A Maine icon in the sport of archery is featured in a video by the Maine Bow Hunters Association, which stresses ethics, safety and a strong relationship with the landowner. Last fall, 52-year-old Jim Wambolt of Enfield was asked by Andy Collar, co-owner of Ursus… Read More
    Cradled between the rolling hills of Beddington, some 50 miles east of Bangor, rests Pleasant River Lake. It’s a body of water that’s considered a marginal cold water lake. One factor contributing to this classification is its lack of deep holes. About 70 percent of the lake has… Read More
    Just when I thought Long Lake in Aroostook County had exhausted all its inventory of trophy landlocked salmon for another season, the phone rang to inform me about another success story. The lake’s been releasing hefty fish all season with familiar stories of five to six salmon funneling… Read More
    At 8:15 a.m., as the scorching June sun took command over the skies above Crystal Lake in Gray, a fishing trip far from routine was just starting to heat up. Mike St. Pierre of Brunswick was still unaware of the test he was about to be issued. Read More
    If you’re in search for some topnotch trout fishing in this state, then possibly you should chart a course for Square Lake in Aroostook County. The jury is in, and all the facts and figures are extremely favorable. Historically, Square Lake has always been a… Read More
    There’s a dream about to unfold, and it’s aimed at benefiting anyone who’s ever handled a fly rod or even considered it. On Aug. 1 the doors of the Kennebec River Outfitters, located on Route 201 in Madison, will officially swing open for business, and… Read More
    In the world of landlocked salmon fishing, there are a handful of lures that stand tall above the rest, and today the Cecil’s Smelt is rubbing shoulders with the elite. However, this well-groomed lure didn’t climb the ladder of success by chance, its presence has become known among… Read More
    Prime brook fishing has arrived and Glenn Sinclair has engaged in some early battles. This 30-year-old Aroostook County native has been on the front lines of this sport since he’s had strength enough to activate a spincasting reel. He’s been parting alders and hurdling acres of blowdowns along… Read More
    Trolling is a type of fishing I’m quite familiar with. I’ve inhaled enough two-cycle fuel in my lifetime pursing this sport to deserve a seat among leaders of OPEC. However, when recently asked to discuss ideal fishing speeds in miles-per-hour I was taken slightly off guard. Read More
    Sharpen your hooks and sweep the dust bunnies off your outboards. Our lakes have started the process of shedding their winter coats for another round of open-water fishing. The open water is selective compared to the previous year at this time, but it has definitely sparked a flicker… Read More
    As you chart your course for another round of open water fishing, don’t overlook the refined waters of the Kennebec River. Divided by nine dams, this 170-mile river offers some hard-hitting action between her banks, although in years past, lower portions of these waters were frowned upon by… Read More
    If you’re looking for a new fish to contend with this season, but prefer to stay within the boundaries of our state, don’t overlook those hard-hitting brown trout. The state continues to offer lakes and ponds that host some heavy hitters, and you could possibly… Read More
    In just a couple weeks our lakes will begin shedding their frozen skins, granting fishermen that long-awaited opportunity for the first strike of the season. Although many of our lakes never live up to their full potential until later in the season, fishermen will continue to fish them… Read More
    The lights have begun to dim and soon the final chapter will be complete on yet another ice fishing season. But the stories it created will remain open as long as fishermen can locate a listening audience with which to share them. Especially when the highlights involve an… Read More
    Here’s a sure-fire way to quench those winter blues and get you pointed down the pathway to spring. Just set your sights on a trip to the 63rd Eastern Maine Sportsmen’s Show. The action begins March 23 at 5 p.m. at the University of Maine field house in… Read More
    If you’re looking for a new taste in your diet without lowering your standards, here’s a meal worth fishing for that’s guaranteed to lower nothing but your fishing line. It’s called cusk. I agree it’s a downright ugly fish – with it’s hornpout-shaped head attached… Read More
    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration would have seen the space shuttle lift off the launch pad years ahead of its time if only they had crawled inside the mind of an ice fisherman. Preferably one looking to construct an ice fishing shack. These are… Read More
    Maine. Among sportsmen it’s more than just another state attached to the corner of our nation’s map. Over the years this state has gained the reputation for satisfying the appetites of the most avid fishermen, and rightly so. Before the final bell sounds and the curtain closes on… Read More
    Aroostook County’s Long Lake has seen more than its share of tracks from anglers this fishing season. But the footprints that will probably be most remembered this winter will be the ones delivered by Donna Franck of Van Buren a day after the lake officially opened for salmon… Read More
    If you’re tired of riding on the oval track you’ve created around the perimeter of your house with a snowmobile this season, here’s some new terrain that’s worth straightening your skis and taking aim for – Buckhorn Camps. They’re located on a 2-mile wooded island… Read More
    Have the good old days left for good – only to be remembered when you pull the chair up beside grandpa with open ears and a full cup of coffee – or are they still brewing? I believe they’re still being manufactured today, and another one is born… Read More