Have you wondered what leaving the porch light on costs, or if those newfangled high-tech bulbs really save money? As electric rates soar, lighting choices become more important and by replacing regular bulbs with energy-efficient bulbs, you can save on your bill while conserving energy. Read More
    The dramatic growth in the number of cable TV channels has brought an equivalent explosion of program-length “infomercials.” These slick programs, often featuring “self-made millionaires,” promise ways to make easy money in real estate; to get low-interest government loans or grants to start a business or enter college;… Read More
    It’s that time of year, when many families are planning a midwinter vacation, especially for during the children’s spring break. Now that we have some serious snow, visions of sugarplums have become visions of warm beaches and sun. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var… Read More