Gerard 2-3-7, Nadeau 1-1-3, G. Gerard 1-0-2, Labbe, Campbell 0-1-1, Roy, Cyr 3-0-8, Guerrette

Central Aroostook (10-4) 94

Grew 9-0-21, York 5-10-20, Walsh 3-5-11, McLaughlin 5-0-10, Faulkner, Clockedile 1-3-5, Kinney 3-0-6, Martinez 2-1-6, Kilcollins 2-0-4, London 1-1-3

3-pt. goals: Dubois 2, Cyr 2, Morneault, Pennington; Grew 3, Martinez

Madawaska 6 26 43 72

Cent. Aroostook 32 49 68 94

JV: Central Aroostook 64-57

Brewer 61, Presque Isle 35

At Brewer, Andy Frost scored 20 points and helped hold Presque Isle’s star forward Fred Bird scoreless in the second and fourth quarters as the Witches rolled.

J.T. Breindel pitched in with 13 points for Brewer while Matt Sargent added 10.

Bird finished with 10 for the Wildcats. Kyle Rideout and Chris Carlin added eight each.

Presque Isle (6-5)

Carlin 2-3-8, Swanson, James 2-0-4, Deschene, Cray, Lockhart 1-0-2, McGlinn, Rideout 2-4-8, Bird 4-2-10, Whittaker 1-0-3, Fowler

Brewer (9-1) 61

Bouzan-Kaloustian, Sargent 4-0-10, Rohn, Stewart 1-0-3, I. Bell, J. Bell 3-0-6, Craig 1-0-2, Frost 7-3-20, Breindel 6-1-13, McGary 1-0-2, Young, Gomm 3-0-6

3-pt. goals: Carlin, Whittaker; Sargent 2, Frost 3

Presque Isle 8 17 23 35

Brewer 19 27 41 61

Limestone 73, Wisdom 38

At Limestone, Andrew Pelletier poured in 26 points as the Eagles rolled to the win.

George Tamburello added 12 points for Limestone.

Brad Thibeault tallied 20 points for the Pioneers of St. Agatha.

Wisdom (0-10) 38

Paradis 0-1-1, Berce, Daigle, Lugdon 2-0-4, B. Thibeault 7-5-20, Sinclair 1-0-2, Chasse, T. Thibeault 2-3-7, Pelletier 2-0-4, Dyment, Derosier

Limestone/MSSM (3-8) 73

Tamburello 5-1-12, Pelletier 11-4-26, Poisson 1-2-4, Cote 4-0-8, Manner 4-0-8, E. McCullough 3-1-7, F. McCullough 2-0-4, Fontaine 2-0-4, Bretzke, Leighton

3-pt. goals: Visitor; Home

Limestone/MSSM 23 31 60 73

Wisdom 5 16 29 38

JV: Limestone 42-27

Old Town 65, Fort Kent 47

At Fort Kent, Kevin Emerson poured in all 19 of his points in the third quarter as the Indians pulled away from the Warriors.

Ryan Brown tossed in 13 points for Old Town.

Dustin Nadeau paced Fort Kent with 17 points and Mitch Ouellet netted 13.

Old Town (4-6) 65

Emerson 6-4-19, Thurston 1-0-2, Robbins 1-0-2, Curtis, King 2-4-8, Dupuis 0-1-1, Petrie 3-0-6, Tracewski 3-2-8, Conary 3-0-6, Brown 4-4-13

Fort Kent (1-10) 47

Caron 1-0-3, Jandreau, Raymond, Duval 1-1-3, Naeau 6-5-17, Boucher 0-2-2, Ouellette 0-1-1, Bard, Rossignol 2-0-4, Ouellet 3-7-13, Rivera 1-2-4

3-pt. goals: Emerson 3, Brown; Caron

Old Town 15 28 53 65

Fort Kent 9 19 33 47

JV: Old Town 71-44

Calvary Chapel 53, Shead 49

At Eastport, Chris McDonald scored eight of his 12 points in the fourth quarter as the Sabres of Orrington held off the Tigers.

Brock Bradford powered Calvary Chapel Christian with 16 points, while Kyle Bradford chipped in with 12.

Shead’s Ben Maloney had a game-high 24 points and 10 rebounds. James MacDonald added 10 points.

Calvary Chapel Christian (8-2) 53

Dean 2-0-6, B. Bradford 6-0-16, Gans 2-3-7, K. Bradford 3-5-12, McDonald 5-1-12, Philips, Seccareccia

Shead (7-5) 49

Maloney 11-1-24, Demolet 1-2-5, Marshall 1-0-2, MacDonald 5-0-10, Bones 2-0-4, Constant 0-2-2, Demmons 0-2-2, Smith, Kroll

3-pt. goals: B. Bradford 4, Dean 2, K. Bradford, McDonald; Maloney, Demolet

Calvary Chapel 14 31 37 53

Shead 14 25 36 49

Mattanawcook 75, Woodland 60

At Woodland, Jon Carney scored 24 points to help give Mattanawcook the edge.

Andrew Kites added 13 points for the Lynx while Nathan Cousineau and Tyler Libbey scored 11 points each.

Andrew Scott and Billy Smith each scored 18 points for Woodland while Chad Pike chipped in with 15.

Mattanawcook (9-4) 75

Carney 11-2-24, Kites 3-6-13, Cousineau 4-3-11, Libbey 4-3-11, Du. Hanscom 1-0-2, Dy. Hanscom 0-1-1, Greenlaw 1-0-2, berry 4-0-8, Malone 1-1-3, Kyes, Emery, Arnold

Woodland (8-5) 60

Scott 8-2-18, Smith 6-4-18, Pike 6-0-15, Nicholson 0-3-3, Kochendoerfer 2-0-4, Tupper 1-0-2, J. Knowles, Mitchell, Moody, Engroff, McCoubrey, A. Knowles

3-pt. goals: Pike 3, Smith 2

Mattanawcook 17 37 51 75

Woodland 14 26 42 60

Machias 61, DI-Stonington 36

At Deer Isle, Chris Correll scored 20 points to help lead Machias to the win.

Nate Poore contributed 18 points and 12 rebounds for the Bulldogs.

Evan Haskell led the Deer Isle-Stonington effort with 10 points.

Machias (4-9) 61

Correll 8-3-20, Poore 8-2-18, Brookes 1-0-2, Leahy 2-1-5, Anderson 3-0-7, Sullivan 1-0-2, Falvey 0-1-1, Hall 2-0-6, Richards, Smith

Deer Isle-Stonington (1-12) 36

Haskell 3-2-10, Gielarowski 4-1-9, N. Ciomei 1-1-3, Robbins 0-3-3, L. Ciomei 1-0-2, Jones 2-1-5, Douglass 2-0-4, Trundy, Carter, Shepard, Eaton

3-pt. goals: Hall 2, Anderson, Correll; Haskell 2

Machias 12 23 37 61

DI-Stonington 14 17 30 36

JV: DI-Stonington 56-48

Girls basketball

Presque Isle 56, Brewer 40

At Brewer, Kylan Smith tossed in 16 points to help lead Presque Isle to victory.

Billi Blanchard scored 14 points for the Wildcats while Katie DeLong had 10 points and 10 rebounds.

Carolyn McAvoy led the Witches with 17 points.

Presque Isle (10-0) 56

A. DeLong 3-0-6, Post 2-2-6, K. DeLong 4-0-10, DeMerchant 2-0-4, Smith 6-0-16, Blanchard 5-4-14, Deschene, McKenna, Henrickson, Wildeman, Morris

Brewer (5-7) 40

Adams 1-0-2, Freeman 0-4-4, Hamm 1-0-2, McLaughlin 1-0-2, Wing 1-0-2, McAvoy 8-1-17, Harris 3-0-9, Sutherland 1-0-2, Bean, Alberding

3-pt. goals: Smith 4, K. DeLong 2; Harris 3

Brewer 5 19 28 40

Presque Isle 17 32 45 56

Old Town 60, Fort Kent 49

At Fort Kent, Renee Thibodeau scored 20 points to push the Indians to the win.

Kristi Mitchell netted 14 points for Old Town.

Kristen Violette scored 10 points for the Warriors.

Old Town (7-2) 60

Thibodeau 7-4-20, K. Mitchell 7-0-14, Bergeron 1-0-2, Marquis, St. Peter 2-0-4, Maurais 2-0-4, L. Mitchell 1-0-2, Cole 1-1-3, Randall, E. Kennedy 3-1-7, Prendergast, Shorette 1-0-2, S. Kennedy 1-0-2

Fort Kent (7-7) 49

Violette 3-4-10, Labbe, Levesque, Pelletier, Minzy 1-0-2, Desjardis 0-2-2, Daigle 1-0-2, Mi. Morneault 2-0-5, Michaud, Me. Morneault 2-0-5, Saucier, Boucher 3-2-8, Hartman 1-3-5

3-pt. goals: Thibodeau 4; Mi. Morneault, Me. Morneault

Old Town 17 32 51 60

Fort Kent 9 15 22 39

JV: Fort Kent 58-53

Caribou 57, Bucksport 16

At Caribou, Leah Drew tallied 18 points, eight rebounds and two steals in the Viking victory.

Monica Selander racked up 14 points, seven rebounds, five blocks and four steals for Caribou, which held the Golden Bucks scoreless in the fourth.

Jessie Taylor led Bucksport with six points.

Bucksport (1-13) 16

Andrews 1-0-3, Fitzpatrick 1-0-2, Adams 0-1-1, Taylor 2-2-6, Murauckas 0-2-2, Gourley, Smith 1-0-2, Black, Kr. Allen, Ka. Allen

Caribou (9-5) 57

Gahagan, Harrigan 3-0-7, Ouellette 1-0-2, Bouchard 1-0-3, Vincent 1-0-3, Burlock 0-2-2, Drew 7-3-18, Willey, Selander 6-2-14, Cousins, Collins 1-0-2, Lopez 2-1-6

3-pt. goals: Andrews; Harrigan, Bouchard, Vincent, Drew, Lopez

Bucksport 3 8 16 16

Caribou 16 30 41 57

JV: Caribou 37-25

Orono 55, Houlton 51 (OT)

At Orono, Stacey Saucier hit five of her six free-throw attempts in overtime to power the Red Riots past the Shiretowners.

Saucier finished with 29 points, including 12 in the fourth quarter. Oliva Alford tallied six assists and four steals. Orono went 22-for-29 from the foul line in the game.

Katherine Cole, Alyssa Foster and Claire Thompson each scored 10 points for Houlton.

Houlton (5-9) 51

Guy, Foster 5-0-10, Cleary 2-2-8, Thompson 4-2-10, Skehan 3-0-7, Cole 5-0-10, Lenentine 3-0-6, Sewell

Orono (7-6) 55

Glencross, See 2-4-8, Alford 2-0-4, Artesani, Shay 1-2-4, Lint 2-4-8, Cypher 1-0-2, Saucier 8-12-29

3-pt. goals: Cleary 2, Skehan; Saucier

Houlton 4 13 23 45 51

Orono 10 18 31 45 55

JV: Houlton 47-13

Lee 62, Katahdin 45

At Lee, Shelby Pickering scored 23 points and grabbed 11 rebounds to help carry the Pandas past the Cougars.

Ashlee Gifford added 12 points and seven steals for Lee while Samantha Cole chipped in with 11 points.

Brandi Violette led Katahdin of Sherman Station with 18 points. K.C. Duffy-Stanley contributed 14.

Katahdin 45

Violette 7-0-18, Duffy-Stanley 6-0-14, McMoarn 3-0-7, Albert 1-0-2, Hill 1-2-4, Martin, Green, McAvoy, Brady, Jessie Green

Lee (11-2) 62

Mallett 2-04, J. Moors 1-0-2, Pickering 9-5-23, Hersom 4-0-8, Cole 2-7-11, Ham 1-0-2, Gifford 5-2-12, Read, M. Moors

3-pt. goals: Violette 4, Duffy-Stanley 2, McMoarn

Katahdin 6 26 33 45

Lee 17 30 48 62

Central 74, Sumner 38

At East Sullivan, Jenny Rollins scored 28 points to lead Central past Sumner.

Katie Ahearn netted 26 points for the Red Devils of Corinth.

Brittany Dunbar scored nine points for the Tigers. Dorothy Alley and Ellen Beattie each added eight points.

Central (11-2) 74

Rollins 12-3-28, Ahearn 7-12-26, Collins 0-2-2, Davis 3-0-6, Elliot 1-0-2, Underhill 2-3-7, Me. Jones 0-2-2, Bell 1-0-2, Ma. Jones, Daniel, Lyford, Griffiths

Sumner (1-13) 38

Dunbar 2-3-9, Alley 4-0-8, Beattie 2-2-8, Ruhlin 1-0-2, Klausmeyer 3-0-6, Page 2-1-5, Saunders, Scott Rock, Tucker, Racicot

3-pt. goals: Rollins; Beattie 2, Dunbar

Central 15 33 56 74

Sumner 9 20 36 38

JV: Central 38-20

Calais 70, Jonesport-Beals 54

At Calais, Crystal Martin scored 17 points to help push the Blue Devils to the win.

Danielle Feck netted 13 points for Calais and Darcey Gillespie added 11.

Jody Pinkham scored 18 points for the Royalettes and Ashten Smith had 10 points.


Presque Isle 4, Foxcroft 1

At Presque Isle, Sam Shaw and Trevor Graves each scored a goal and had an assist to help lead Presque Isle to victory.

Robert Gartley and Tom Gregg had a goal each while Ben Sirois recorded an assist. Travis Shaw faced 21 shots and made 20 saves for the 9-2 Wildcats.

Mike Freese scored the goal for 1-8 Foxcroft while Derek Smith had the assist. Dan Perkins and John Cottell combined for 25 saves on 29 shots.

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