For Norman Powell, 78, it started with a short train ride from Hermon Junction to Searsport. One day in October 2000, he climbed aboard the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, dubbed the “Read for Success Express.” The special trip was a kickoff fund raiser for United… Read More
    ORONO – The University of Maine Center on Aging is introducing the Professional Excellence in Geriatrics Series, an annual program of interdisciplinary continuing education in state-of-the-art geriatric practice. The series of eight, two-hour sessions will be held Wednesdays in April at the Hutchinson Center in… Read More
    When a person loses vision, one of the biggest losses is the ability to get around independently. Orientation and mobility specialists work with people to teach them the skills needed to regain independence in this area. In order to be able to explore the environment… Read More
    As a second-grade teacher, Mary Higgins has a busy schedule. As a home health nurse with Community Health and Counseling Services, Debbie Kranich has a busy schedule. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false;… Read More
    Snow mixed with sleet fell softly on Sue Everett’s windshield and a winter storm advisory was in effect. This did not deter her, however, from completing her appointed rounds. No, Sue is not a mail carrier. She is a dedicated volunteer driver for the Meals for Me program. Read More
    It’s 8 a.m. and Chuck and Marilyn, coffee in hand, head to their shared office at Eastern Agency on Aging in Bangor. Soon the phones start ringing and the pair jump into action, doing what they do best – answering your questions. Chuck and Marilyn… Read More
    If the idea of an assisted living facility conjures up visions of the elderly napping in rocking chairs carefully placed by sunny windows to warm their bones, think again. Exercise classes, game night, concerts, bingo, outings such as leaf peeping excursions to see the fall… Read More
    Last week we talked about the Tax and Rent Refund program and the Low-Cost Drug Card. This week we’ll get into the Medicare Savings Programs that can save you money. While most of you may know the services that are allowed by Medicare, Eastern Agency… Read More
    Many older people are not getting all the government benefits they may be entitled to receive. Often, the elderly are trying to make ends meet with Social Security alone. If their monthly check is insufficient to cover living expenses, items once deemed necessities become optional. Things such as… Read More
    As the population ages, more people are finding themselves in the role of “caregiver” for their parents, spouses, loved ones or elderly friends. What does that mean exactly? If you answer yes to one or more of the following questions, you can be classified as… Read More