Due to an editing error, a letter from Kevin Perry of Orneville published Monday incorrectly stated how many U.S. Marines were killed in Beirut in 1983. The correct number is 241. Read More
    An editing error changed part of Gary L. Pottle’s letter, published Wednesday, concerning his family’s former home in Perry. The sentence in question should have read, “Little of the information in any of the articles concerning the history of the family homestead is accurate.”… Read More
    A word was omitted from Christopher Ritter’s Sept. 19 op-ed on the November people’s veto. The sentence in question should have read, “Many of us, including possibly some homosexuals who have been silent, view this [law] as an unwarranted intrusion on a citizenry which has created a very… Read More
    A sentence in Carle Gray’s letter, “Great tax-shifting game” (BDN, Aug. 2), concerning the estate tax, should have read, “Currently, such assets are revalued at their fair market value as at the date of decedents’ death. …”… Read More
    The final paragraph of Thursday’s letter by Dr. Donald R. Blackstone, of Presque Isle, was inadvertently omitted. It should have read, “As a citizen, if you voted no on the gay rights bill, please phone your legislator and voice your opinion. It may be your only chance to… Read More
    Due to an editing error a portion of a letter by Tim O’Flaherty, “Find Yucca alternatives,” which appeared on Sept. 30, was deleted. It should have read: “If we were to get all of our power from nuclear plants we would generate not 2,000 tons but 25,000 tons… Read More
    An editing error deleted words from Hendrik D. Gideonse’s letter in Monday’s edition. The corrected sections follow: “The Palesky tax cap is not just a draconian solution (reminder: if the bed is too small cut off the feet of the occupant to fit) to Maine’s… Read More
    An editing error in Edwin A. Garrett IV’s letter (BDN, July 3) left the impression that Pierre du Gau, Sieur de Mons, were two different people. In fact, they were the same man, Sieur de Mons being Pierre du Gau’s title. Read More
    The letter “More on Bush tax cuts,” by Michael Bridges of Whiting (BDN, June 25) contained an incorrect calculation. Giving every man, woman and child in America $1 million, as described, would cost $290 trillion. We apologize for the error. Read More
    A typographical error changed part of Alberta Farthing Owens’ letter in Monday’s paper. “Every soul on Earth deserves to live a comfortable life,” she wrote. “That includes Native Americans, Africans, Asians, and anyone who has a personal affliction.”… Read More
    Due to an editing error, a sentence in a letter from Jane McCloskey of Deer Isle (“Reduce mercury levels,” BDN, Dec. 16) was changed. It should have read: “It is easy to dismiss the warnings about chemicals and little harm actually happens.” We apologize for the error. Read More
    The letter to the editor, “Call for common sense,” printed in the Nov. 13 edition of the BDN, was not written by Vance Aloupis and does not reflect his views. We apologize for the error. Read More
    Due to an editing error, the final sentence in a letter from Charles P. Pray of Millinocket in the Aug. 8 [sic] edition was changed. The sentence should have read: I hope our representatives in Washington, whether they support President Bush’s routing of “evil-doers” or not, would support… Read More
    A typographical error changed Thursday’s op-ed concerning the pulp and paper industry written by John R. Hanson. The sentence in question should have read, “In fact, Maine’s corporate taxes as a percent of the state’s General Fund have been decreasing in recent years (from 6 percent in fiscal… Read More