Now, a couple of words about over-the-counter and prescription drugs: advertising and disposal. One has a multibillion-dollar impact on our economy, plus far-reaching effects on our physical and emotional well-being. The other has the potential to unlock what we may believe to be our best-guarded… Read More
    Regular readers of this column know that we at Northeast CONTACT are big fans of recycling. It just seems logical to make as responsible choices in the proper disposal of the stuff of our lives as we did in buying that stuff in the first place. Read More
    When a useful publication comes along, Northeast CONTACT likes to let consumers know. Because seniors make up a sizable percentage of our clientele, we think that a new booklet from Maine’s Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection will be a great resource. It’s called the “Downeaster… Read More
    Recent chilly nights mean the heating season is upon us. And fluctuating oil prices have prompted lots of us to take another look at wood for heat. The warmth and glow of a wood fire can cheer us on the darkest winter day. Following some… Read More
    With Maine’s weather turning colder, our thoughts turn to the rising cost of keeping warm. Our column this week includes an appeal not to trade safety for savings. House fires become more frequent during the heating season. Fires tend to happen when we are at… Read More
    Many Maine families have buttoned up their homes in advance of what’s likely to be another long – and probably costly – winter. It’s no secret that heating costs have gone up dramatically, and we’re all well advised to do what we can to keep those costs from… Read More
    The schemes have been around for half a dozen years, in various flavors. Their targets, as always, are unwary consumers. They masquerade as some of our historically reliable financial institutions – banks. They operate in the manner of most online phishing scams: an e-mail arrives,… Read More
    Our topic comes from an issue brought to our attention just last week from someone in the Millinocket area. It’s worth noting that our consumer did a lot of things right, including noting several written tip-offs, in order not to become a victim. The case… Read More
    The fourth quarter of each year is the time when charitable donations are traditionally the greatest. With that season of giving fast approaching, it’s time to take a look at the groups that ask for our money and ask them what they do with it. Read More
    During this active hurricane season, our hearts go out to people who have lost loved ones, homes and property. Before we open our wallets, we should take a hard look at those who solicit funds in the name of helping storm victims – they may be simply helping… Read More
    The task of dealing with identity theft can be a daunting one. This is especially true when the thieves work through the invisible web surrounding many aspects of our lives, the Internet. Fortunately there are many sources of help to avoid identity theft and to… Read More
    First, the hard figures from a study done for the Federal Trade Commission. In 2005, 8.3 million Americans had their identities stolen through misuse of their credit card, banking or telephone accounts. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes =… Read More
    For most of us, summer means more time outside for projects or pleasure. A reminder about child safety is in order as well. As little ones begin to explore, they’re drawn to windows. Just last week, a toddler in Brooksville got out an upper-story window… Read More
    Many of us are looking for savings in the form of recycled goods. Whether at yard and garage sales, in secondhand stores or in the far corner of a relative’s attic, bargains await those who seek them. But those money savers may be false bargains… Read More
    Last week’s column on extended auto warranties generated a lot of interest. So we’re taking a second look at this kind of sale, which has attracted more than its share of rip-off artists in recent months. One reader e-mailed us, noting that after reading the… Read More
    Some of the worst deals around can be found on those postcards we all seem to be getting in the mail. You know, the ones that “remind” you that your auto warranty is about to expire and offer a deal on a warranty extension. The… Read More
    Among this past week’s news items was some good advice from the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention regarding the posting of signs. The bottom line: Staying in compliance with health rules doesn’t have to hurt a small company’s bottom line. The news story… Read More
    Not long ago, a couple of visitors to Northeast CONTACT brought in copies of “checks” they had received in the mail, along with invitations to become “mystery shoppers.” Our radar went on high alert. “Mystery shopping” is one of those terms that many people automatically… Read More
    Awhile back, we discussed a favorite technique of our volunteers who receive annoying, ill-timed, unsolicited phone calls in an effort to sell them something. The technique: Just hang up. One way to prevent most such calls is to get your phone number on the national… Read More
    We like to think we are prepared for almost anything and that what we aren’t prepared for we can work through. A catastrophic loss affecting our homes and possessions can change that thinking quickly. A fire, flood, severe storm or other natural disaster can destroy… Read More
    Say the word “wardrobe” and you might think of a Hollywood star’s closet full of designer clothes. Make it a gerund, and “wardrobing” is a growing problem. Combined with other forms of consumer fraud, it cost merchants more than $10 billion last year alone. Wardrobing… Read More
    The adage “buyer, beware” applies to consumers who buy time in a for-hire vehicle. Rental car agencies have adopted more and more business practices about which smart consumers should be aware. One writer has labeled the shifting of burden to the renting public “liability creep.”… Read More
    With spring finally upon us, many people are getting ready to move. Americans are a mobile population; Census Bureau data indicate that 16 percent of Americans relocate within the country in any given year. This doesn’t include people who move outside the U.S. There are… Read More
    At Northeast CONTACT, we urge consumers to be their own best advocates by staying informed and educating themselves and their families. There is a number of tools available to help consumers in this process. One of the most effective and comprehensive information-gathering tools is called… Read More
    Usually Northeast CONTACT assists Maine consumers in getting their complaints resolved. One recent case involved a New York man who was having difficulty getting delivery, or even a phone call, from what was advertised as a Maine-based company. The complaint was about a wood-fired boiler,… Read More
    It may not seem relevant now, but I’m a hardware store nut. Sure, that scraper-gouger-pry-bar-lid-lifter-widget-twister might sit on the workbench for months, but someday I might need it. Similar reasoning might lead some of us to jump at an offer that was in the mail… Read More
    We can give college students credit for their educational achievements, but at least one group of activists says the companies that issue the majority of credit cards are giving them too much credit. Students at colleges and universities across the country have been the targets… Read More
    Among the missions of Maine’s Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection are education and outreach. The bureau is offering a useful and wide-ranging tool with the recent release of the “Downeaster Guide: Consumer Credit 101.” The 60-page booklet covers several topics: establishing credit, comparison shopping for… Read More
    When you receive an unsolicited telephone call offering something you don’t want, it can be awkward getting rid of the caller gracefully. Here’s a tip involving the direct approach: Consider simply hanging up the phone. It rubs many of us the wrong way to do… Read More
    Federal officials say perpetrators of fraud are becoming more and more expert about making genuine-looking cashier’s checks that quite literally aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. At the same time, these scammers are also finding a growing number of ways to persuade you to… Read More
    Identity theft is among this country’s fastest-growing crimes. It’s also an expensive one, amounting to billions of dollars each year lost by consumers who have had their identities stolen. In previous columns, we focused on thieves who operate by way of the Internet. The Web… Read More
    In simpler times, many of us did the majority of our business on a handshake. These days, it’s advisable to get an agreement in writing, especially when a lot of money is involved. When undertaking something as major as renovations to our homes, a contract… Read More
    It’s any weekday evening after a long day at work. You’ve fed the family pets and perhaps managed to have supper yourself when the phone rings It’s a telemarketer, operating at full tilt, offering you a chance to buy something without risk at a price… Read More
    When things go right in the marketplace, we often don’t notice. We make a purchase, we expect the item to perform as it was advertised, and usually it does. While the majority of purchases we make may be problem-free, it’s worth a moment to consider what to do… Read More
    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a meteorologist to figure out that here in central Maine we are in the middle of deep winter. Yesterday was cold enough for everyone and more arctic weather is in store. The seed catalogs are being spread out… Read More
    Lately, the outside temperature has been “way below the doughnut,” as that local television weatherman from away used to remark on-air frequently in the Bangor market. With energy costs now in the upper stratosphere, what else can a shivering homeowner do to save on heating… Read More
    Can it be true that tomorrow is the start of 2008? Incredible as that seems, it also is true that we all will become one year older sometime in this coming year. Our column has dispensed much ink in the past year encouraging family members… Read More
    ‘Tis the season to be jolly. Or at least that’s the way the old Christmas carol goes. Caught up in the excitement of the season, television viewers are barraged mercilessly with infomercials and commercials hocking products in high rotation across the satellite or cable channels. Read More
    It’s a fact that Mainers eat one meal out of three outside the home. That is probably why all the fast-food restaurants and the more traditional ones always seem busy. Whether it is burger joints, taco haciendas, doughnut shops or pizza parlors, citizens busy with heavy work and… Read More
    As Mainers cleared the table after the traditional Thanksgiving feast last week, many were scanning the fliers in the local newspaper, looking for the big shopping bargains on Friday, now known as “Black Friday.” This retail mega-sales day got its name from the fact that… Read More
    Home heating oil prices are in the stratosphere and continue to rise here in Maine and across the country. Cash prices are averaging $3.09 per gallon. High oil costs flood across the entire economy, causing all boats to rise and stretching family budgets to the breaking point. What’s… Read More
    The past week has seen a busy sledgehammer series of bad news for consumer protection agencies at the federal and state levels. There have been many more lead-laden toys from China, and at midweek there was the disgrace involving the popular toy Aqua Dots, which… Read More
    There are many rewards as well as challenges in growing up the son of an engineer, my real-life experience. Everything was highly regimented and documentation essential. Perhaps the best example was the maintenance of the family automobile. “Keep it full of oil and antifreeze and… Read More
    It’s once again time to get out the big Northeast CONTACT megaphone and loudly announce to all Maine residents the following important message: If anyone sends you a check and wants you to deposit and wire or mail back a portion of it, it’s a scam and you… Read More
    Just when we think we’ve seen it all both online and in real experiences, something new and different pops up and catches us completely off guard. Today’s business news item is that the Walt Disney Corp. is working with Miami International Airport to improve customer service airline passengers… Read More
    Here in October, our college students are settling into the second month of their studies, and the collegiate football season is well under way. Embracing the college culture means supporting all collegiate-sponsored activities, including signing up for those affinity campus credit cards, the special plastic with the beautiful… Read More
    We Bangor baby boomers all remember the fascinating stories our parents and others told about the shootout with the Al Brady Gang on Central Street way back in 1937. Each storyteller remembered exactly where they were, what they saw, and exactly how they felt. For today’s younger generations,… Read More
    As our beloved Boston Red Sox limp toward the playoffs, many diehards are considering upgrading their old television sets with larger ones that have much better resolution so they can watch Manny park one in the upper decks in style. Shopping in large retail stores… Read More
    It seems almost painful to mention it, but it won’t be very long until Old Man Winter is breathing down our necks once again. The ice, the snow, the sleet, the freezing rain, the bone-chilling cold – children love it all. We older folk dread it more and… Read More
    Last week Bangor’s west side was struck by a rash of home invasions, with a number occurring on Silver Road. Items were stolen and an elderly lady was sprayed with a Mace-like substance, it is alleged. This author lives a stone’s throw from these crime scenes, and everyone… Read More
    There is a sign with a not-so-subtle message on the side wall of the back workshop in one of Bangor’s fine stone-cutting and engraving businesses. It reads, “Be kind to your children – they get to choose your nursing home.” Finding and choosing the right… Read More
    Times have changed. This baby boomer remembers the summer of 1964, when a gallon of unpasteurized milk straight from the tank at Mower’s farm on the Pushaw Road in Bangor sold for around 50 cents (bring your own clean container). Random barnyard customers of that time squawked that… Read More
    With Maine starting to head toward fall, perhaps August would be a good time to review that automobile insurance policy and see if there are any real savings to be made. Yes, all Maine motorists are mandated to have insurance coverage, but perhaps there are ways to reduce… Read More
    Member Rhonda Davoe of Auburn sent a letter to Northeast CONTACT expressing her frustration about a recent mail-order purchase. “I think I have been ripped off. I can’t say that I haven’t been warned, as I read your column each Monday it appears in the Bangor Daily News.”… Read More
    There are few services as wonderful as those provided by a good locksmith. This time-honored craft is often problem-solving at its very best. Having a master key system designed for a multi-unit apartment building to avoid carrying five pounds of brass, that is one key versus 10, is… Read More
    Last week, my wife and I, sans children and pets, enjoyed a four-day vacation in Atlantic Canada. We had a good time, ate way too well, and built many lasting memories of our experiences. We also stayed out of the poorhouse by making some prudent… Read More
    How does that old expression go? “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!” While Northeast CONTACT has warned several times about incoming offshore or out-of-country check schemes, the problem still persists. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes =… Read More
    Summer is here in full bloom. Mainers are getting outside more, tending to flower and vegetable gardens and entertaining guests on the back deck or at camp. Cooking outside on the barbecue grill in summer is an old New England tradition dating back several decades. Read More
    In the break room at Northeast CONTACT one day last week, one of our two Volunteers of the Year for 2007, Beverly Mullins, said: “Gerry, have you noticed that Hellmann’s Mayonnaise has reduced the size of their quart of mayonnaise jar from 32 ounces down to 30 ounces?… Read More
    “Take me out to the ballgame, take me out with the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks. …” Sure, we all know the rest of the chorus for this 1908 baseball song. Sporting event and concert venue food and drink have certainly changed… Read More
    It is amazing that the Consumer Product Safety Commission has so much to do to keep the American consumer safe from shoddy goods and products, many of which are designed for our children. With the flood of consumer goods manufactured offshore (think China), this relatively… Read More
    There is a new and despicable identity theft scam that targets U.S. military personnel serving overseas in harm’s way. Anxious family members of America’s finest here at home are receiving telephone calls to trick them into divulging the birth dates and Social Security numbers of their military spouse… Read More
    The late Edmund Muskie – a former Maine governor, U.S. senator, 1968 vice presidential candidate, 1972 presidential candidate, and later secretary of state in the Carter administration – was often heard to say, “Speak only when you can improve on silence.” Sadly, today’s television hucksters… Read More
    As we commemorate Memorial Day today, we remember our military veterans and loved ones who have died before us. It is part of the process to visit our Maine cemeteries and pay our respects. Traditional cemetery options are expanding in these modern times, giving the… Read More
    Cameras – in particular, surveillance cameras – have changed the fabric of our society. They are popping up everywhere to record current events, human behaviors, good and bad, financial transactions, or science on or near other heavenly bodies. They are widely used as evidence in… Read More
    Have you noticed the increasing volume of junk mail in your mailbox these days? Our postal carriers can probably avoid the gym thanks to the great workout they get carrying pounds of annoying literature to our homes. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes… Read More
    The dandelions are finally blooming, perhaps spring has arrived. By the hundreds, children have been flocking to nearby Fairmount Park in Bangor and other parks across Maine, transported by beleaguered parents seeking a few moments of peace and quiet after a long winter of being cooped up inside. Read More
    This column spends a lot of ink each year on mail-order transactions gone badly. We serve consumers who have waited months for their orders, received partial or the wrong items, shoddy merchandise or no merchandise at all. Northeast CONTACT spends a good percentage of volunteer… Read More
    Spring is finally in the air and those Mainers who weren’t swept downstream by the end-of-winter monsoon we recently endured may be looking to make changes in cell phone service and phones. It seems as though every month, a bevy of new cellular products appear… Read More
    Somerset County resident Luella Chase sent a letter to the office of Northeast CONTACT. “You helped me last year when I wrote you for some advice. I followed your recommendations and avoided a court case. Shortly thereafter we mailed you a check to become members of your fine… Read More
    The ancient Roman soothsayers had an expression that “all glory is fleeting.” This wisdom seems particularly appropriate when Maine consumers are making end-of-life funeral plans for themselves or a beloved family member. In death, as in life, many consumers demand the highest quality, most expensive… Read More
    Many pet owners are rightfully upset and concerned about the pet food recall over the past month after many cats and dogs have gotten sick and died from eating contaminated canned and pouched “cuts and gravy” styles of a very long list of brand names. The complete list… Read More
    Terry Blaylock, a Cumberland County resident, contacted Northeast CONTACT in despair. She wrote: “I was a member of your fine organization many years ago. You will find membership dues enclosed with this letter. Please accept my apologies for not renewing sooner. googletag.cmd.push(function () { //… Read More
    Electronic gadgets and technology are driving forces in today’s economy. There is an avalanche of products designed to simplify our lives, educate us, entertain us, and keep us better connected with our families, news and sports events, the world and universe (or at least this solar system). Read More
    We all know that automobile accidents are expensive: We have to fix our cars, and, often, we have to fix our bodies, too. Sadly, today’s crooks use these realities to their advantage to defraud the public and the automobile insurance industry. Dishonest drivers have been… Read More
    For many Mainers, the only thing worse than mud season is tax season. And right now many of us are in the middle of preparing our federal and state income taxes. Many filers agree to refund anticipation loans – RALs – offered by tax preparers… Read More
    Early last fall we received a letter from CONTACT member Joan Wisneski, a resident of Aroostook County. She wrote, “I wanted such a simple thing and now, five months later, I could scream. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes… Read More
    When our children are young they are taught to “stop, drop, and roll” as part of a fire-safety campaign that has successfully taught the procedure to follow should clothing catch on fire. Years ago, our family used a variation: “Stop. Drop. And Tie,” to get… Read More
    One of our New Year’s resolutions was to avoid becoming a victim of identity theft in 2007. Despite that resolve, sensitive financial and identifying information sometimes falls into the hands of criminals. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes =… Read More
    The holidays are over, the decorations put away for another year, and we ponder when winter and snow in particular will arrive. Many of us have made New Year’s resolutions to outline our goals for the year. Some of us will try to lose a few pounds. Others… Read More
    Northeast CONTACT received a letter from Giselle Levesque, a consumer we helped well over a year ago. She wrote, “On Christmas Night, as our large family is planning to celebrate our traditional Christmas buffet, we will be thanking Northeast CONTACT again for helping us form… Read More