Perhaps more than any other mental health problem, eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia are tied to culture and society. Many people have noted the irony of living in a world where millions of people are malnourished, while millions of others struggle with… Read More
    Social phobia or social anxiety disorder is characterized by intense and excessive fear about everyday social situations. People with social phobia have more than a nervous moment or two when they interact with others. The anxiety they experience is overwhelming. It would be difficult, if… Read More
    During my training to be a psychologist, I was confronted with an interesting math problem by one professor. He noted that there were about – well, I forget the exact number – let us say 50 million Americans who at some point will have a diagnosable mental health… Read More
    If you celebrate a holiday this time of year, and if to the best of your knowledge this holiday season will mean more joy than sorrow, you may want to skip ahead to another story. Or, if you are one of those people struggling with… Read More
    I clearly fall into the category of people who start to daydream, hum or otherwise distract myself when someone points out that today is a designated “day.” I completely missed Boss’s Day a couple of weeks ago. I think I missed Grandparents Day some time ago. I remembered… Read More
    Many of us have experienced times when we felt down or blue. Sometimes it’s for no apparent reason, and sometimes it’s because something difficult or painful has occurred in our lives. For most of us, these feelings last only a day or two and are… Read More
    Editor’s note: Beginning this week, The Acadia Hospital will offer a monthly column, “Because Your Mental Health Matters,” with Dr. David Prescott. New Year resolutions. I’ve never really been a person who makes New Year resolutions, although I’m not quite sure why. I’m pretty happy… Read More