A modest home of 13,000 cubic feet will contain nearly 1,000 pounds of air. (A cubic foot of air weighs 0.076 pounds.) About half this much air will leak into and out of a residence each hour. Air leaks in around windows, doors, electric outlets… Read More
    BANGOR – Government lawyers have filed a detailed list of documents requested under the federal Freedom of Information Act by opponents of a proposed liquefied natural gas terminal on the Pleasant Point Passamaquoddy reservation. The list in U.S. District Court details the reasons why some… Read More
    Any observer of the alternate energy arena can be constantly frustrated by the continued announcement of the megawatt capacity of this solar array or that wind machine. What a wind machine will do at its design condition at, say, a 28 mile-per-hour wind, or what a solar array… Read More
    Energy sources are purchased in unique units: wood by the cord, coal by the ton, etc. Yet all can be stated in equivalent energy units. For example: a gallon of fuel oil is the energy equivalent of 40 kilowatt-hours of electric energy. The rate of energy use (in… Read More
    AUGUSTA – In trying to “cure” a house leaking heat and wasting electricity, Stephen and Tricia Carr use the same sort of holistic approach advocated by some physicians to treat sick people. The couple’s energy auditing business, Wydevue, analyzes a house’s energy use with various… Read More
    “I do view it from month to month, and make changes based on it. We now use energy-efficient light bulbs.” JENNIFER SMITH, BREWER googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i =… Read More
    Electricity use in Maine. In 1960 the residential use of electricity was about 1 billion kilowatt-hours per year. In 2002 use increased to nearly 4 billion kwh per year. The increase is by a factor of four – much faster than population growth and much faster than growth… Read More
    On carbon dioxide and global warming: About 100 billion tons of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide circulates between the Earth, oceans and atmosphere each year. This is the natural stuff and would go on without human activity. Each year human activity in the form of fossil… Read More
    If you’re looking for energy-saving tips or products, you need go no further than your home computer. A quick Google search for “energy tips” yields about 60 million hits. That’s right, 60,000,000. Now I must confess that I didn’t check every one of them so… Read More
    As winter approaches, homeowners across Maine have been preparing themselves for the change in temperature and the risk of the unmanageable cost of oil heat. A wood stove at 60 percent efficiency with wood at $200 per cord can deliver 1 million Btu to a… Read More
    Q: I have just had a solar thermal system installed. The PV pump was described as making a “soft whirring noise.” Mine makes an annoying whine, varying with the cloud cover. Is there any way this can be ameliorated? Also the installer suggested that the… Read More
    Question: We live in Holden and heat with wood. Although we have a forced hot air furnace, we rarely use it. We don’t like the cost and it is on the same chimney as our wood stove, although the chimney is a good, tight one. My elderly mother… Read More
    ST. ANDREWS, New Brunswick – Efforts by two American developers to build liquefied natural gas terminals Down East have been met with considerable resistance by Maine’s neighbors to the north in New Brunswick. At 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 30, a public forum will be held… Read More
    Dear Jim: I want efficient outdoor lights for entertaining, highlighting my gardens, and security. I plan to install them myself to save money. Will low-voltage lights increase my electric bills more than standard ones? – John E. Dear John: Most low-voltage lights use the same… Read More
    PLEASANT POINT – The Oklahoma developer who wants to build a $500 million liquefied natural gas facility on Passamaquoddy tribal land put forward a $200,000 “good faith” offer last week to the Tribal Council at the Pleasant Point reservation, the developer confirmed Tuesday. The offer,… Read More
    BOSTON – Two people were seen on surveillance tapes cutting through a fence and climbing to the top of the storage tank at a liquefied natural gas storage facility in Lynn last week, but there is no evidence the incident was terrorist-related, state officials said Tuesday. Read More
    “Yes, I would. I’ve seen it work in Europe. It’s a good idea.” MAY TUPA, BUCKSPORT googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i = 0; i < slot_sizes.length; i++) {… Read More
    CASTINE – Maine’s role in the international marketplace should include liquefied natural gas terminals, according to the chairman of the American Bureau of Shipping, which develops and verifies standards for vessels of all types, including LNG tankers. Maine lost a real opportunity when the proposed… Read More
    PERRY – Police are investigating complaints from four businesses that rocks and pieces of asphalt were hurled through their windows sometime Tuesday morning. Maine State Police Trooper Miles Carpenter said Wednesday that the rock-throwing involves a business on state Route 191 and three on U.S. Read More
    BOSTON – A proposed liquefied natural gas terminal 13 miles off Gloucester, which would be New England’s first offshore LNG facility, has won initial approval. Excelerate Energy LLC still faces a host of state and federal regulatory hurtles before it could start construction on the… Read More
    PERRY – A recall ordinance petition, allegations of bogus signatures, questions about spending money not approved by the town and a selectman lashing out at a resident summed up a selectmen’s meeting Monday night. It started with questions about truck weight on town roads and… Read More
    Dear Jim: With the new higher efficiency requirements, I think I should install a new central air conditioner. I want to get the most efficient and quiet model which provides the best comfort. What should I get? – Paul T. Dear Paul: As of early… Read More
    Federal regulators have scheduled a site visit for one of the proposed liquefied natural gas terminals in Washington County. Officials from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission are scheduled to be in Perry on Thursday, July 13, in order to tour the sites where Quoddy Bay LLC… Read More
    PROVIDENCE, R.I. – A company attempting to build a liquefied natural gas terminal in Fall River, Mass., alleges that Rhode Island agencies are dragging their feet instead of issuing permits needed to complete the project. Weaver’s Cove Energy received approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory… Read More
    One of the companies that has applied to federal regulators for permission to build a liquefied natural gas terminal on Passamaquoddy Bay is nearing completion of another phase of the lengthy permitting process. Quoddy Bay LLC has submitted 12 resource reports with the Federal Energy… Read More
    PERRY – The Trescott engineer who has gained the attention of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission with his proposal to build both a tidal power dam and a liquefied natural gas facility on U.S. Navy property in Cutler now has a third energy project to offer. Read More
    Keeping pace with increasing costs has renewed interest in alternative fuels such as wood, coal, propane and natural gas. Each Monday on the Business page, the Bangor Daily News is featuring timely and relevant stories and graphics devoted to topics that matter to motorists, homeowners and businesses. Most… Read More
    A study of Passamaquoddy Bay commissioned by a local group opposed to the construction of liquefied natural gas terminals on the bay indicates that such development likely would have an overall harmful effect on the area’s economy. A report from the study, conducted by Yellow… Read More
    Dear Jim: With high utility bills and all the recent severe weather, I thought about adding rolling window shutters. Do they let any light in when they are closed and what options and features should I consider? Julia K. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot… Read More
    “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” rings true for businesses’ energy efficiency, too. Connecticut-based Direct Energy, a provider of retail energy services, offers advice to companies on how to save energy costs. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes =… Read More
    Downeast LNG, Washington, D.C., founded in 2004. PROPOSED SITE: LNG terminal and storage facility at Mill Cove, Robbinston. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i = 0; i < slot_sizes.length; i++)… Read More
    Quoddy Bay LNG, Oklahoma City company Quoddy Bay LLC, part of Smith Cogeneration family of companies. PROPOSED SITE: Split Rock on Passamaquoddy Tribe land googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i… Read More
    The primary opponent in Maine to the development of liquefied natural gas terminals on Passamaquoddy Bay has been the group Save Passamaquoddy Bay, which was formed in response to developer interest in building in eastern Washington County. Save Passamaquoddy Bay consists of residents of the… Read More
    Keeping pace with increasing costs has renewed interest in alternative fuels such as wood, coal, propane and natural gas. Each Monday on the Business page, the Bangor Daily News is featuring timely and relevant stories and graphics devoted to topics that matter to motorists, homeowners and businesses. Most… Read More
    The Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline has filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to expand its U.S. pipeline system to connect with markets in the Northeast. The company made the announcement Tuesday. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes =… Read More
    PLEASANT POINT – A financial dispute between the Passamaquoddy Tribe and an Oklahoma-based developer of a proposed liquefied natural gas facility on tribal land may lead to arbitration, officials on both sides said Tuesday. Passamaquoddy officials say Quoddy Bay LLC owes the tribe $350,000 in… Read More
    Besides the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands and the anti-LNG development group Save Passamaquoddy Bay, many other individuals and organizations have submitted public comments to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission about the LNG terminals proposed for Passamaquoddy Bay. Organizations based in Washington County that have… Read More
    Keeping pace with increasing costs has renewed interest in alternative fuels such as wood, coal, propane and natural gas. Each Monday on the Business page, the Bangor Daily News is featuring timely and relevant stories and graphics devoted to topics that matter to motorists, homeowners and businesses. Most… Read More
    WASHINGTON – New England lawmakers on Wednesday urged Department of Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman to adopt a new regional approach to siting liquefied natural gas terminals, saying the current process is seriously flawed. “The current process is broken, costly and just plain dumb,” said U.S. Read More
    CUTLER – If a rising tide raises all ships, it one day could generate electricity in a local bay and float liquefied natural gas tankers as they come and go from a terminal adjacent to a local Navy-owned property. An entity called Tidewalker Associates, headed… Read More
    PERRY – LNG issues continue to split this small town of about 900 people, and now a serious rift has developed between some members of the Board of Selectmen and planning board. The fracture has led to claims of secret meetings and a call by… Read More
    FALL RIVER, Mass. – Top-ranking Democrats rallied outside the proposed site of a liquefied natural gas terminal Monday and promised the project won’t go forward, despite approval from federal regulators. “There may be water on these glasses, but I can still see a stupid proposal,”… Read More
    Keeping pace with increasing costs has renewed interest in alternative fuels such as wood, coal, propane and natural gas. Each Monday on the Business page, the Bangor Daily News is featuring timely and relevant stories and graphics devoted to topics that matter to motorists, homeowners and businesses. Most… Read More
    Liquefied natural gas is a hot topic Down East and faceless people at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in Washington D.C., are accepting volumes of documents that the authors hope will influence the commission’s decision. The federal agency has authority over the siting of at… Read More
    PERRY – LNG turned a selectmen’s meeting into a mini-battle field Monday that pitted neighbors against neighbors. It all began last week when some members of the planning board asked David Turner, the newly elected chairman of the Board of Selectmen, to sign an application… Read More
    MACHIAS – The first company to announce plans to bring a liquefied natural gas facility to Washington County presented the project’s details on Tuesday to the Sunrise County Economic Council – which months ago had backed a second, rival project with a letter of support. Read More
    WASHINGTON – Federal regulators on Monday upheld their earlier approval of a proposed liquefied natural gas terminal in Fall River, Mass., handing a setback to opponents of the project. Fall River officials and other project foes had asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to reconsider… Read More
    Keeping pace with increasing costs has renewed interest in alternative fuels such as wood, coal, propane and natural gas. Each Monday on the Business page, the Bangor Daily News is featuring timely and relevant stories and graphics devoted to topics that matter to motorists, homeowners and businesses. Most… Read More
    PORTLAND – How the Maine Supreme Judicial Court defines the functions of governing most likely will determine when Maine’s Indian tribes are subject to the state’s Freedom of Access Act, justices on the state’s high court indicated Wednesday. Justices asked pointed questions Wednesday about what… Read More
    PERRY – A public relations spokesman for Quoddy Bay LNG Tuesday denied that the developer’s natural gas pipeline would “pass through” the Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge. Cary Weston said that information submitted last week by Roger Fleming of the Conservation Law Foundation of Brunswick to… Read More
    New England may need to expand its natural gas supply, but the area’s largest regional environmental advocacy group says doing so raises “significant public safety and marine and coastal environmental issues.” The Brunswick-based Conservation Law Foundation is calling for a regional approach for siting of… Read More
    Q. With global warming in mind, given that trees absorb much of Earth’s excess carbon, and given that burning wood produces unwanted carbon, which is the more viable for heating a home: oil or wood? Laurie Stearns of Brunswick, and Bill Stearns of Milford googletag.cmd.push(function… Read More
    Each Monday on the Business page, the Bangor Daily News features stories and graphics devoted to topics that matter to motorists, homeowners and businesses. E-mail the newspaper at @bangordailynews.net with questions or tips you want to share. We’ll try to find the answers and offer them here every… Read More
    PERRY – The prospect of a large company building a liquefied natural gas facility Down East has split communities, families and friends. That message was loud and clear as Federal Energy Regulatory Commission staffers sought input on one of the three LNG facilities proposed for… Read More
    FREDERICTON – New Brunswick’s senior minister in the federal Cabinet says Ottawa views liquefied natural gas as dangerous cargo that can be banned from transport in Canadian waters. Veterans Affairs Minister Greg Thompson said March 31 that the federal conservative government has made it clear… Read More
    PLEASANT POINT – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission staffers will be on the reservation tonight and in Perry on Thursday to hear comments on a proposed $500 million liquefied natural gas facility at Split Rock. Last year, the Passamaquoddy Tribe entered into an agreement with the… Read More
    Keeping pace with increasing costs has renewed interest in alternative fuels such as wood, coal, propane and natural gas. Each Monday on the Business page, the Bangor Daily News is featuring timely and relevant stories and graphics devoted to topics that matter to motorists, homeowners and businesses. Most… Read More
    FREEPORT – Community Energy Partners LLC will hold workshops for Maine farmers and rural small-business owners eligible for up to $750,000 in federal funding to purchase renewable energy systems or make energy-efficiency improvements in their businesses. Known as the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Improvements… Read More
    EASTPORT – It’s up to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to decide if an LNG terminal should be built at Split Rock near Route 190. But it’s the residents of this seaside community who will have to deal with the fallout from that Washington, D.C.-based… Read More
    ROBBINSTON – Federal officials had their first peek at the place where Downeast LNG hopes to build a $400 million liquefied natural gas facility. And Mother Nature cooperated Tuesday by providing sunshine. The 80-acre site is just off Route 1, near Pulpit Rock. googletag.cmd.push(function ()… Read More
    ROBBINSTON – Staff members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will be in this community on Tuesday, March 28, to visit the site where Downeast LNG hopes to build a $400 million liquefied natural gas terminal. Anyone who might like to join the FERC staff… Read More
    Mr. Greg Thompson’s appointment as Minister of Veterans Affairs in the Canadian Cabinet sparked controversy last month when he asserted his opposition to certain LNG projects (that is, only those in Maine but not those in New Brunswick or Nova Scotia). Although Mr. Thompson was unavailable following his… Read More
    EASTPORT – Police are investigating a threat and vandalism apparently aimed at opponents of a proposed liquefied natural gas facility at Split Rock at Pleasant Point. Linda and Robert Godfrey discovered Thursday morning that two of their car tires had been punctured in the driveway… Read More
    EASTPORT – This bay is my bay, this bay is your bay … That’s the tune many will be singing Saturday afternoon at a rally against the liquefied natural gas facilities that are proposed for Passamaquoddy Bay, according to organizers. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define… Read More
    PLEASANT POINT – A former Passamaquoddy lieutenant governor said in a program that aired over the reservation’s cable network on the weekend that the tribe is broke and only a liquefied natural gas terminal at Split Rock would save tribal members from a life of spiraling welfare dependency. Read More
    Keeping pace with increasing costs has renewed interest in alternative fuels such as wood, coal, propane and natural gas. Each Monday on the Business page, the Bangor Daily News is featuring timely and relevant stories and graphics devoted to topics that matter to motorists, homeowners and businesses. Most… Read More
    Keeping pace with increasing costs has renewed interest in alternative fuels such as wood, coal, propane and natural gas. Each Monday on the Business page, the Bangor Daily News is featuring timely and relevant stories and graphics devoted to topics that matter to motorists, homeowners and businesses. Most… Read More
    Keeping pace with increasing costs has renewed interest in alternative fuels such as wood, coal, propane and natural gas. Each Monday on the Business page, the Bangor Daily News is featuring timely and relevant stories and graphics devoted to topics that matter to motorists, homeowners and businesses. Most… Read More
    Q: All my life I have been taught to turn down the heat at night to save fuel. I have always done so, and believe it is the proper thing to do. However, almost without exception in conversations with folks of all ages about saving… Read More
    CALAIS – The city’s leaders, in a letter to developers, have thrown support behind what could become the first and only tribally owned liquefied natural gas facility in the country. The Passamaquoddy Tribe hopes to build a $500 million facility in the Red Beach area… Read More
    ELLSWORTH – U.S. Coast Guard officials, with help from state agencies and other interested parties, started work Wednesday on weighing the safety and security concerns posed by two proposed liquefied natural gas terminals on Passamaquoddy Bay. Approximately 30 people gathered Wednesday morning in a meeting… Read More
    Based on $2.50 per gallon heating oil, 850 gallons per year googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i = 0; i < slot_sizes.length; i++) { if (isMobileDevice()) { if (slot_sizes[i][0] googletag.cmd.push(function ()… Read More
    Keeping pace with increasing costs has renewed interest in alternative fuels such as wood, coal, propane and natural gas. Each Monday on the Business page, the Bangor Daily News is featuring timely and relevant stories and graphics devoted to topics that matter to motorists, homeowners and businesses. Most… Read More
    AUGUSTA – The Office of Energy Independence and Security’s latest survey of home heating oil prices found the statewide average cash price for No. 2 heating oil down $0.04 since the previous week, at $2.31 per gallon, but still $0.40 higher than this time last year. The latest… Read More
    WASHINGTON – New England lawmakers, including Maine Reps. Tom Allen and Michael Michaud, are calling for a new regional approach to siting liquefied natural gas facilities, pointedly urging federal regulators to adopt a “rational process” for approving new projects. The congressmen, who are seeking a… Read More
    PLEASANT POINT – The Oklahoma-based developers who have big plans to build a liquefied natural gas terminal on Passamaquoddy tribal land at Split Rock have made their plans even bigger. Though Quoddy Bay LLC originally proposed to build a project that could handle 500 million… Read More
    PLEASANT POINT – A plan to create “one of the largest LNG terminals in North America” has people Down East concerned. The developers, the Oklahoma-based Quoddy Bay LLC, at first talked about a pier and storage tanks, and now is talking about a two-berth pier,… Read More
    Dear Jim: The sun feels warm shining in a large south-facing kitchen window. I don’t have a lot of money to spend, but I would like to find a simple method to get more of the sun’s heat. What are my options? -Stephen G. Dear… Read More