September 21, 2024

Crusaders rally past Old Town

BANGOR – Dan Myerowitz scored 11 of his 13 points in the second half and Brandon Freeman had all 10 of his points after intermission as the John Bapst Crusaders edged Old Town 50-45 in a Big East Conference schoolboy basketball game at the Bangor Auditorium on Friday night.

Tyler Tracewski scored 12 points for Old Town, whose two losses have come at the hands of John Bapst.

Old Town (4-2) 45

Thurston 1-3-6, Bouchard 2-0-4, Petrie 1-2-4, Tracewski 6-0-12, St. Louis 1-0-2, Conroy 2-0-4, Miller 2-0-4, Curtis 3-0-9

John Bapst (3-3) 50

Freeman 4-1-10, Means 2-1-5, Ferrill 3-0-6, Carey 4-0-8, Roach 3-0-6, Myerowitz 5-3-13, Yeo 1-0-2, Leavitt

3-pt. goals: Thurston, Curtis 3; Freeman

Old Town 21 29 40 45

John Bapst 4 17 36 50

JV: Old Town 53-45

East Grand 76, Lee 65

At Danforth, Darius Parker netted 28 points to help carry host East Grand to the win.

Eric Hanington added 20 points and 10 rebounds for the Vikings while Seth Preston chipped in with 10 points.

Nate Dow led Lee Academy with 24 points while Tom Bird and Jeremy Tripp scored 11 apiece.

Lee Academy (2-6) 65

Dow 9-1-24, Bird 3-5-11, Tripp 4-0-11, Cowan 4-0-9, Mallett 2-2-6, King 1-0-3, Currie 0-1-1, Thompson, Worster

East Grand (7-2) 76

Parker 8-10-28, E. Hanington 6-8-20, Preston 5-0-10, Faulkner 4-1-9, Byers 2-0-5, Scott 2-0-4, M. Hanington

3-pt. goals: Dow 3, Tripp 3, Cowan, King; Parker 2, Byers

Lee Academy 14 34 50 65

East Grand 26 38 53 76

Georges Valley 60, Madison 52

At Madison, David Wilgus netted 23 points and eight assists for the visiting Buccaneers of Thomaston

Brett Hutchinson scored 15 points, while A.J. Staples had 12 points and 13 rebounds. Ryan Holbrook added 10 more points.

Randy McMullen led the Bulldogs with 17 points.

Georges Valley (7-1) 60

Wilgus 6-7-21, Holbrook 4-2-10, Miller, Staples 5-2-12, Judkins 1-0-2, Johnson, Chamberlain, Hutchinson 7-1-15

Madison (2-4) 52

Norris 1-0-3, Paine 1-0-3, Marandola 2-0-5, Stewert 3-1-9, McMullen 8-1-17, Mann 1-0-2, Bishop 1-0-2, Pinkham 1-0-2, Berry 4-0-9

3-pt. goals: Wilgus 2; Norris, Paine, Marandola, Stewert 2, Berry

Georges Valley 12 26 46 60

Madison 11 23 39 52

JV: Georges Valley 66-38

Ellsworth 75, Presque Isle 73

At Ellsworth, senior Anthony Jones scored on a pass from sophomore Andy Tracy with 0.2 seconds left as the host Eagles remained unbeaten.

Tracy finished with a game-high 26 points including four 3-point goals, while freshman Corey DeWitt added 24 points, including a 9-of-10 effort from the free-throw line and three 3-pointers. Joey DeWitt contributed 10 points.

Greg Whitaker paced Presque Isle with 24 points, while Kyle Rideout scored 14, Matt Fowler 12 and Matt McGlinn 11.

Presque Isle (3-5) 73

Carlin 3-0-8, Lavway, McGlinn 4-2-11, Rideout 5-4-14, Wildeman 2-0-4, Whitaker 11-1-24, Fowler 5-2-12, Swanson

Ellsworth (7-0) 75

Katsiaficas 0-1-1, C. DeWitt 6-9-24, J. DeWitt 3-3-10, Berry, Tracy 9-4-26, Jones 3-0-6, Britt 4-0-8, Conners 1-0-2, Jordan

3-pt. goals: Carlin 2, Whitaker; Tracy 4, C. DeWitt 3, J. Dewitt

Presque Isle 22 39 55 73

Ellsworth 19 36 57 75

JV: Ellsworth 58-52

MDI 74, Caribou 42

At Mount Desert, Kyle Staples led the host Trojans with a game-high 18 points.

Mike Frongillo added 13.

Joey Pelletier and Kyle Wambold each scored 11 points for the Vikings. Brad Campbell had 10 more.

Caribou (0-9) 42

Pelletier 5-1-11, Wambold 4-3-11, Campbell 5-0-10, Wakana 3-0-6, Gagnon 1-0-2, Ala 1-0-2, Spring, Damboise, Rosser, Cashman, Fitzherbert

MDI (4-3) 74

Staples 4-8-18, Frongillo 5-3-13, O’Connell 3-3-9, Swanson 3-3-9, Pooler 1-7-9, Daley 2-3-9, Dargis 2-1-5, Dutra 1-0-2, Lewis, Allen, Grover, Maffucci

3-pt. goals: Staples 2, Daley 2

Caribou 10 24 28 42

Mount Desert 10 34 48 74

JV: MDI 86-11

Camden Hills 68, MCI 36

At Rockport, Ryan Fitzgerald scored 15 points as the Windjammers sailed past MCI for their seventh straight win

Will Horn added 12 points for Camden Hills while Tim Stammen contributed with 10.

Phil Hendricks led the MCI effort with 14 points.

Maine Central Institute (2-6) 36

Bennett 1-2-4, Adams 1-2-4, Hayama 2-0-4, M. Quint 0-2-2, Hoff 0-1-1, V. Quint 0-1-1, Shibuya 2-1-5, Hendricks 4-6-14, Curtis 0-1-1, Godfrey

Camden Hills (7-1) 68

Davis 2-0-4, Stearns 1-1-3, Moro 1-0-2, Beveridge 2-0-6, Draper 1-0-2, Horn 5-0-12, Stammen 2-6-10, Pike 2-2-7, Fitzgerald 6-1-15, Tedford 2-1-5, Dennen 1-0-2, Kerr, Scamfer, Calabi, Puls

3-pt. goals: Beveridge 2, Horn 2, Fitzgerald 2, Pike

MCI 8 21 24 36

Camden Hills 16 36 47 68

JV: Camden Hills 52-44

Maranacook 89, Rockland 71

At Rockland, Charlie Calligan scored 34 points to help push Maranacook of Readfield to the victory.

Kaleb Violette netted 23 points for Maranacook.

Wade Oliver scored 27 points for Rockland. Greg Crupi netted 17 points and Nate Grade had eight rebounds.

Maranacook (6-2) 89

Jarius 1-0-2, Feldman 1-0-2, St. John 4-0-8, Gerrity 3-2-8, Gilman 2-3-7, Collins 1-1-3, Spaulding 0-2-2, Violette 11-1-23, Galligan 10-12-34, Bassette, Palmer, Bates

Rockland (2-6) 71

Cousens 3-1-7, Baudanza-Sturks 2-0-5, Levenseler 1-0-2, Worster 2-2-6, Hynes 2-0-4, Grade 0-3-3, Crupi 5-6-17, Oliver 11-4-27

3-pt. goals: Calligan 2, Oliver, Baudanza-Sturks, Crupi

Maranacook 23 45 62 89

Rockland 14 34 51 71

Girls basketball

Hampden 54, Brewer 39

At Hampden, Jill Beal scored 16 points to help push Hampden Academy past Brewer.

Johanna Ghiringhelli netted 12 points for the Broncos.

Amy Freeman scored 14 points for the Witches and Katie Quimby added 12.

Brewer (1-5) 39

Freeman 5-4-14, Quimby 4-1-12, DeFilipp 3-1-7, Corey 0-2-2, Albeding 2-0-4, Cote, McLain

Hampden Academy (5-1) 54

Beal 7-2-16, Ghiringhelli 5-2-12, Steohenson 3-0-6, Morris 2-0-4, Ross 3-1-7, Thompson 1-0-3, Ryder 3-0-6

3-pt. goals: Quimby 3; Thompson

Brewer 9 22 29 39

Hampden 10 24 36 54

John Bapst 44, Old Town 28

At the Bangor Auditorium, Chere Wickstrom scored 18 points to help John Bapst past Old Town.

Ashley Freeman netted eight points for the Crusaders and Katie Andrle had four steals.

Kristi Mitchell had 15 points for Old Town.

Old Town (1-5) 28

K. Mitchell 6-3-15, K. Bergeron 1-2-4, Marquis 0-1-1, Jones 0-3-3, Spencer 1-0-2, L. Mitchell 1-1-3, Gomm, Reardon, Kennedy, L. Bergeron

John Bapst (2-4) 44

Wickstrom 4-7-18, Freeman 1-6-8, Andrle 2-2-6, Walsh 0-2-2, Miller 1-0-2, Baldus 0-2-2, Hunter 3-0-6, Greenlaw, Martin, Nichols

3-pt. goals: Wickstrom 3

Old Town 8 13 19 28

John Bapst 11 17 25 44

JV: John Bapst 52-28

Lubec 56, Calvary Chapel 33

At Lubec, Leann Pike scored 19 points and grabbed 16 rebounds to pace the victorious Hornets.

Kristina Scoville added 16 points and Kara Scoville scored nine points for Lubec, while Savannah McPherson brought down 15 rebounds.

Jessica Graves led Calvary Chapel of Orrington with 10 points, while Brittany Lowe scored eight.

Calvary Chapel (2-2) 33

Graves 4-2-10, C. Veilleux 2-0-4, Lowe 4-0-8, Miller 2-0-5, Elliot 2-2-6, M. Veilleux, Colby, Ericson, Grice, Plissey, Mears, Doten

Lubec (3-1) 56

Pike 9-1-19, Kr. Scoville 8-0-16, Ka. Scoville 4-1-9, Hall 2-0-4, McPherson 2-2-6, Wright 1-0-2, Munson, Corey

3-pt. goals: Miller

Calvary Chapel 2 13 23 33

Lubec 21 31 44 56

Stearns 74, Geo. Stevens 22

At Millinocket, Trisha MacDonald scored 12 points to help host Stearns to its seventh win.

Hilary Arsenault had 11 points for the Minutemen and Amy Collinsworth added 10.

Brandi Winters scored seven points for George Stevens Academy of Blue Hill.

George Stevens Academy (3-5) 22

Lymburner 0-1-1, Beardsworth 3-0-6, Moon 0-2-2, Winters 3-0-7, Conte 0-2-2, Haskell 1-2-4, Keevan, Wardwell, Roberts, Smith, Astbury, Brady, Flynn

Stearns (7-1) 74

T. MacDonald 4-4-12, Nason 0-1-1, D. Michaud 2-0-4, Hale 3-0-7, Arsenault 4-2-11, Achorn 2-2-7, Somers 3-1-9, Collinsworth 5-0-10, J. Michaud 2-1-5, A. MacDonald 3-2-8

3-pt. goals: Winters; Somers 2, Achorn, Arsenault, Hale

George Stevens 3 6 15 22

Stearns 12 36 43 74

JV: Stearns 61-40

Camden Hills 63, MCI 31

At Pittsfield, Samantha Wyley scored 16 points to lead Camden Hills of Rockport to the win.

Kayla Gushee netted nine points for Windjammers.

Ashley Currier had 10 points and 10 rebounds for Maine Central Institute of Pittsfield.

Camden Hills (7-1) 63

Wyley 6-4-16, Smith 2-0-4, Newcomb 0-2-2, Butler 1-1-3, Holgerson 2-1-5, Gushee 3-3-9, Neville 0-3-3, Richards 1-0-2, Perry 1-4-6, Hart 3-0-7, Croce 1-4-6, Friesland

MCI (4-4) 31

Currier 3-4-10, K. Dodge 2-1-5, Sullivan 1-2-4, Kennedy 1-0-2, Lemari 0-2-2, Frost 0-1-1, V. Huff 2-2-6, Ky. Huff 0-1-1, M. Dodge, J. Hold, M. Holt, Ka. Huff

3-pt. goals: Hart

Camden Hills 15 31 41 63

MCI 8 14 21 31

JV: Camden Hills 46-34

Caribou 53, Ellsworth 40

At Caribou, Lindsay Burlock scored 17 points and Monica Selander added 14 as the host Vikings remained unbeaten.

Laura Archer scored 15 points for Ellsworth, which trailed just 24-21 at intermission before Caribou outscored the Eagles 29-19 in the second half.

Ellsworth (4-3) 40

Dalrymple, Boutaugh 3-0-7, Briggs 1-2-4, Archer 6-0-15, Fortier 0-2-2, Savage, Jones 2-0-4, McEachern, Oleson 3-2-8

Caribou (9-0) 53

Dubois, Gahagan, Harrigan 3-0-6, Ouellette 2-0-5, Bouchard 1-0-3, Dube 1-2-4, Burlock 7-3-17, Cousins, Selander 4-6-14, Willey 1-0-2, Morrill 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Archer 3, Boutaugh; Bouchard, Ouellette

Ellsworth 8 21 26 40

Caribou 7 24 34 53

JV: Ellsworth 44-31

Presque Isle 62, MDI 32

At Presque Isle, Katie DeLong scored 13 points and had six steals to lead Presque Isle to its eighth straight win.

Natasha Deschene netted 12 points for the Wildcats and Melissa DeMerchant added 11.

Stephanie Shuster scored 15 points for Mount Desert Island.

Mount Desert Island (4-4) 32

Stanley 1-0-2, Rosborough 2-0-4, Branks 0-1-1, Shuster 6-1-15, Records 1-1-3, Falt 2-0-4, Young 1-0-2, Christie 0-1-1, Stratton, Hodgdon, Dow

Presque Isle (8-0) 62

Deschene 5-2-12, A. DeLong 2-1-5, Post 20-5, K. DeLong 5-2-13, DeMerchant 4-3-11, Smith 1-1-3, Morris 2-0-5, Norsworthy 2-1-5, Richards 1-0-2, Pinette 0-1-1, Watananuchit, Moody

3-pt. goals: Shuster 2; Post, K. DeLong, Morris

Mount Desert 3 14 22 32

Presque Isle 17 28 40 62

JV: MDI 40-30

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