Today is Christmas Day, when all the warm, fuzzy, charitable feelings manifest themselves in our neighbors and in ourselves. Americans are a giving bunch. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i… Read More
    Mary Silas from Windham contacted our office recently. She wrote, “Even though I have been a member of Northeast CONTACT for many years, I have never needed your services until now. I have come across a business which obviously chooses not to deal with me. Read More
    The holidays are a great time for families to get together, even though many may be far-flung for reasons of recreational travel, military service, business or education. These days, many aging baby boomers are not only responsible for raising their own children and even (sometimes)… Read More
    There is a definite chill in the morning Maine air, a harbinger of the cold winter not so far away. Thanksgiving is over and December arrives later this week. Summer is long gone and snowbird out-migration is about to begin. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define… Read More
    Carol Damboise of Kittery, a member of Northeast CONTACT, wrote a touching letter just before the holidays last year. “I really need your help, guys. I went to the doctor several months ago, as I had not been feeling well. After many tests, it was… Read More
    Rarely a day passes at Northeast CONTACT without an inquiry from a member or consumer asking questions about checks they have received or might receive as part of some business transaction. These checks (sometimes they appear to be cashiers’ checks) look so real that even bank tellers cannot… Read More
    Nearly 100 professionals were on hand last week for a workshop in Brewer called “Conversations about Elder Abuse.” It was sponsored by the Bangor Coalition to End Elder Abuse, a subcommittee of Penobscot County TRIAD, and the Maine Gerontological Society. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define… Read More
    Northeast CONTACT received a letter from Page Brown, a member of our organization from Aroostook County. She wrote: googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i = 0; i < slot_sizes.length; i++)… Read More
    It seems that parents can never let down their guard when it comes to the safety of their children. Being a parent brings many responsibilities, but health and safety issues in a child’s environment are at the top of the list of categories where parents need to focus… Read More
    Little is more exasperating to the Maine consumer than to have a new product break or fail shortly after purchase, or even later. The consumer who parts with his hard-earned cash after researching the market closely often builds very high expectations as to how this product will improve… Read More
    After fighting the battles of everyday life, the tired and stressed Maine consumer sits down to unwind at his window to the world, the ubiquitous television. Somewhere in the mix of commercial or cable programming, channel surfing, and the long list of commercial advertising, there comes the infomercial. Read More
    For thousands of years -since the Egyptians invented papyrus, the precursor to paper – we have been tracking down small pieces of paper seeking important information. On these strips of paper are news articles, names of companies or individuals, telephone numbers or other vital information we can’t live… Read More
    Northeast CONTACT gets volumes of complaints against businesses that don’t respond directly to a consumer. This leads to the consumer contacting our agency for assistance. Such was the case of CONTACT member Margaret Webster of Kittery. At the beginning of October 2005, Webster sent a… Read More
    Consumers who are also parents are well known for having high expectations – and trust – when it comes to child product safety. Unfortunately, parents must be vigilant about the toys and other products in their child’s environment. Some items are not safe. Sometimes we simply are not… Read More
    It’s a big world out there and sometimes a small outfit like Northeast CONTACT has to look long and hard to find consumer fairness allies. Often our organization is perceived and marketed as the only one of its kind. On the face of it, that… Read More
    Fantastic! Another magnificent American Folk Festival on the Bangor Waterfront has passed into history. Bangor becomes the largest city in Maine for one weekend every year as more than 130,000 devotees flock to the Queen City for a truly wonderful international music festival. This landmark event showcases the… Read More
    Now that consumers can order online, one would think that mail-order catalogs would be obsolete. The reality is that mail-order is alive and doing very well. Millions of dollars are changing hands. In most cases, consumers are not having serious problems when ordering from mainstream businesses such as… Read More
    Summertime is midseason. Homes continue being built, singly and in tract projects, condominiums and apartments. Why all the construction and renovation? googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i = 0; i… Read More
    The summer of 2006 has certainly provided a wide range of weather. We have had torrential downpours interspersed with hot, muggy days. Southern Maine has had severe flooding, and while we have not had the recent deadly heat of St. Louis or California, we have… Read More
    Mainers, like most Americans, enjoy their pets. Today, sales from the pet food aisle at the local grocery store continue to grow every year. There are now big-box stores coast to coast dedicated to the sales of pets and pet supplies. Along with the big… Read More
    BANGOR – ‘Tis the season Northeast CONTACT hears from many consumers who have ordered seeds or plants that never arrived. Also, often those plants that do arrive are wilted and unable to survive, or have perished already. We would note that there are many very reputable seed and… Read More
    Most of the time this column reports about individuals who have had difficulties in doing business with various entities, be they telephone, internet, mail-order, or face-to-face transactions. But poor business practices or outright scams between businesses is a frequent challenge to the business left holding the bag. Read More
    One of the summer rituals in Maine, beyond going to camp at the lake, sailing on Penobscot Bay or feasting on lobsters and clams on the coast, is the mundane task of mowing the lawn. Homeowners can plan on mowing anywhere from eight to 15… Read More
    Northeast CONTACT received a letter from member Sandra Watkins of Brunswick involving a business named Publishers Services Network located in White City, Ore. Watkins wrote, “Publishers Services Network somehow got my name and address last fall and keep trying to scam me. Since they are… Read More
    Last week, we read numerous stories about the theft of data about veterans from the federal Department of Veterans Affairs. The most recent news reported even more identities at risk, including active service members, bringing the total to 28.7 million veterans who are at risk of having identities… Read More
    School will be letting out soon for the summer and Mainers will be planning vacations, getting ready for summer at camp, and preparing for fishing trips or days at the beach with anticipation of sun and good weather. Perhaps it would seem more prudent to… Read More
    Identity theft, a very real threat to consumers, has been addressed in this column several times. Identity theft is estimated to affect 9 million Americans each year. The recent stunning news that 26.5 million U.S. veterans have had their personal information stolen might have negative… Read More
    The federal Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting consumers from faulty products sold in this country. Keeping our families, friends and neighbors safe should be everyone’s goal. Your product may be new and shiny, but it also may be hazardous. The commission, in… Read More
    Northeast CONTACT members Bob and Sue White of Bangor came to our office in October of last year. They asked if we could assist them with a consumer problem involving a business named “Sunterra Escapes PFC” associated with Sunterra Corp. The White’s told us they… Read More
    Plastic gift cards, those easy-to-reach, easy-to-purchase, colorful items conspicuously available at the checkout counters in retail and grocery stores, are growing quickly in their use and popularity. Many gift purchasers seeking an appropriate present for holidays, birthdays or this season of high school and college… Read More
    As the days lengthen and get warmer, many folks across Maine are looking to buy a new automobile. The old beloved family vehicle may be on its last legs and need replacing. The family may be growing and a larger car is in the offing. Additionally, given the… Read More
    An envelope recently arrived at the Northeast CONTACT office from Martha Wallace, a member of Northeast CONTACT from Portland. She wrote, “I have a dilemma which I hope you can take care of for me. I have contacted you to help me before and you helped me big… Read More
    The wonderful Bangor Garden Show has just concluded, mud season is here, and it’s time to clean up the yard, getting out the rake again as a new season unfolds. There are no excuses now for the local sports fans. NCAA basketball’s March Madness is over and our… Read More
    Maybe you noticed today that our logo, which routinely accompanies this column every week, appears a little different. On March 14, our board of directors voted unanimously to change the name of our agency to Northeast CONTACT for Better Business Inc. This change of name request was formally… Read More
    It’s no secret we Mainers live in a great place and enjoy a great way of life. Our communities are safe compared with places that are “away” and our people are superfriendly, as evidenced by our always-present troop greeters at Bangor International Airport. Our citizens… Read More
    Northeast COMBAT received correspondence from a member we’ll call Jane Doe who lives in Bar Harbor. She wrote to us that she had sent her Timex watch to the designated watch repair service, Hotline Watch Service in Little Rock, Ark., for an estimate for repair… Read More
    As many Mainers are fast becoming aware, individual and corporate cell phone call records are readily available for purchase over the Internet. Many consumers are unaware, however, that hard-wired telephone records are also being sold without the knowledge or permission of the account holder. It would seem a… Read More
    Household pets clearly play a central role in the lives of their owners. We have only to review the debacle that was Hurricane Katrina last summer to note that many people in harm’s way, threatened with personal injury and death, simply refused to be evacuated without taking their… Read More
    As the snow continues to swirl outside, another storm rages inside: the annual flurry of paper receipts, computerized check register printouts, W-2s and countless other personal financial documentation. That’s right, it’s not only winter, it’s the dreaded tax season, too. Procrastinators beware: April 15 is… Read More
    Last week the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of Westbrook Senior Citizens was held at the Westbrook-Warren Congregational Church. After the business meeting was concluded and the 50-50 raffle was drawn, and just before the Guy Lombardo-sounding band started playing, Northeast COMBAT senior volunteer caseworker Rick McKinney and I… Read More
    Electronic commerce, namely shopping on the Internet, has grown logarithmically as an industry and everything imaginable under the sun is easily available for sale from Delta Air Lines tickets to L.L. Bean clothing to Old Town canoes. These and many more goods and services are readily available at… Read More
    At midwinter in Central Maine, many of us think of vacations to warmer climates to the South and West. Some are planning a cruise in the Caribbean or other exotic location as part of their escape from the cold, the wind, the snow, the ice and the “five… Read More
    Northeast COMBAT receives both telephone calls and mail from consumers with diverse problems. Here are several types of problems and our comments or advice on each. We have volumes of complaints about mail orders, especially after the holiday season. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot… Read More
    Martha Jacoby from Down East wrote Northeast COMBAT a letter in the Spring 2004. She was one frustrated lady in regard to a business called International Library of Photography in Owings Mills, Md. It seems they placed an advertisement encouraging consumers to enter a photo… Read More
    Our organization, the oldest consumer advocacy agency of its kind in America, has relied on good Maine people to volunteer to help us get important work done. Since our creation in 1972, we have done key casework and mediation services for our business and individual… Read More
    Imagine you are trapped in a submerged or overturned car. One minute you’re negotiating a curve on the road, the next you make an error, misjudge your situation and find yourself upside down and sinking with your seat belt still holding you in place and doors and windows… Read More
    As New Year’s Day fast approaches, perhaps it is time to chisel in stone our Top 10 Resolutions for the Maine consumer. The doubting Thomases out there will note that only 7 or 8 percent of all New Year’s resolutions are kept for the full… Read More
    “‘Tis the Season to Be Jolly,” the old Burl Ives record goes. As we Mainers ratchet up for the final week of the Christmas (or holiday) shopping frenzy, maybe stepping back and taking a deep breath would be a good idea. Additionally, there is a large percentage of… Read More
    It’s mid-December here in central Maine, and a hard winter soon will begin. Cold and wind are here, and they’re here to stay. Heavy snow can’t be far behind. Between now and early April, snow removal will be a prime responsibility of state and municipal workers, airport runway… Read More
    With last week’s cold temperatures and first snow, the weather is closing in for winter here in central Maine. Folks are spending more time inside, and the oil furnaces and wood stoves are starting to get cranked up for the certain arctic blasts to come. Home safety during… Read More
    We have all heard of great “fish stories,” but this tale is no laughing matter and can cause stress and financial havoc for an unsuspecting consumer. “Phishing” is a deceptive, illegal practice employed by scammers. Take an innocent enough e-mail that looks like it is… Read More
    Thanksgiving will be upon us this week, and the holiday season begins in earnest until the new year. Here in Maine, it is a time for families to get together, a time for gift giving, revelry, celebrations, personal reflections and good memories, a busy time with commitments and… Read More
    Outstanding customer service associated with the buying and selling of goods and services is often discussed, sought after, and once in awhile, delivered. Whether the marketplace is large or small, New York City or Machias, getting consistent and excellent customer service is often an elusive if not fleeting… Read More
    It’s often hard for Mainers to imagine a need to be cautious with our personal safety. We have lived in a time and place where it was not uncommon to leave the back doors of our homes unlocked and the car in the driveway with the keys in… Read More
    A question was recently put to us regarding the process of buying items on eBay and the safety of such purchases. “Is there a way to purchase an item on [eBay] and have the seller not be paid until I receive the item?” was one… Read More
    Steve M. from Wiscasset racked his brain trying to think of a birthday gift for his mother. He didn’t want to buy a run-of-the-mill gift, but something she would really appreciate. He came up with a unique idea. His mother owned three cats: Mittens, Humphrey… Read More
    Finding and maintaining good dental services for you and your family requires some research, inquiry of friends and neighbors, and perhaps a professional referral from a physician, pharmacist, nurse or other health care practitioner. Developing a strong, working relationship with a dentist built on positive experience and trust… Read More
    Randall Martinson of Augusta wrote a letter to Northeast COMBAT telling us that he was frustrated with a business named J.D. Marvel Products Inc. of Champlain, N.Y. Before telling us which product he ordered, he told us the background of his problem. Martinson said that… Read More
    Often described as ‘The Disney World of Grocery Stores,” Stew Leonard’s stores in Norwalk and Danbury, Conn., and now in Yonkers, N.Y., are a true American success story. Voted “Best Grocery Stores in New England,” by Yankee Magazine in the September edition, this unusual and fast-growing company bases… Read More
    Northeast COMBAT receives complaints about many different problems. Here are some helpful ideas on how to avoid some of them. Robert M. called to ask us to check the reputation of a “college by mail.” There always will be “diploma mills” which offer courses in… Read More
    Betty Largay of Portland wrote a letter to COMBAT Consumer Forum, telling us that her doctor wanted her to lose weight. She told us that diabetes ran on both sides of her family, and this was a preventive measure for the future. Her doctor told her that she… Read More
    You are relaxing at home watching the television when a commercial comes on featuring an exasperated woman who exclaims: “Then, where can I find it?” The clerk in the commercial then breaks into song, “That’s Amore,” using words that tout eBay, an online auction house. While this particular… Read More
    First of all, like the practice of medicine, the practice of law has become specialized. If you have a heart condition, you see a cardiologist, a doctor who has the training and skill to treat your special needs. In the same way, many lawyers now limit their practices… Read More
    Bob Belanger from Aroostook County contacted Northeast COMBAT through Consumer Forum in March of this year. He was frustrated when he wrote us that he had ordered a pair of men’s warm winter boots from J.D. Marvel Products Inc., located in Champlain, N.Y., in October 2004. His check… Read More
    Maine’s Express and Implied Warranty Law is little known and understood in the state. The law provides automatic warranty protection in addition to any “express” written or verbal warranty received from the seller or manufacturer. Although not widely known, the law is very important and the following is… Read More
    When you place an order with a mail-order firm, there are high hopes that the merchandise will arrive within a reasonable length of time. It is not unusual to watch for the letter carrier each day. Then you think, perhaps it’s on the UPS truck – so you… Read More
    The Northeast COMBAT board of directors has selected Gerry G. M. Palmer Jr. as executive director of the agency. Palmer has operated a private career-counseling business for 15 years and before that worked for the state as a resource developer for adults and children. He… Read More
    After visiting some wonderful Italian restaurants in her area, Carol Martin of Augusta decided she would start cooking “Italian.” Martin saw a magazine ad for Tristar Products’ Pasta Pot Maker Express for $22.95, which included postage and handling. It was guaranteed to make consumers think… Read More
    How can someone steal your identity? Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal information, such as your name, Social Security number, credit card number or other identifying information, without your permission to commit fraud or other crimes. Dan Casavant of Waterville has had his… Read More
    The Northeast COMBAT family has suffered a terrible and unimaginable loss with the death June 20 of John Supranovich. We have lost the personal leadership style Supranovich gave us. We have lost the infectious spirit, the sense of humor and concern for the “little guy” he instilled in… Read More
    With increasing numbers of people shopping online, COMBAT’s reputation seems to have gone international. Phillip Muldern of London had ordered $300 in collectible books from George’s Books, an eBay seller in Wisconsin. After waiting patiently three months for delivery, and after the books did not arrive despite repeated… Read More
    Millie Thompson made herself a promise when she was in high school that one day she would drive across the country to visit some of the places she had only read about or seen on TV. It took her a little more than 50 years to keep that… Read More
    Joan Parker of Westbrook had moved into a new apartment but was short on both cash and furniture, so she jumped at a furniture store’s televised offer of “no payments for six months” and “low finance charges.” Joan knew she couldn’t immediately afford monthly payments, but she had… Read More
    Hardly a week goes by without at least one business or consumer contacting COMBAT to check the legitimacy of a police or fire department fund-raiser that is conducted over the telephone. Law enforcement and firefighting professionals risk their lives to make our communities safer. To… Read More
    The old saying “the customer is always right” may be a nice notion when it relates to treating your customers with respect, but that doesn’t mean a business must tolerate a consumer who is dead wrong, inflexible or abusive. Northeast COMBAT, Maine’s consumer organization, prides itself on fairness… Read More
    University of Maine student and working mother Jean K. found herself with a common problem for consumers on a limited budget who hit a speed bump. Jean was supporting herself and her 6-year-old daughter by working two part-time jobs while attending school. googletag.cmd.push(function () {… Read More
    The classified ad offer looked like the perfect answer for Ann Collier of Gorham. “Earn cash by helping doctors. Process medical claims from home. $20-$40/hour potential. Computer & modem required. We train,” the ad read. Ann figured she could earn extra money working at home while caring for… Read More
    Television memorabilia collector Gladys Mitchell of Portland considered herself a lucky “Peanut Gallery” alumna when, as high bidder in an eBay online auction, she purchased a “Howdy Doody” ceramic cookie jar for a measly $152 from a California seller. But she didn’t feel so lucky when the cookie… Read More
    Increasing numbers of Maine consumers are contacting COMBAT saying they have been cheated by or are intended victims of bogus Internet domain registration, Web site creation offers, chain letters, Internet moneymaking schemes, identity theft, and an abundance of other schemes. Since COMBAT receives no government… Read More
    The home improvement season has started, and COMBAT is already receiving calls from suspicious consumers who have been approached by door-to-door solicitors offering to do a “free estimate” of roof, driveway or structural repairs. These unsolicited visitors might be legitimate and competent or legitimate but not competent. Or… Read More
    Small-business owners often turn to Northeast COMBAT for help when they find themselves in the role of consumer. Such was the case for Augusta businesswoman Joan Crowley, owner of Joan’s Interior Design (name changed by request) when she fell for a questionable advertising offer. Joan… Read More
    Snake oil salesmen used to arrive in town selling bottles of miracle cures from the back of a horse-drawn wagon. In the 21st century, these charlatans arrive on the screens of late night TV, on pages of newspapers and magazines, in your mailbox, and increasingly on the Internet. Read More
    “Who steals my purse steals trash … but he that filches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him and makes me poor indeed.” (“Othello,” William Shakespeare) We could not begin to count the number of times during the past… Read More
    Just before returning to Maine in the spring, snowbirds Bill and Shirley Thompson of Camden thought they had made a “wicked good deal” when they purchased a European manufactured digital camera and photo printer from a Tampa, Fla., store. The camera stored images on a 3.5 floppy disk,… Read More
    Sometimes being a volunteer consumer mediation specialist, or CMS, at Northeast COMBAT can be as much of a giggle as it is a rewarding opportunity to help a consumer in need. Since COMBAT is a Maine-grown organization that helps Maine consumers, we like to say we are “neighbors… Read More
    The first week of February is observed as National Consumer Protection Week, during which we recognize the important role played by public and private organizations in ensuring that consumers are protected from unfair practices. The theme of this year’s awareness week is “Identity Theft: When Fact Becomes Fiction,”… Read More
    Identity theft is a crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data by fraud or deception for monetary gain. Identity thieves can rob you by stealing and using your Social Security, bank account, credit card, telephone, calling card numbers and other personal information. Despite… Read More
    Northeast COMBAT Inc. has been awarded a $20,000 grant from the Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation in support of the organization’s $400,000 capacity building campaign. Making the announcement was the group’s president, Edward Steltzer. “We are most grateful for this generous gift, which gives us… Read More
    Last winter, more than 35,000 American children ages 14 and under were treated in emergency rooms for sledding and snow tubing injuries. Almost half that number (16,000) between 15 and 21 were treated for sledding, snow tubing, and snowboarding accidents. Most injuries were bumps, bruises,… Read More
    Robert Worthman of Rockland never imagined that when he sent a check for $21.99 to American Classics of Palmyra, N.Y., for the “Big Band Parade” collection of big band music on two compact discs, a simple mail order would become a major headache. After several… Read More