On Saturday, we kicked off our annual Santa’s Helper Fund, a fundraising effort in support of The Salvation Army. Located here in Bangor, The Salvation Army provides much needed assistance in the form of food, clothing and toys for children to a wide region of Maine. All funds… Read More
    With the nation and Maine mired in what looks like a recession, holiday shopping is likely to be sluggish. Things are even less festive for families where jobs have been lost or chronic underemployment have made it difficult to pay the everyday bills. So before you finish –… Read More
    Today, the Bangor Daily News officially kicks off its annual Santa’s Helper fundraising effort. The goal this year is to raise $50,000 by the end of December, all of which will go to The Salvation Army. Under the leadership of Capt. Josh Lyle, staff and volunteers are already… Read More
    During the past 13 years, readers of the Bangor Daily News have contributed more than $575,000 to the Santa’s Helper Fund. That money goes to and is distributed by The Salvation Army, and is used to provide meals for the hungry, coats to protect against the Maine winters,… Read More
    Snow has begun falling across the state, bringing with it a sense of urgency for many people as the holidays approach. Numerous people have already made a gift to the Santa’s Helper Fund and our thanks go out to these most recent contributors: Walter and… Read More
    For many people, Christmas is the most special time of the year. Family gatherings, church services, presents, and Christmas dinner all will make for a festive celebration. Thanks to many individuals, families, children, organizations, and groups throughout the region who contributed to the Santa’s Helper Fund, many families… Read More
    Today’s donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund bring us to 84 percent of our goal of raising $50,000. Though we are short of raising that amount – an amount sorely needed by The Salvation Army – we will hold out hope that by the end of the month… Read More
    We are getting a little closer to reaching our goal, with $41,271 now raised. People seeking assistance from The Salvation Army will receive it through the efforts of scores of volunteers who are working extremely hard to get the very basics to many needy families. We will continue… Read More
    Today’s donations bring us to 81 percent of our goal. We still have a way to go to raise the needed $50,000 for The Salvation Army, but we’re hopeful of doing so before the end of the week. Special thanks to Amy King of Lincoln for two boxes… Read More
    The most recent donors to Santa’s Helper Fund are listed below. Thanks and appreciation go out for your thoughtful contributions for those less fortunate: Bridge Bash – Sandra, Sally, Betty, Mary, Ella, Jackie, Nicky, Dottie, Martha and Pat,Bangor $180 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot… Read More
    Many donations arrived over the weekend, all addressed to the Santa’s Helper Fund. We send out our sincere thanks to all of the following individuals, families and organizations. A note from the principal of the Eddington Elementary School was attached to the gift that came from the students… Read More
    As we move into the last week before Christmas, we are pleased to acknowledge these most recent contributions to the Santa’s Helper Fund. If you haven’t made a donation and would like to, please know that your gift will be most appreciated, and will bring comfort to many… Read More
    Many thanks go out to the following individuals who have made a generous gift to the Santa’s Helper Fund. With just twenty more days until Christmas, we are hopeful that more people will choose to make a gift and help us reach our goal of raising $50,000 for… Read More
    Many thanks go out to the following individuals and families who have most recently chosen to make a gift to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Your kindness is deeply appreciated. Anonymous, Old Town $25 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes… Read More
    The most recent donors to Santa’s Helper Fund are listed below. Thanks and appreciation go out for your thoughtful contributions for those less fortunate: googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i… Read More
    The most recent donors to Santa’s Helper Fund are listed below. Thanks and appreciation go out for your thoughtful contributions for those less fortunate: Roger Greenlaw, Stonington $25 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner =… Read More
    We are pleased to acknowledge the following contributors: Courtney, George, and Anne, Bangor $1,000 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i = 0; i < slot_sizes.length; i++) { if (isMobileDevice()) {… Read More
    Those less fortunate will be extremely grateful for the thoughtful contributions made this season. We are pleased to acknowledge the following contributors: Lamont Ouellette,East Millinocket $50 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for… Read More
    The most recent donors to Santa’s Helper Fund are listed below. Thanks and appreciation go out for your thoughtful contributions for those less fortunate: googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i… Read More
    Much gratitude goes out to the following contributors: Arlene Neddeau, in memory of Edward “Bud” Neddeau and our beagle, Buster, Caribou $25 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i = 0;… Read More
    The most recent donors to Santa’s Helper Fund are listed below. Thanks and appreciation go out for your thoughtful contributions for those less fortunate: googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i =… Read More
    Many thanks go out to the following individuals who have made a generous gift to the Santa’s Helper Fund. With just 20 more days until Christmas, we are hopeful that more people will choose to make a gift and help us reach our goal of raising $50,000 for… Read More
    We are pleased to acknowledge the following contributors to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Many thanks to these and others who have chosen to send a gift that will help bring comfort to many this coming Christmas. Enola and Vernon Boyce, Presque Isle $20 googletag.cmd.push(function ()… Read More
    The Santa’s Helper Fund has now reached 27% of its $50,000 goal for 2006. If you haven’t already made a contribution, please consider joining those who have given to date, including the following people whose gifts recently arrived. All money received will enable the Salvation… Read More
    Many thanks to the following individuals who have chosen to give to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Anonymous, No town given $3,000 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i = 0; i… Read More
    We are pleased to acknowledge the following individuals and organizations that have generously donated to the Santa’s Helper Fund: Willard and Marion Colson, Southwest Harbor $20 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for… Read More
    More donations have been received into the Santa’s Helper Fund. We wish to acknowledge and thank these most recent contributors. Roxanne and Gaelen Saucier, googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i… Read More
    Just 26 days to go before Christmas and the Santa’s Helper Fund is hoping to raise $50,000 for The Salvation Army. Money collected will ensure that hundreds of needy families and children in this region receive food, clothing and toys in time for Christmas. Thanks go out today… Read More
    This past weekend marked the beginning of the holiday shopping season, and the time when many people begin to prepare for Christmas. As you make your list of things that must be done, would you please consider a gift to the Santa’s Helper Fund? All… Read More
    Thanks to all who have contributed to date, to those listed below, and those who will reach out to the Santa’s Helper Fund in the days ahead. Any assistance you can offer will be deeply appreciated. Juanita Moores, in memory of her dad googletag.cmd.push(function ()… Read More
    Individuals, families and organizations continue to reach out to others through the Santa’s Helper Fund. This outpouring of kindness and generosity will help bring joy and comfort to many less fortunate families during the holidays. Thanks and appreciation to these most recent donors: Mildred and… Read More
    Although no donations were received on Thanksgiving Day, we wish to thank the individuals who have made a contribution to the Santa’s Helper Fund to date. Your gifts are deeply appreciated. Our donations at this point total $6,616. Please consider sending a gift to this important fundraiser for… Read More
    On this Thanksgiving Day, we wish to thank the following individuals who have made a contribution to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Your gifts are deeply appreciated. Kerri and Larry Bates, in memory of googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes… Read More
    Many thanks to the following individuals and families who have chosen to give to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Your generosity is deeply appreciated. Frank Comeau, Old Town $35 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner =… Read More
    More generous contributors have chosen to make a gift to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Thanks go out to the following individuals and organizations: Warren and Jerry Douglas Burns, googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner =… Read More
    Over the weekend, more donations arrived addressed to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Thanks and appreciation go out today to the following new contributors. Cori Lynn Noddin, Ellsworth $25 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner =… Read More
    Rounding out the first week of the Santa’s Helper fundraising effort, we wish to acknowledge and thank the following contributors for their kind gifts. Jim and Delia Kenny, for their grandchildren Sofia; Adam; Bailey; Chase; Arielle; Bryanna; Ciara and Dylan, Bangor $50 googletag.cmd.push(function () {… Read More
    More donations from around the region addressed to the Santa’s Helper Fund arrived today. We are pleased to acknowledge and thank the following contributors: Robert and Pauline Staples, Dexter $25 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var… Read More
    Donations already have begun arriving for the Santa’s Helper Fund, and we are pleased to acknowledge the following contributors: Anonymous, Milford $25 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i =… Read More
    Donations already have begun arriving for the Santa’s Helper Fund, and we are pleased to acknowledge the following contributors: Barbara Hazelwood, Calais $25.00 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i… Read More
    The Santa’s Helper Fund originated from Bangor Daily News Charities, an organization of the Bangor Daily News whose purpose, in part, is to care for, comfort and provide relief to the needy. Donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund are given to The Salvation Army to help defray costs… Read More
    On Saturday, we kicked off our annual Santa’s Helper Fund, a fundraising effort in support of the Salvation Army. $3,306 has already been received thanks to two earlier contributors. Located here in Bangor, the Salvation Army provides much needed assistance in the form of food,… Read More
    Today, the Bangor Daily News begins its annual Santa’s Helper fundraiser and is pleased to report that the first donations have already arrived. Early contributors include John and Deborah Darling of Holden, who have donated $1,000 to this year’s campaign; the Fraternal Order of Eagles,… Read More
    As we conclude the Santa’s Helper fundraiser for 2006, we wish to thank the following individuals and organizations whose gifts arrived this past week. Together with the many generous donations already acknowledged, we are pleased to report that a total of $44,634 was raised for The Salvation Army. Read More
    Hundreds of families turn to the Salvation Army for help during the Christmas season, and making sure that help is available is a Bangor Daily News tradition. The Santa’s Helper program has been active in Maine since the early 1970s. Capt. Charles Sargent, who was… Read More
    The Santa’s Helper Fund has begun receiving donations, which will be acknowledged in this column beginning tomorrow. It is gratifying to see people reaching out early in the season in anticipation of the great need that will exist this Christmas. The holiday season brings with… Read More
    Many of those who benefit from your donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund struggle day by day to feed and clothe their families. As the winter season and the holidays approach, this struggle only intensifies. Christmas is an especially difficult time for these families, according… Read More
    On Saturday, we kicked off our annual Santa’s Helper Fund drive in support of The Salvation Army’s efforts to help families in need around the holidays. Based in Bangor, The Salvation Army provides much-needed assistance in the form of food, clothing and toys for children… Read More
    Today, the Bangor Daily News kicks off its annual Santa’s Helper Fund effort and is pleased to report that the first donation already has arrived. Larry Dawson, George Crouse and Chuck Jordan, representing the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Brewer, Aerie 3177, recently arrived with a… Read More
    As the year comes to a close, we publish our last Santa’s Helper column of the season. We had set a goal of raising $50,000 for The Salvation Army, and, while we fell a little short of raising that amount, we did raise a total of $46,733.54. Read More
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. Together we have raised $46,227.21 for The Salvation Army through the Santa’s Helper Fund. We give heartfelt thanks for the generous outpouring of support from all of you this holiday season. You helped us reach 92 percent of our goal. Read More
    Christmas Eve is here and we are very thankful to those who have so generously given to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Today’s donations bring our total to date to $45,917.21, which is 92 percent of our goal. Thanks go out today to Anonymous, no town… Read More
    With just two days to go before Christmas, the staff and volunteers at the Salvation Army are working hard to make sure that everyone who is seeking assistance receives it. Because of the generosity of many people, Christmas morning will find many less fortunate families in our region… Read More
    With just a few days to go before Christmas, we are grateful for donations that have been sent to Santa’s Helper Fund, and hope any remaining contributions will help us reach the 2004 goal. To date, the fund contains $43,335.21, representing 87 percent of this year’s goal. Read More
    With the donations that arrived over the weekend, the Santa’s Helper Fund contains $40,670.21, which will be given to The Salvation Army to be used to help with Christmas. These gifts, together with those that already have been made, represent 81percent of this year’s goal. Read More
    With less than one week to go until Christmas, we are hopeful we can achieve our goal of raising $50,000 for The Salvation Army through Santa’s Helper Fund. Today’s donations bring us to $39,526.47. Thanks go out today to these people who have made donations… Read More
    This last weekend before Christmas will find many people hurrying around with last-minute shopping to do, gifts to wrap and parties to attend. As you check your list of things still to do, consider the Santa’s Helper Fund. Any gift, large or small, will be greatly appreciated and… Read More
    For many, the days leading up to Christmas are very busy. There’s food to prepare, gatherings to arrange, and gifts to purchase for family and friends. The staff and volunteers of The Salvation Army are working around the clock to make certain that families in need, and especially… Read More
    Santa’s Helper to date has received $36,742.47, which brings the fund to 73 percent of its goal. Money sent to the fund is turned over to the Salvation Army to be used toward providing a little help to families who might otherwise not have anything for Christmas. Read More
    Over the weekend, more generous donations arrived, earmarked for the Santa’s Helper Fund. Thanks go out to Tim and Roxanne Reynolds, in memory of Madaline Leathers, Brewer, $100; Becky Foster, Veazie, $25; in memory of Ana Brown by her family, Hampden, $200; John P. Healey,… Read More
    Those of us processing the donations that come in to the Santa’s Helper Fund continue to be moved by the generosity of the people in this region. Individuals, families, children, businesses and clubs are reaching out to help those in need. We received the following… Read More
    Thanks go out today to many more people and organizations that have chosen to give to the Santa’s Helper Fund. This outpouring will mean so much to hundreds of needy individuals, families and children this Christmas. Donations have come from Ward and Jessie Carter, in… Read More
    Today, more donations arrived addressed to the Santa’s Helper Fund. These gifts, along with all that have come before and those that are still to come, will be forwarded to The Salvation Army which will, in turn, bring joy in the form of assistance this Christmas to many… Read More
    More donations arrived today earmarked for the Santa’s Helper Fund. These new gifts bring our total to $25,823.60, which is 52 percent of the goal that has been set for this year. Many thanks to Anonymous, no town given, $25; Bud and Arlene Neddeau, in… Read More
    It is very gratifying to see the outpouring directed toward the Santa’s Helper Fund. With today’s donations, we are almost halfway to our goal, having now raised $24,728.60 Thanks go out to the Employees at ZF Lemforder Corporation, Brewer, $574; Muriel Flaherty, Machias, $20; Shirley… Read More
    During the weekend, many more donations arrived addressed to the Santa’s Helper Fund. These latest contributions bring the total raised to date to $22,360, which represents 45 percent of our $50,000 goal. Thanks go out to Cheryl Clement, in memory of Darryl Clement, Milford, $50;… Read More
    With less than three weeks until Christmas, there is still much to do. One of the more important things we can do, at any time, and most especially at Christmas, is to reach out to others who are in need. The Salvation Army staff and volunteers are working… Read More
    For many, this will be another busy weekend. Gifts to buy and plans to make for the coming holidays. As you make your to-do list, consider including a gift to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Your contribution will mean so much to many needy families in our area who… Read More
    Thanks go out today to the following people who recently contributed to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Helen D. James, in memory of Sue, Northeast Harbor, $25; Joyce O’Hara, in memory of Ivan, Gary and John, Silver Ridge, $20; Bulk Mail Made Easy, Orrington, $50; Harold… Read More
    Today, more generous donations arrived earmarked for the Santa’s Helper Fund. This brings our total collected to date to $15,700. It is heartwarming to see how many people are reaching out early in December, knowing there will be a great need come Dec. 25 and wanting to be… Read More
    The Santa’s Helper Fund now stands at 33 percent of its goal of raising $50,000 this year. The following donations, coming from individuals, organizations and groups, bring our total to $11,700. Thanks go out to Jacob and Bernice Friedman, Brewer, $25; Anonymous, in memory of… Read More
    More donations have arrived earmarked for the Santa’s Helper Fund. All money collected into the fund is forwarded to The Salvation Army, which will, in turn, ensure that many needy individuals and families receive the very basics at Christmas – food, clothing and toys for the children. Read More
    Thanks go out this morning to the following people who recently contributed to the Santa’s Helper Fund, which collects money used by The Salvation Army to help the less fortunate in your communities have a little brighter holiday: Clarence and Barbara Herrick, Guilford, in memory… Read More
    As the nation and, in places, Maine recover from a draining recession, local stores again are full of people beginning another year intense Christmas shopping. Things aren’t so festive, however, for families where jobs have been lost or chronic underemployment have made it difficult to pay the every-day… Read More
    The day after Thanksgiving traditionally marks the beginning of the holiday shopping period, though many have already begun and others may have finished their shopping. As you check your shopping list this year, please consider a donation to the Santa’s Helper Fund. You can be… Read More
    Happy Thanksgiving! We give thanks today for the many blessings in our lives and for the opportunity to gather with family and friends for this very special holiday. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner =… Read More
    The Santa’s Helper Fund, collected annually by the Bangor Daily News and given to the Salvation Army to benefit families in need, received more generous donations on Tuesday. Thanks go out to: Joanne J. Van Namee, Bangor, $1,000; Kevin and Cathy Gordon, Bangor, $200; Anonymous,… Read More
    Over the weekend, several donations arrived for the Santa’s Helper Fund, bringing the total to $5,019, about 10 percent of the 2004 goal. All money collected for the Santa’s Helper Fund by the Bangor Daily News is given to the Salvation Army to help your neighbors in need… Read More
    Donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund total a little more than $4,000 to date. There’s still a long way to go to reach our $50,000 goal, but with a little help from a lot of people we’re hopeful we can make it. So much need… Read More
    The Salvation Army, which receives all donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund, is appreciative of the most recent gifts that have arrived. Thanks go out to: Mr. and Mrs. George Payzant, Machias, $20; Rick Richards, in memory of his wife, Rita, Orrington, $100; Anonymous, Dedham,… Read More
    Thanks go out today to the following people who most recently sent contributions to the Santa’s Helper Fund, which is used by The Salvation Army to help families in need around the Christmas holiday: Brice E. Gould, in loving memory of his wife, Edith H. Read More
    The Santa’s Helper Fund, which raises money during November and December to help families having financial struggles to give their children a Christmas, to date has raised $3,424. Much more is needed, so please consider a donation to help alleviate some of the hardship families… Read More
    The Santa’s Helper Fund received numerous contributions on Tuesday. It is gratifying to see so many people reaching out early in the season in anticipation of the great need that will exist this Christmas. Thanks go out to Riva and Tom Hawkes, in memory of… Read More
    Many of those who benefit from donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund struggle day by day to feed, clothe and otherwise provide for their families. As the winter season and the holidays approach, this struggle only intensifies. With a little help from a lot of… Read More
    n Saturday, The Bangor Daily News kicked off its annual Santa’s Helper Fund, a fund-raising effort in support of the Salvation Army. Located in Bangor, the Salvation Army provides assistance in the form of food, clothing and toys for children to a wide region of Maine. Read More
    Today, the Bangor Daily News kicks off the annual Santa’s Helper Fund. For years, the NEWS in November and December has collected cash donations from individuals and organizations in northern and eastern Maine to benefit those in need. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var… Read More
    This column is the final report on the 2003 Santa’s Helper Fund. After the donations acknowledged today, we are pleased to say that we have raised $49,644.66, or 99 percent of our goal. This is a tremendous effort, and all of us associated with this… Read More
    Thanks go out today to more people who have chosen to make a gift to the Santa’s Helper Fund. We have now raised $49,044.66, or 98 percent of our goal. We are still hopeful we can raise another $955 and achieve our goal of raising $50,000 for the… Read More
    For many, the Christmas holiday has come to a close and fond memories of family gatherings, happy children, hope and love will remain for some time to come. For some, the Christmas season extends through Epiphany, which is celebrated Jan. 6. The Salvation Army extends… Read More
    The Santa’s Helper Fund has raised more than $48,000 toward its goal of $50,000. The money is distributed to needy families by The Salvation Army. Donations are accepted until Dec. 31, so there is still time to contribute to this year’s effort. googletag.cmd.push(function () {… Read More
    Thanks to the generosity of many Bangor Daily News readers, the Santa’s Helper Fund is nearing its goal of $50,000, although it’s not quite there. The total with today’s donations is $48,483.16, or 97 percent. The following donations arrived Wednesday, Christmas Eve day: Mason and… Read More
    It’s Christmas Eve and families are gathering for the holiday. Scores of them already have given to the Santa’s Helper Fund, but more gifts are needed if the fund is to reach its goal of $50,000. The total now stands at $47,733.16, or 96 percent… Read More
    Monday morning saw many more contributions to the Santa’s Helper Fund, bringing the total collection to date to $45,201.15. This represents 90 percent of the goal. We’re hopeful that, by year’s end, we will have reached our goal of raising $50,000 to go to The Salvation Army to… Read More
    As we move into Christmas week, we’re happy to report that the Santa’s Helper Fund now stands at $43,406.15, or 87 percent of our goal. For those who have contributed, thank you very much. For those who might be thinking about a way that a gift could have… Read More
    The following contributions to the Santa’s Helper Fund bring us a little closer to our goal of raising $50,000 for The Salvation Army. We have received $42,706.15, representing 85 percent of that goal. Many thanks to the following people whose donations recently arrived: Bangor Daily… Read More
    More donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund arrived Thursday, bringing the total received to date to $41,766.15, representing 84 percent of the goal. Thanks go to Sylvia C. Shugg, Bangor, $50; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Larlee, in memory of Hazel Gover, Bangor, $50; Catherine… Read More
    Donors have helped Santa’s Helper Fund grow to $40,189.15, bringing the total to 80 percent of the $50,000 goal. Thanks go out to the following individuals and organizations that recently contributed to the Santa’s Helper Fund. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes =… Read More
    The most recent donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund bring it to 76 percent of its goal – with $38,218.15 having been collected. Thanks to the following people and organizations who have generously contributed: Courtney, George, Anne, Bangor, $1,000; BCS – eighth grade, Bangor, $77;… Read More
    Many more generous donations arrived this weekend, bringing the Santa’s Helper Fund to $36,121.15. We are so appreciative of all the support received to date. We are beginning to be hopeful that we will reach our goal of $50,000, all of which will go to the Salvation Army. Read More
    With another busy weekend behind us, we are now less than two weeks from Christmas. As you make your final preparations for the holiday, please consider joining those who have already contributed to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Your gift will be so appreciated and help ensure that many… Read More