September 20, 2024

Schenck Wolverines overcome Minutemen Deschenes, Graham pace win

EAST MILLINOCKET – Brian Graham scored six points and Ryan Deschenes had five points in the fourth quarter to help Schenck pull ahead for a 64-54 schoolboy basketball victory over Stearns.

Deschenes netted 17 points and grabbed 8 rebounds for Schenck and Graham had 14 points. Mike Rossignol and Aaron Waite each scored 10.

Derek DiFrederico scored 22 points for Stearns of Millinocket. Matt LeGassey netted 11 and Kevin McLaughlin added nine.

Stearns (11-5) 54

Leino 2-0-4, Fitzgerald 0-2-2, DiFrederico, Barnett 1-4-6, McLaughlin 4-0-9, Mat. LeGassey 5-1-11, Mar. LeGassey

Schenck (6-9) 64

Thompson 2-2-8, Hanington 2-1-5, Rossignol 3-3-10, Deschenes 8-1-17, Waite 2-4-10, Graham 7-0-14, Barnett

3-pt. goals: DiFrederico, McLaughlin; Thompson 2, Waite 2, Rossignol

Stearns 18 29 41 54

Schenck 12 33 44 64

JV: Stearns 54-35

Old Town 97, Hampden 60

At Old Town, Kevin Emerson netted 33 points for the Indians and nailed nine three pointers to break the previous school record of seven.

Matt Curtis added 14 points for Old Town While Mike Thurston and Tyler Tracewski scored 12 points apiece.

Clayton Tunney led the Hampden effort with 10 points.

Hampden (6-0) 60

Tunney 3-2-10, Keller 4-0-9, Mehan 4-0-9, Shannon 2-2-6, Dalton 1-0-2, Bacon 1-0-3, Mayo 3-2-8, Moran 3-1-7, Cook 1-4-6, Zanardi, McNutt, Bennett

Old Town (6-60 97

Emerson 12-0-33, Curtis 4-4-14, Thurston 2-7-12, Tracewski 4-4-12, Brown 3-2-9, Robbins 0-1-1, King 1-0-2, Dupuis 0-2-2, Petrie 2-0-4, Conary 2-1-6, Bjorn 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Tunney 2, Keller, Mehan, Bacon; Emerson 9, Curtis 2, Thurston, Brown

Hampden 6 17 32 60

Old Town 22 40 72 97

JV: Hampden 57-51

Brewer 60, John Bapst 32

At Brewer, Isaac Bell knocked down three 3-pointers in the second quarter en route to a game-high 15 points and a win for the Witches.

J.T. Breindel added 10 points and Travis Stewart scored all eight of his points in the fourth quarter for Brewer.

Alex Means led the Crusaders of Bangor with 10 points.

John Bapst (0-9) 32

Leavitt 0-1-1, Snyder 1-0-2, Francis 1-0-2, Freeman 2-0-4, Means 4-2-10, Ferrill 0-1-1, Lyon, Roach 0-1-1, Carey 1-0-2, Myerowitz 1-3-5, Nason 2-0-4

Brewer (10-1) 60

Bouzan-Kaloustian, Sargent, Rohn 0-2-2, Stewart 3-2-8, McAvoy, I. Bell 5-2-15, J. Bell 3-1-7, Wilson 2-0-5, Craig 1-0-2, Frost 1-3-5, Breindel 3-4-10, McGary, Young, Gomm 3-0-6

3-pt. goals: I. Bell 3, Wilson

John Bapst 6 10 22 32

Brewer 9 25 40 60

JV: Brewer 41-36

Penquis 60, Hermon 56

At Milo, Jordan Allen scored 17 points while Dustin Perkins scored his 10 points in the fourth quarter to help lead Penquis to the win.

Justin Allen contributed 14 points while Devin Perkins added 13 for the Patriots.

Ron Lane led Hermon with 21 points while Joey Schacht had 12 and Adam Porter 10.

Hermon (6-7) 56

Cayford 1-2-4, Schacht 5-0-12, Keefe, Duplisea 1-1-3, Porter 4-2-10, Lane 8-5-21, King

Penquis (14-1) 60

Allen 7-2-17, Chase 0-2-2, De. Perkins 4-5-13, Allen 4-6-14, Kissell 1-0-2, Du. Perkins 4-2-10, McKenzie 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Schacht 2; Allen

Hermon 11 24 40 56

Penquis 15 25 37 60

JV: Hermon 50-39

Piscataquis 77, Dexter 68

At Guilford, Josh Luellen netted 24 points to put the Pirates on top of the Tigers.

Joe Jardine scored 19 points for Piscataquis and Harper Hoffman added 10.

Travis Patterson scored 25 points for Dexter.

Dexter (9-6) 68

Patterson 11-2-25, Day 3-2-8, martin 3-0-7, Hersey 2-2-6, Rabideau 3-0-6, Kenney 1-2-4, Vafiades 1-0-2, Roach 1-0-2, Bowers 1-0-2, Murray, Pullen

Piscataquis (7-7) 77

Luellen 8-7-24, Jardine 7-2-19, Hoffman 4-2-10, Prescott 2-5-9, T. Tracy 2-4-8, Yeo 0-3-3, Davis 0-2-2, Garrett-Young 1-0-2, Wilson, J. Tracy

3-pt. goals: Patterson, Martin; Jardine 3, Luellen

Dexter 10 28 40 68

Piscataquis 19 43 60 77

JV: Dexter 71-36

Mattanawcook 90, PVHS 62

At Lincoln, Dustin Hanscom scored 18 points to lead Mattanawcook to the win.

Jon Carney scored 16 points for the Lynx. Ryan Hanscom and Wayne Berry each netted 13 points and Nathan Cousineau added 11.

Dustin Nicholson scored 14 points for Penobscot Valley of Howland. Matt Mulligan had 10.

Penobscot Valley (4-11) 62

Cummings 1-0-3, Ireland 1-0-3, Hallett 1-1-3, Thompson 1-0-2, Artes 3-0-8, Nicholson 6-1-14, Coyle 2-1-5, Cyr 2-0-6, Lavertu 3-2-8, Mulligan 2-6-10

Mattanawcook Acad. (10-4) 90

Andrews 1-0-2, Kites, Kyes 1-0-2, Emery, D. Hanscom 6-5-18, R. Hanscom 6-1-13, Cousineau 4-2-11, Greenlaw 1-0-2, Berry 5-3-13, Malone 2-0-5, Libbey 3-0-6, Ireland, Arnold 1-0-2, Carney 7-2-16

3-pt. goals: Artes 2, Cyr 2, Cummings, Ireland, Nicholson; D. Hanscom, Cousineau, Malone

Penobscot Val. 12 29 42 62

Mattanawcook 15 38 62 90

JV: Mattanawcook 67-46

Valley 69, Greenville 43

At Bingham, Mark Gaudet led host Valley with 18 points while Kevin Miller had 13 points and 10 rebounds as the Cavaliers remained unbeaten.

Lucas Melcher added 10 points for the Cavaliers.

Grizz Aucoin led the Lakers with 13 points.

Greenville 43

G. Aucoin 3-6-13, Campbell 1-3-5, R. Douglas 1-0-2, E. Douglas, J. Belmont 1-3-5, K. Belmont 1-0-2, Lavigne 2-0-4, Edmundson 0-4-4, Lizotte 0-2-2, D. Aucoin 3-0-6

Valley 69

Gaudet 6-3-18, Miller 6-1-13, Melcher 5-0-10, Hibbard 3-0-7, Giberson, Atwood 3-0-6, Robinson, Hovey 2-2-6, Gilbert 3-0-6, Hyland 1-0-3

3-pt. goals: G. Aucoin; Gaudet 3, Hibbard, Hyland

Greenville 9 17 25 43

Valley 16 32 59 69

Searsport 61, Central 59

At Searsport, Josh McFarlin’s 22 points helped the Vikings hold off the Red Devils.

Spencer Garton added 15 points.

Joey Kane scored 26 points, including two three-pointers in the final minutes to bring Central of Corinth within two.

Central (2-11) 59

J. Allen 4-0-9, Connolly, Macomber, Strout, Palmer 0-2-2, Kane 9-4-26, A. Allen 2-0-4, Chambers 4-0-8, Elliott 3-0-7, Brown 1-1-3

Searsport (4-11) 61

Shute, Adams, Quisenberry 3-3-9, Farrar, McFarlin 9-4-22, Chaar, M. Nickerson 2-3-7, Mitchell 2-1-5, Garton 6-3-15, R. Nickerson 1-1-3, Tufts

3-pt. goals: J. Allen, Elliott

Central 14 24 35 59

Searsport 14 26 43 61

Mount View 65, Lincoln Acad. 50

At Thorndike, Roy Goodale netted 24 points to push Mount View to the win.

Marc McCorrison scored 18 points for the Mustangs.

Deric Verney scored 18 points for Lincoln Academy of Newcastle.

Lincoln Acad. (3-11) 50

Brown 1-0-2, Feltis 2-0-4, Elwell 1-2-4, Carter, Howell 3-0-6, Verney 6-5-18, Rainey 3-0-8, Wallace 2-1-5, Buckland, Cyr 1-1-3, Anderson

Mount View (11-3) 65

Letourneau 0-1-1, Wentworth 1-0-3, Miles, Downs, Ward 3-1-7, Crichton 4-0-8, Goodale 7-10-24, McCorrison 3-11-18, Harvey, Jones, Spaulding 1-0-2, Elwell, Higgins, Tripp 0-2-2

3-pt. goals: Rainey 2, Verney; Wentworth, McCorrison

Lincoln Acad. 6 19 26 50

Mount View 7 25 38 65

Katahdin 67, Fort Fairfield 56

At Sherman Station, Tom Rodgerson scored 19 points to lead the Cougars past the Tigers.

Brian Sullivan netted 15 points for Katahdin and Owen McCarthy added 13.

Sam Esancy scored 20 points for Fort Fairfield. Aaron Kenneson netted 14 points and Brandon Levasseur had 10.

Fort Fairfield (10-5) 56

Esancy 9-2-20, Bernaiche 0-2-2, Levasseur 4-2-10, Kenneson 5-4-14, Helstrom 3-0-7, Clark, Osgood 1-1-3

Katahdin (7-7) 67

Willett 2-0-5, Cyr 2-2-7, Davis 2-2-6, Sullivan 6-3-15, Ja. Cullen 1-0-2, Rodgerson 6-5-19, McCarthy 5-2-13, Jo. Cullen

3-pt. goals: Helstrom; Rodgerson 2, Willett, Cyr, McCarthy

Fort Fairfield 9 26 40 56

Katahdin 15 30 50 67

JV: Katahdin 55-40

Islesboro 86, Averill 57

At Islesboro, David Pike netted 32 points, grabbed 10 rebounds and had six assists to help carry Islesboro past Averill of Hinckley.

Jon Bolduc added 25 points, seven rebounds and nine steals for the Eagles.

David Arnold led the Averill effort with 22 points while Gary Small tossed in 14 points.

Averill (1-13) 57

Gray 2-2-6, Hart 1-2-4, Arnold 10-0-22, Stowe 1-0-2, Small 5-0-14, Lamontagne 2-1-5, Barner 2-0-4, DeLeon, Cushing, Staples

Islesboro (10-2) 86

Bolduc 10-3-25, Pike 11-7-32, Tutor 2-1-5, Roberts 3-0-6, Gorham 0-1-1, Grindle 3-2-8, Thomas 4-1-9

3-pt. goals: Small 4, Arnold 2; Pike 3, Bolduc 2

Averill 14 25 42 57

Islesboro 16 42 69 86

Bucksport 63, MDI 62

At Mount Desert, John Harvey netted two free throws with 11 seconds remaining to give Bucksport the win.

Adam Sheehan scored 28 points for Bucksport and Joey Carmichael had 14.

Kyle Jones netted 29 points for Mount Desert Island. Dylan Suvlu scored 12, Jake King had 11 and Clint Chernosky added 10.

Bucksport (3-11) 63

LaLonde 1-0-3, Sheehan 10-3-28, Knight 0-2-2, Carmichael 7-0-14, Cyr 4-0-8, Harvey 2-2-6, Hopkins 0-2-2, Clapper, Cough

Mount Desert Island (9-6) 62

Jones 8-8-29, Suvlu 3-6-12, King 3-5-11, Chernosky 3-3-10, Stratton, Staples, Lewis

3-pt. goals: Sheehan 5, LaLonde; Jones 5, Chernosky

Bucksport 12 31 34 63

MDI 21 29 38 62

JV: MDI 52-41

George Stevens 59, Ellsworth 43

At Ellsworth, Nick Henry’s 26-point effort propelled the George Stevens Academy Eagles of Blue Hill past the Eagles of Ellsworth.

Andy Tracy had 20 points and 16 rebounds for Ellsworth.

George Stevens (12-3) 59

Henry 12-2-26, Astbury 1-0-2, Clapp 4-1-9, Ledien 3-0-7, Friend, Carter 1-0-2, Allen, Freedman 2-0-4, Templeton 2-1-5, Saunders 1-0-2, Lymburner 0-2-2, Candage

Ellsworth (3-12) 43

Tracy 8-0-20, Mayo 2-0-5, Dewitt 3-0-6, Sawyer 0-2-2, Putnam, Berry, Carriere, Jordan 1-0-2, Jones 2-2-8, McMillan, Sprague

3-pt. goals: Ledien; Tracy 4, Mayo, Jones 2

George Stevens 14 28 48 59

Ellsworth 3 14 29 43

JV: GSA 49-48

Sumner 59, Narraguagus 45

Polk scores 1,000th career point

At East Sullivan, Jamey Polk scored 18 points, including the 1000th of his career, and pulled down 13 rebounds to propel the Tigers to victory.

Dylan Johnson scored 13 points and Larry Plummer contributed 11 points and 10 rebounds for Sumner.

Jamie Bailey’s 18-point effort led Narraguagus of Harrington.

Narraguagus (4-11) 45

Strout 2-0-4, Bailey 8-0-18, Rossi 4-0-8, Skeate 1-0-2, Checker 1-4-6, Worcester 2-0-4, Beal 1-0-3, Shinn, Shaw, Leakfeldt

Sumner (9-5) 59

Polk 6-2-18, Johnson 5-2-13, Plummer 5-1-11, Huber 3-0-6, Joy 2-0-5, White 2-2-6, Allen, Coffin, Pinkham, Burdett

3-pt. goals: Bailey 2, Beal; Polk 2, Johnson, Joy

Narraguagus 10 25 34 45

Sumner 11 30 43 59

JV: Narraguagus 69-60

Machias 58, Calais 56

At Machias, the Bulldogs hung on after the Blue Devils made three of four free throws (including two for a technical foul) with 0.5 seconds left, then missed a desperation shot at the buzzer.

Calais (7-7) 56

Dickerson 4-4-12, Reynolds 3-0-6, Guthrie 0-2-2, Smith 2-0-4, McLean 1-0-2, McPhee, Little 2-4-8, Burbee 7-6-22

Machias (7-9) 58

Brooks 3-2-8, Poore 1-2-4, Richards 7-1-16, Correll 5-8-19, Leahy 2-2-6, Smith 0-1-1, Anderson, Sullivan 1-0-2, Falvey 0-2-2

3-pt. goals: Burbee 2; Richards, Correll

Calais 4 16 38 56

Machias 15 30 40 58

JV: Calais 49-42

Belfast 54, Rockland 38

At Belfast, Nick Arthers scored 13 points to help lead the host Lions to victory.

Mike Worster scored 13 for the Tigers.

Belfast (5-9) 54

Arthers 4-5-13, Ames 1-3-5, Ratten 2-4-9, Aldus 1-0-2, Horne 1-0-2, Welch 1-6-8, Martens, Dutch, Herman, Cunning 1-0-2, Gregory 1-2-4, Whalen, Thompson 3-3-9

Rockland (4-10) 38

Worster 5-1-13, Davis, Gushee, Curtis 1-0-2, Cousens 1-2-4, Baudanza, Gammon 3-0-9, Brown 3-0-6, Ross, Hynes 1-0-2, Creamer 1-0-2, Grade, Podziewski, Levenseler

3-pt. goals: Worster 2, Gammon 3; Ratten

Rockland 12 19 30 38

Belfast 17 27 38 54

JV: Belfast 59-54


Stearns 6, Kents Hill 5

At Houlton, Tyler Pelkey netted three goals to push Stearns ahead of Kents Hill.

Drew Summers scored a goal with two assists for the Minutemen of Millinocket. George Surrette and Kyle Bouchard each scored a goal and Nick Simon made 33 saves on 38 shots for 3-8 Stearns.

Chris Nichols scored a goal with one assist for Kents Hill. Matt Daugherty, Paul Pasquele and Will Bridgeo each netted one goal. Ben Brock stopped 24 of 30 shots for 4-4 Kents Hill.

Girls basketball

Stearns 62, Houlton 49

At Millinocket, Trisha MacDonald scored 18 points to lead the Stearns Minutemen to their 14th victory.

Leslie Osborne and Ashley Boynton scored 13 and 12 points, respectively, for Stearns.

Kasey Cleary and Katherine Cole each scored 10 points for the Shiretowners.

Houlton (5-10) 49

Cleary 4-1-10, Cole 5-0-10, Guy 1-0-3, Foster 1-1-3, Thompson 2-1-5, Skehan 1-0-3, Lenentine 4-1-9, Sewell 3-0-6, Beals

Stearns (14-3) 62

MacDonald 6-3-18, Nason 1-0-3, Legassey 3-0-6, Fitzgerald 1-0-2, Arsenault 1-0-2, Boynton 5-2-12, L. Osborne 5-2-13, Somers 1-0-2, Michaud 2-0-4, Hale, Rideout, Franck, J. Osborne

3-pt. goals: Cleary, Guy, Skehan; MacDonald 3, Nason, L. Osborne

Houlton 10 20 34 49

Stearns 17 32 52 62

JV: Stearns 60-51 (OT)

Mattanawcook 54, PVHS 35

At Lincoln, Kate Head scored 14 points and had 16 rebounds to lead Mattanawcook Academy past Penobscot Valley.

Codi Slike netted 12 points for the Lynx and Courtney Gulesian added 10.

Nancy Hallett scored 12 points for Penobscot Valley of Howland.

Penobscot Valley (1-13) 35

Drost 3-2-8, N. Hallett 5-1-12, Foster 2-1-7, Colbeth 2-0-4, Plourd 1-0-2, Garland 0-1-1, Brown 0-1-1, Batchelder, Snape, Porter, Dawson, A. Hallett

Mattanawcook Academy (9-5) 54

Head 7-0-14, Slike 4-4-12, C. Gulesian 3-4-10, Keegan 1-1-3, Oliver 1-1-3, Cousineau 1-1-3, Littlefield 1-2-4, Pietras 1-0-2, H. Gulesian 0-2-2, Sanderson 0-1-1, Malone, Reed

3-pt. goals: Foster 2, Hallett

Penobscot Val. 8 13 29 35

Mattanawcook 11 24 42 54

Erskine 44, MCI 18

At Pittsfield, Bonnie Dow scored 12 points and Cally Thomas added eight to carry Erskine Academy of South China past Maine Central Institute.

Ashley Currier led the Huskies with five points.

Erskine Acad. 44

Laney 1-0-2, Dow 4-0-12, Horak 0-4-4, Fortin, Malley, Macklin, Johnson 1-0-2, St. Amand 0-4-4, Gleaton 1-3-5, Thomas 4-0-8, Bocchino 3-1-7, Shanholtz

MCI 18

M. Dodge 1-0-2, Littlefield 1-0-2, Lancaster 1-0-2, Currier 2-1-5, Sullivan 1-1-3, Ferland, Roy, Frost, Knox, J. Holt 1-0-2, K. Dodge 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Dow 3

Erskine 15 29 37 44

MCI 7 11 12 18

Valley 54, Greenville 39

At Bingham, the Cavaliers held the Lakers to 11 points combined in the second and third quarters to earn the win.

Jessica Fitzmaurice paced Valley with 18 points, while Kristin Baker scored 13 and Crystal Rollins 12.

Beth Bartley tossed in 17 points to lead Greenville.

Greenville (7-5) 39

Bouley 3-0-6, Hanson 4-0-8, M. Bartley 2-0-4, Breton 1-0-2, Gray, B. Bartley 7-1-17, Larsen 1-0-2

Valley (10-2) 54

Baker 5-0-13, Malloy 3-1-7, McCandless, Rollins 4-0-12, McAllister, Jes. Fitzmaurice 6-6-18, Vicneire, L. Fitzmaurice 2-0-4, Jer. Fitzmaurice

3-pt. goals: B. Bartley 2; Baker 3, Rollins 4

Greenville 14 16 25 39

Valley 17 26 40 54

Lee 56, Calais 41

At Lee, Shelby Pickering had 24 points, 17 rebounds and seven steals to lead the Lee Academy Pandas.

Kristin Hersom had nine points, 10 rebounds, and six assists for the Pandas.

Crystal Martin had 15 points to pace the Blue Devils.

Calais (10-4) 41

Martin 6-2-15, Smith, Eagan 3-1-9, O’Brien 3-1-7, Feck, C. Taylor 1-0-3, McGinley, L. Taylor 1-0-2, Mahan 1-0-2, Gillespie 1-0-3

Lee (12-2) 56

Pickering 11-2-24, Mallett 3-0-6, Read, J. Moors 3-0-6, M. Moors 2-0-4, Hanscom 1-0-2, Hersom 4-1-9, Ham 1-0-3, Gifford 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Martin, Eagan 2, C. Taylor, Gillespie; Ham

Calais 12 23 28 41

Lee 15 27 40 56

JV: Calais 48-35

Lincoln Acad. 47, Mount View 46

At Newcastle, Sarah Woodward scored 19 points, including four 3-pointers, as the Eagles held off the Mustangs.

Kristy Clements led Mount View of Thorndike with 12 points and 15 rebounds. Amy Miles added 11 points and Ashley Barnard had 10 points.

Mount View 46

Miles 4-3-11, Hunter 0-1-1, Barnard 4-2-10, Whitcomb 3-0-6, Drummond 1-4-6, Clements 5-2-12, Stevens, York, Mehuren

Lincoln Acad. 47

Woodward 7-1-19, Wyman 2-2-6, Flagg 3-0-6, Hall 2-0-6, Neal 0-2-2, Tims 0-1-1, Coopersmith, York 2-3-7, Hartford, Prior, Gaeth, Hope, Lane, Lee

3-pt. goals: Woodward 4, Hall 2

Mount View 14 26 32 46

Lincoln Acad. 14 23 37 47

Islesboro 60, Averill 11

At Islesboro, the Eagles pulled away early en route to the victory.

Kate Hauprich and Cassie Gray led Islesboro with 24 and 22 points, respectively. Gray also grabbed 14 rebounds.

Lisa Seavey scored nine points for Averill School of Hinckley.

Averill (1-12) 11

Michaud, Gowen, Oliver, Seavey 3-2-9, Battle, Mailry, O’Berne, Tomlin, Geary 1-0-2, Thompson, McGee

Islesboro (5-7) 60

Hauprich 12-0-24, Frank 0-1-1, Kerr 2-0-5, Johnston 3-0-6, Durkee 1-0-2, Gray 11-0-22

3-pt. goals: Seavey; Kerr

Averill 5 9 9 11

Islesboro 14 32 46 60

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