Ardeana Hamlin’s By Hand column about aprons inspired Mim Hart of Hampden to share her related memories. Your request for apron stories took me back to the 1960s. After many years of making “cover up” aprons, I started making skimpy cocktail aprons for friends. They… Read More
    Ardeana Hamlin’s By Hand column (Aug. 23, 2005) about aprons inspired Donna Brown of Winn to share her memories. My mother [always] wore aprons. She had two kinds – everyday housework aprons and her special fancy aprons to be worn for Sunday dinner, entertaining and… Read More
    Ardeana Hamlin’s By Hand column (Aug. 23, 2005) about aprons inspired Orella Chandler of Milford to share her memories. I remember growing up on French Island where all mothers and grandmothers wore aprons. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes… Read More