On Friday, more donations arrived addressed to the Santa’s Helper Fund. It is very heartwarming to see the outpouring of support for The Salvation Army through this fund-raising effort. Salvation Army staff and volunteers are working very long days right now to make sure the most basic of… Read More
    The Santa’s Helper Fund had another nice boost Thursday, bringing the total to $31,393. Generous gifts from all around the region arrived from individuals, families, businesses and groups, all of whom have chosen to support the Salvation Army’s work to bring comfort and joy to hundreds of needy… Read More
    Thanks to more donations received Tuesday, the Santa’s Helper Fund total now stands at $20,692.11. We’re almost halfway to the goal that has been set this year. Donations in the Tuesday mail were from Dowe and Verna Eaton, in memory of Erin Elayne Dunham and… Read More
    The weekend brought in many more generous donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Many thanks go out today to Anonymous, $25; Virginia Miner, Bangor, $25; Catherine, Walter and Paul Leavitt, in memory of Benjamin W. Barr Sr., Old Town, $30; Anonymous, Brownville Junction, $100; Anonymous,… Read More
    Christmas is a little more than two weeks away. While some of us are making plans for family and community celebrations, others within our neighborhoods are wondering how they will manage to pay for their family’s most basic needs. They are worrying about food, clothing and providing a… Read More
    With a little less than three weeks to go until Christmas, the Santa’s Helper Fund has grown to $15,946.11, all of which will go to The Salvation Army. The organization is working hard to make sure that all those who need help receive it during the holidays. Please… Read More
    Thanks go out this morning to many more people and organizations that have included the Santa’s Helper Fund on their holiday giving list. Recorded today is the annual contribution that comes from the Brewer Eagles Club No. 3177 of Brewer. For the past several years, the club has… Read More
    Many folks generously donated money received Wednesday in memory of loved ones who have died, helping to bring the Santa’s Helper Fund total to $12,533. Thanks to all who have made contributions. Adding to the fund were Mr. and Mrs. C.O. Hawkes, in memory of… Read More
    Besides generous monetary donations, the Santa’s Helper Fund received a nice box of hand-knit mittens and hats from Roberta Murray of Springfield on Tuesday. They will warm the hearts and hands of many young people this winter. Thank you. Contributing to the fund Tuesday were… Read More
    Contributions to the Santa’s Helper Fund that arrived over the weekend have brought the total collected to date to $9,555.11. Thanks go out to Bud and Kay, Eddington, $20; Vincent and Janet Rush, in memory of their son Lee Rush, Mattawamkeag, $50; Anonymous, Milford, $25;… Read More
    With only three weekends left before Christmas, people are finding themselves very busy with shopping and other holiday preparations. We’re hoping that the Santa’s Helper Fund will come to mind as lists of things to do are being written, for it is through this fund-raiser that many poor… Read More
    The holiday shopping season has kicked off with great gusto. With less than a month to go, there is a lot that families want to do or have to do to make the Christmas holiday extra special for their loved ones. As you think about all your activities,… Read More
    The day after Thanksgiving traditionally marks the beginning of the holiday shopping time, though many have already begun or others may have finished their shopping. As you check your shopping list this year, please consider a donation to the Santa’s Helper Fund. You can be… Read More
    Happy Thanksgiving! Today, many of us will gather together with family and friends to celebrate this very special day. As we give thanks for all of our blessings, we will no doubt remember those who are so less fortunate, many of whom live right around… Read More
    Thanks go out to more people who have kindly contributed to the Santa’s Helper Fund. We now have collected a total of $5,716 toward our $50,000 goal. Today’s donors include: Eugene and Anne Mawhinney, Orono, $100; In loving memory of Jeffrey M. Magoon, no town… Read More
    More donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund arrived Monday, bringing the total to date to $3,901. Thanks goes out to Philip and Barbara Joyce, Hermon, $100; Arnold Amero, Charleston, $50; Hunter and Olivia Albert, Bangor, $20; Juanita Moores, Springfield, $30; Nancy Spooner, in memory of… Read More
    We’re hopeful that this morning’s mail will have brought more donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund. With only three weeks until Christmas, we have a long way to our goal of raising $50,000. As of Friday, we had collected $3,001, thanks to many generous people… Read More
    More donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund arrived Friday, bringing the total received to $3,001 towards the $50,000 goal. Individuals and groups contributing include: Gaelen and Roxanne Saucier in memory of Robby Beck, Veazie, $40; Courtland Living Center and Auxiliary, Ellsworth, $25; AMVETS Post 9,… Read More
    Thanks go out today to more individuals who have kindly contributed to the Santa’s Helper Fund, and have brought the total to $2,786. Contributions have come from Joanne J. Van Namee, Bangor, $1,000; in memory of Viola Morrell, Carmel, $50; Muriel Doran, Lubec, $20; Pamela… Read More
    The Santa’s Helper Fund received another boost today with donations from the following people: Paul and Helen Clough, Bar Harbor, $10; Donna Stinson, Deer Isle, $20; Everett Bates, Alexander, $25; Anonymous, no town given, $100; Grammie’s Groupies, Frankfort, $20; Anonymous, Little Deer Isle, $25; and… Read More
    Donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund began to arrive Tuesday morning. Several individuals and groups have reached out early and their gifts are truly appreciated. Early contributions came from Thelma Turner, Bangor, $50; Marilyn Olmsted in memory of Vic Olmsted, St. Albans, $10; Larry and… Read More
    Many of those who benefit from donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund struggle day by day to feed, clothe and provide for their families. Christmas is an especially difficult time for these families, according to The Salvation Army, because children often don’t understand their family’s… Read More
    Although the Thanksgiving Day holiday is still ahead of us, Salvation Army staff and volunteers are busy preparing for the Christmas season. Once again, their focus and mission are to deliver food, clothing and toys to children and families who otherwise would go without. For… Read More
    Today the Bangor Daily News kicks off the annual Santa’s Helper Fund. For years, the NEWS has designated the months of November and December to collect cash donations from individuals and organizations in northern and eastern Maine. The entire amount is turned over to The… Read More
    Happy New Year! From all of us who have been involved with the Santa’s Helper Fund here at the Bangor Daily News and at The Salvation Army, we want to express our sincere thanks to all who gave to the fund in 2002. Because of… Read More
    Merry Christmas! And a heartfelt thanks to all who have generously contributed to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Rest assured, your kindness has brought smiles of gratitude to the faces of many families this morning. Hundreds of little children who might otherwise have gone without are enjoying the toys… Read More
    Christmas Eve – a most special and holy time when people gather with family and friends for church services and enjoy special family traditions. Many people make the Santa’s Helper Fund part of their annual tradition. If you would like to do so, it’s not too late. We… Read More
    Just two days until Christmas, and what a magical time of year this is – not just because of the festive food and decorations, pretty packages under the tree and twinkling holiday lights that are all around, but because of the true spirit of Christmas that manifests itself… Read More
    This weekend probably will be a busy one for most people. Last-minute shopping to do, parties to attend, gifts to wrap, mistletoe to hang and holiday food to prepare. As you’re checking your list twice, would you please consider adding to it a donation to the Santa’s Helper… Read More
    It continues to be so heartwarming to see the outpouring of support for the Santa’s Helper Fund. With today’s mail, another $2,280.93 in donations arrived, bringing our total to $35,911.28. These, and all future contributions to the fund, will be used by The Salvation Army to bring Christmas… Read More
    Today we received another big, beautiful bundle of hand-knit hats, mittens and sweaters. The gift came from Dorothy Criscuolo of Brewer. Many children, and their parents, are sure to be so moved, and so warm, this winter. Other donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund came… Read More
    Today’s contributions to the Santa’s Helper Fund includes Eagles Club 3177, Brewer, $2,002; John and Tammy Bryant, Appleton, $25; Juanita Moores, Springfield, $20; University of Maine Bursar’s Office, Orono, $160; Kevin and Donna Oliver, Eddington, $100; Anonymous in memory of her husband, Bangor, $100; Anonymous, Northeast Harbor, $100;… Read More
    It was very gratifying on Monday morning to see another outpouring of support for the Santa’s Helper Fund. Another $6,729.35 has been donated, bringing our total to $27,601.35. We’re hopeful that we can reach our $50,000 goal by the end of the month. One of… Read More
    Many of us have experienced another weekend of shopping, bringing in and preparing the Christmas tree, baking and making gifts and planning happy holiday gatherings for the week ahead. For many people living in our midst, the joy that such activities bring will elude them. Read More
    This morning, another outpouring of kindness arrived in the Santa’s Helper Fund mailbox. A total of $2,795 is destined for The Salvation Army that is busily preparing to bring Christmas to as many people as possible this year. As of today, we have raised $20,912 toward our $50,000… Read More
    Christmas is drawing closer and many of us are hurrying around to make sure everything is just perfect for our family gatherings. Many people living nearby aren’t so fortunate, and are just wondering how they will make it through the holidays, let alone buy extra food and presents… Read More
    Today, another box of beautifully handmade items arrived, this time from Ida Birmingham of Patten. The note that came with the parcel reads, “To each and every little girl or boy that wears a pair of these mittens, I wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New… Read More
    With just two more weeks until Christmas, it seems there’s still a lot more to do to prepare for this most special holiday. If you haven’t done so already, would you please consider adding to your list a donation to the Santa’s Helper Fund? All money received will… Read More
    More kind and generous donations were received Monday morning by the Santa’s Helper Fund, coming from individuals, families and area corporations. In addition to many monetary gifts, two boxes packed with hats and mittens for little children arrived. Thanks go out to Roberta Murray of Springfield and Lorraine… Read More
    After the weekend, the Santa’s Helper Fund workers hope to be busy this morning counting additional donations to the fund that will help The Salvation Army provide assistance to those who are in extreme need at this time of year. If you haven’t contributed to the fund yet,… Read More
    Today, another $2,150 was received by the Santa’s Helper Fund, bringing the grand total so far to $8,203. The gifts that are coming in from individuals, families, groups and organizations are very much appreciated, and all will go to serving needy people and families in our own neighborhoods. Read More
    On this Friday morning, as we prepare for a weekend of shopping, holiday preparations or gatherings with friends, we hope you add to your list of things to do making a donation to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Many thanks to all the individuals, families, groups and businesses that… Read More
    Please consider contributing to the Santa’s Helper Fund. The needs of so many individuals and families in our area are great, particularly at this time of year. Here are some excerpts from one letter recently received by The Salvation Army: “Well this year it has… Read More
    Another day has brought in more donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund, all of which will go a long way to make the holidays brighter for many who find themselves in need. Here’s just one letter received recently by The Salvation Army: googletag.cmd.push(function () {… Read More
    Donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund have started to arrive and we are so grateful. With your contribution to the Santa’s Helper Fund, The Salvation Army will provide food, clothing and toys for families who are barely getting by. Today’s donations to the Santa’s Helper… Read More
    The Santa’s Helper Fund was created to help needy families and individuals through the many services, such as food, gifts and clothing, provided by local Salvation Army units. As the days grow short and the air gets crisp, the warmth of the indoors brings families… Read More
    Charities such as Santa’s Helper Fund remind us the world is full of caring people. Although it seems the negative news outweighs the positive these days, the gathering of friends and neighbors in our communities to share with those less fortunate is proof positive that the good continues… Read More
    Those who benefit from donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund struggle day by day to feed, clothe and provide for their families. Christmas is an especially difficult time for these families, according to The Salvation Army, because children often don’t understand their families’ financial situation. Read More
    Thanksgiving Day marks the traditional kickoff of the Santa’s Helper Fund campaign. For many years, the Bangor Daily News has collected cash donations from individuals and organizations in northern and eastern Maine, 100 percent of which are turned over to the Salvation Army. The Salvation… Read More
    The Santa’s Helper Fund workers want to take this final opportunity to thank all of you who contributed to this year’s effort. Because of the generosity of so many individuals, families, companies and groups of people, from all around the region, the fund now stands… Read More
    Today, residents in countries such as England and Canada celebrate Boxing Day. While it is now more like an extra day off for most, years ago this was the day when people delivered boxes of food and other presents to poor or less fortunate families living around them. Read More
    As we enter the last weekend before Christmas, thanks go out to all the individuals, families and groups of people, far and wide, who have contributed so far to the Santa’s Helper Fund. With the $1,444.26 received today, we’ve collected $46,106.08, which brings us very… Read More
    Again this year, employees of several area businesses have pooled their resources and made a generous contribution to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Today’s contributions included checks and cash from the employees of Brewer Automotive Components, $127; and employees at ZF Lemforder Corp., Brewer, $719.53. Donations… Read More
    Another box of beautifully handmade mittens arrived from Amy King of Lincoln. They will certainly delight and warm the hands and hearts of many children this winter. Thanks also go out today to the following contributors to the Santa’s Helper Fund, which brings our total… Read More
    Today, many more people in the area have opened their hearts to the needy by way of contributing to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Along with the arrival of our first serious snow storm of the season came another $3,445, bringing our total to date to $40,707.79. Read More
    Our weekend mail carried with it more than $5,000 in donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund, bringing our total to date to $37,262.79. With Christmas just around the corner, this will go a long way toward providing a happy holiday for many needy people in our communities. With… Read More
    As we begin another week, we count just eight days until Christmas. We’re well aware of all that must be done to make the holiday bright, cheerful and meaningful for our loved ones and, most important, those less fortunate people in our communities – those… Read More
    As of today, the Santa’s Helper Fund stands at $32,067.79. Today’s generous donors include: Micheline Daniel, Bangor, $25; Jeanne M. Wallace, Bangor, $25 in memory of Red and Tommy; Tammy and John Bryant, Camden, $50 in memory of Robert “Ralston” Bryant and Lloyd “Lou” Bryant;… Read More
    With fewer than two weeks remaining until Christmas, most people still have lots of things they’d like to do to prepare for this very special holiday in a meaningful way. Many people are including a donation to the Santa’s Helper Fund on their lists of… Read More
    Returning from the weekend, we found another $4,232 in donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund. This brings the total raised to date to $21,537.78. Many thanks to all of the following people who have opened their hearts and generously contributed to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Read More
    As we begin another week and count down the days until Christmas, we think about the many things we’d like to do. Shopping for and wrapping gifts, writing and sending Christmas cards, preparing and sharing foods, planning family get-togethers and, importantly, reaching out to the less fortunate among… Read More
    In Friday’s mail, donations of $2,285 were received for the Santa’s Helper Fund, bringing the total raised to date to $17,305. Many thanks to all who continue to give so generously to this worthy cause. Contributions came from Gloria and Shawn Mason, $30; Bud and… Read More
    Thanks go out today to many more contributors to the Santa’s Helper Fund who brought the total raised to $11,187. With 20 days until Christmas, we feel optimistic about reaching the $50,000 needed by The Salvation Army to meet the basic needs of so many families and children… Read More
    When the mail arrived Monday morning it was gratifying to find $1,550 for the Santa’s Helper Fund. This means $8,842 has been collected to date. Heartfelt thanks go to all who have contributed so far. There is a long way to go but we are confident that through… Read More
    On this Monday morning, as we begin a brand-new week and consider what we have left to do before Christmas arrives, we hope you add onto your list of things to do making a donation to the Santa’s Helper Fund. Many parents find themselves in… Read More
    As we look out the windows of our warm homes and marvel at the pretty holiday lights, it’s easy to forget that Christmas may be bleak for many children and families in this region. The Santa’s Helper Fund stands now at $7,292. That means more… Read More
    While the Salvation Army staff is busy greeting applicants, processing requests and doing the numerous other duties that keep them occupied this time of the year, the Santa’s Helper Fund is quietly growing. This will ensure that funds will be available to pay for all of the Christmas… Read More
    With your contribution to the Santa’s Helper Fund, the Salvation Army will provide food, clothing and toys for families who are barely getting by. Medical problems, downsizing or loss of a breadwinner have devastated some families. These are situations that are difficult to predict, but have an awesome… Read More
    The Santa’s Helper Fund was created to help needy families and individuals by way of the many services provided by local Salvation Army units, such as food, gifts and clothing. As the days grow short and the air gets crisp, the warmth of the indoors… Read More
    Charities such as Santa’s Helper Fund help remind us the world is full of caring people. Although it seems the negative news outweighs the positive these days, the gathering of friends and neighbors in our communities to share with those less fortunate is proof positive the good continues… Read More
    Those who benefit from donations to the Santa’s Helper Fund struggle day by day to feed, clothe and provide for their families. Christmas is an especially difficult time for these families, according to the Salvation Army, because children often don’t understand their family’s financial situation. Read More