BANGOR – Members of Maine’s medical community held a media blitz Monday with stops in Bangor and Portland to broadcast their opposition to Question 1. That’s the initiative on the Nov. 4 ballot that would repeal a new beverage tax that aims to help pay… Read More
    BANGOR – Former Maine Gov. Angus King told a crowd of listeners at the Bangor Public Library on Monday that he has never been more scared or concerned about the future. “That’s why I’m supporting Barack Obama,” he said to sustained applause at an “Energy… Read More
    ORRINGTON – Farmington Selectman and retired history professor John Frary will bring what he calls his contrarian campaign for Democratic U.S. Rep. Michael Michaud’s seat to town with an informal gathering at the home of a former congressional candidate Saturday. A Republican, Frary will be… Read More
    LEWISTON – The Maine Public Broadcasting Network is partnering with the Muskie School for Public Service at the University of Southern Maine and the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center at the University of Maine to hold debates between Maine candidates for federal office over three consecutive Thursday evenings… Read More
    Over the last few months I have been knocking on doors, attending community forums and listening to my neighbors. I believe this is something all candidates for public office should be doing if they want to give voters of their districts the ability to meet the candidates they… Read More
    Since he began running for the U.S. Senate 17 months ago, Democratic Rep. Tom Allen hasn’t been able to get close enough in the polls to seriously threaten the Republican incumbent, Sen. Susan Collins. But with just over four weeks to go before Election Day,… Read More
    Rep. Josh Tardy, R-Newport, McCain’s vice chairman for Maine, said he wouldn’t be surprised if the Arizona senator or his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, visited the Pine Tree State before Nov. 4. “I’m certainly very hopeful,” Tardy said Friday, a day after the… Read More
    WASHINGTON – Republican presidential candidate John McCain conceded battleground Michigan to Democrat Barack Obama on Thursday, a major retreat as he struggles to regain his footing in a campaign increasingly dominated by economic issues. McCain’s campaign confirmed it was pulling staff and advertising out of… Read More
    BANGOR – Whether it was takeout Chinese food, Buffalo-style chicken wings or pork loin they were eating, one thing was clear Thursday evening. No matter what the food, local Democrats and Republicans took time while they munched to feast on the only debate between the two vice presidential… Read More
    ROCKLAND – The Maine Lobstermen’s Association hosted a meeting Tuesday to educate midcoast state legislative candidates on issues facing the industry. Gathering at Rockland City Hall, the candidates were given a primer on lobster fishing reduction, lobster economics and industry conservation. googletag.cmd.push(function () { //… Read More
    ROCKLAND – Maine 1st District congressional candidate Charlie Summers found himself in an entry-level job at Amato’s Sandwich Shop as he spent lunchtime Friday at the counter taking orders. Summers – a Republican running against Democrat Chellie Pingree of North Haven – was at Amato’s… Read More
    Women voters give Democrat Barack Obama the edge over Republican John McCain in the presidential race in Maine, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted this week exclusively for WLBZ 2, WCSH 6 and the Bangor Daily News. A telephone poll of 675 likely and actual… Read More
    AUGUSTA – Democrat Chellie Pingree and Republican Charlie Summers each claimed endorsements in Maine’s 1st District congressional race Tuesday. The Maine State Nurses Association endorsed Pingree. The group’s president, Maureen Caristi, said Pingree will fight for the best interests of patients and nurses in Congress. Read More
    AUGUSTA – In Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, retired history professor John Frary of Farmington is in an uphill battle to unseat Democratic Rep. Mike Michaud, who’s seeking a fourth term. With his cane, wide-brimmed hat and professorial demeanor, Republican Frary has brought an unconventional approach… Read More
    The Maine Snowmobile Association has endorsed Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin for president and vice president, the McCain-Palin campaign announced Friday. “Snowmobilers will find strong allies in John McCain and Sarah Palin,” MSA Executive Director Bob Meyers said in a statement. “Their commitment to… Read More
    AUGUSTA – The vacuum left by six-term Rep. Tom Allen’s departure to run for Senate in Maine’s 1st Congressional District has triggered a race between two experienced politicians, Democrat Chellie Pingree and Republican Charlie Summers. The campaign has touched on themes ranging from Summers’ background… Read More
    BANGOR – Nearly 75 percent of registered voters in Maine went to the polls for the 2004 presidential election, the highest participation rate ever recorded. Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap on Thursday told a group of more than 300 clerks, registrars and other municipal… Read More
    TRENTON – While it may be politics as usual on the national scene, the local race for state Senate in District 28 took a different turn with an announcement from Democratic incumbent Dennis Damon this week that he will forgo most fundraising activity in his campaign. Read More
    U.S. Sen. Susan Collins continued her statewide re-election campaign bus tour Monday with a stop at the General Electric plant in Pittsfield and a tour of a research facility in Scarborough. Collins, a Republican, is running for re-election to her seat in the U.S. Senate. Read More
    The Bangor Daily News is planning to run miniprofiles of candidates in the newspaper’s circulation area who are running in contested races for the Maine Legislature in the Nov. 4 general election. The BDN on Monday mailed out a brief questionnaire to the candidates to… Read More
    PORTLAND – The public is invited to attend a 1st District congressional candidates forum on “Sustainability in Maine” 3-5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 28, in the event room on the seventh floor of the Glickman Library on the University of Southern Maine’s Portland campus. Charlie Summers,… Read More
    BANGOR – A federal judge will decide whether Maine’s secretary of state must stop printing the Nov. 4 ballot so that the name of an independent candidate for the U.S. Senate may be added or whether Laurie Dobson of Kennebunkport will have to launch a write-in campaign. Read More
    LEWISTON – Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Friday picked up the support of one of Maine’s former governors. Independent Angus King, who served two terms ending in 2003, endorsed Obama on Friday. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes… Read More
    AUGUSTA – As in many states across the country, Democrats in Maine are gaining strength while Republicans are losing members, and in a close election, political observers believe that could make a difference. “It very well could have an impact,” said University of Maine political… Read More
    BANGOR – U.S. Rep. Tom Allen of Portland rallied supporters Saturday afternoon in the basement of a local church and urged each of the 80 or so people in attendance to step out of their comfort zones and persuade five people to vote for him on Election Day. Read More
    BANGOR – The Libertarian Party last week sued Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap in U.S. District Court in an effort to get the names of its candidates for president and vice president on the Nov. 4 ballot. The lawsuit filed Thursday claims that because of… Read More
    KITTERY – A coalition of first responders is throwing its support behind Republican Sen. Susan Collins in her campaign against U.S. Rep. Tom Allen in November’s election. On Friday, Collins received endorsements from the Professional Firefighters of Maine, the Maine Fire Chiefs Association, the Maine… Read More
    MINNEAPOLIS – This is Sen. Olympia Snowe’s ninth Republican National Convention, and as Maine’s senior senator, an articulate supporter of Sen. John McCain and one of the leading GOP moderates in the Senate, she is highly in demand. Her schedule has included a dizzying round… Read More
    BANGOR – Rep. Tom Allen got a little help Thursday from a colleague in the U.S. House of Representatives in making his case for why he should be elected to the U.S. Senate this fall. Henry Waxman, a California Democrat who heads the House Committee… Read More
    MINNEAPOLIS – Former Maine Gov. John R. “Jock” McKernan hosted members of the state’s delegation to the Republican National Convention Wednesday for a reception that featured gourmet food and a discussion of the importance of focusing on career preparation in higher education. McKernan is the… Read More
    PORTLAND – Maine’s Barack Obama campaign has announced the formation of a group calling itself “Maine Republicans for Obama.” The group is headed by former Maine Republican Party Chairman Robert Monks and former Republican state Rep. Sherry Huber. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var… Read More
    ST. PAUL Minn. – Somerset County Commission Chairman Philip Roy, a Maine delegate to the Republican National Convention, was originally a supporter of Mitt Romney. Roy admired the executive experience of the Massachusetts governor who won the Maine GOP caucus, and he was hoping that… Read More
    MINNEAPOLIS – For Andre Cushing, a town councilman from Hampden who is running for the state Legislature in District 39, politics is something that runs in the family. This is Cushing’s third Republican convention and this time his 22-year-old daughter Grace is attending with him. Read More
    There have been some major developments in the presidential race recently, namely Barack Obama named Joe Biden as his running mate and officially accepted the nomination. Joe Biden is a great pick. He’s a good match for Obama, who shares Biden’s working-class roots. Like Obama,… Read More
    ST. PAUL, Minn. – Maine delegates to the Republican National Convention here say they are disappointed but understand why their convention schedule had to be altered as a result of Hurricane Gustav, which was predicted to hit the Gulf Coast sometime this morning. The convention… Read More
    AUGUSTA – Maine’s congressional delegation believes this month will see more gridlock and raucous disagreements with several measures affecting the state that may or may not be resolved before Congress adjourns so members can campaign. “There is no question that the major and most central… Read More
    BLUE HILL – U.S. Sen. Susan Collins said that though it is exciting that John McCain has picked Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate in the presidential campaign, she is not going to attend the Republican National Convention next week in Minneapolis. Collins… Read More
    DENVER – Members of the state’s delegation to the Democratic National Convention say they are energized by their experience this week and ready to head home and campaign hard for Barack Obama. “John McCain cannot be president … Maine can’t take it,” state Rep. Hannah… Read More
    DENVER – After some eleventh-hour maneuvering over how the roll call vote would be handled at the Democratic National Convention, the Maine delegation was not expecting to have the chance to verbally cast its votes on Wednesday. But at the last minute state party chairman… Read More
    DENVER – Gov. John Baldacci, who attended the Democratic National Convention here this week, said he believes Barack Obama, the party’s nominee for president, needs to do more to reach out to working and middle class voters whose support will be critically important in the November election. Read More
    BRUNSWICK – A Brunswick man was arrested early Thursday in connection with a racially charged e-mail sent to Gov. John Baldacci and at least one other member of the Maine delegation to the Democratic National Convention in Denver, police said. The threatening e-mail from 38-year-old… Read More
    DENVER – U.S. Senate candidate Tom Allen of Maine addressed the Democratic National Convention here Wednesday night and said he is running for the Senate to help build a better country for his first grandchild, Charlie, who was born six months ago. “What kind of… Read More
    BANGOR – U.S. Sen. Susan Collins released a re-election campaign video on her Web site Wednesday evening at about the same time her opponent, Rep. Tom Allen, was speaking at the National Democratic Convention in Denver. In the video, Collins discusses the importance of bipartisanship,… Read More
    AUGUSTA – Present and former leaders of the Maine Legislature pledged their support for Barack Obama as Democrats tried to unify the Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton factions before the end of the Democratic National Convention. Senate President Beth Edmonds and House Speaker Glenn Cummings… Read More
    BREWER – Calling them outright lies, officials from some of the region’s labor unions took aim Wednesday at a barrage of recent campaign advertisements claiming that the Employee Free Choice Act would take away workers’ right to a private ballot. Singled out in the ads… Read More
    DENVER – As attention at the Democratic National Convention focused Tuesday on Sen. Hillary Clinton, her supporters from Maine remained unsure of exactly what would happen when the roll call vote of delegates takes place this evening. Clinton, addressing the delegates, called for support of… Read More
    AUGUSTA – Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign announced a state campaign group of independents and Democrats on Monday, similar to an organization that Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign also has set up. Political observers expect more such groups to form as both major presidential campaigns target… Read More
    DENVER – The state’s delegation to the Democratic National Convention being held here this week arrived over the weekend and prepared for one of the most highly anticipated Democratic conventions in recent memory. On Sunday afternoon Maine Democratic Party executive director Arden Manning and John… Read More
    BANGOR – Barack Obama’s choice of Sen. Joe Biden as a running mate garnered largely positive reviews from members of Maine’s Democratic Party and other state political observers Saturday. After weeks of anticipation, many Democrats sounded relieved that Obama had finally ended the nonstop speculation… Read More
    Like so many young people, I’ve been inspired by Barack Obama’s historic campaign for president. Over the last 16 months, I’ve traveled to Iowa and New Hampshire to volunteer with students from across the country. I helped organize my hometown of Kennebunk in advance of the caucus, and… Read More
    ELLSWORTH – U.S. Sen. Susan Collins toured a local business Friday, one of many that has benefited from the Downeast Business Alliance’s Incubator Without Walls program, a service she strongly endorsed. “Small businesses, such as these, are the backbone of Maine’s economy,” Maine’s junior senator,… Read More
    BELFAST – It appears that it’s stacking up to be a long, cold winter for those whose income fails to keep pace with the cost of oil. U.S. Sen. Susan Collins described the impending situation as a “crisis,” and pledged to expend every effort to… Read More
    BANGOR – As U.S. Rep. Tom Allen sees it, the Bush administration’s economic policies are to blame for the financial hardships faced by middle-class families, who are being squeezed by the nationwide mortgage crisis, skyrocketing energy and fuel costs and an ailing economy. Allen, who… Read More
    PORTLAND – Dozens of union members turned out Thursday to confront a national business group’s campaign to promote opposition to legislation that would allow workers to unionize without the need for secret-ballot elections. The Employee Free Choice Act emerged as an issue in Maine’s U.S. Read More
    BANGOR – Does John McCain own a home in Maine, perhaps a quiet cottage on the coast somewhere? Probably not, but state Democrats are using the Arizona senator’s recent admission that he’s unsure of how many houses he and his wife own as telling evidence… Read More
    AUGUSTA – With the general election three months away, Democratic and Republican party leaders say they have the teams in place to carry their candidates to victory. With a historic presidential election on tap between Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama and contested races for… Read More
    HERMON – Maine supporters of Sen. John McCain touted the Arizona senator’s all-of-the-above approach to energy policy at an event Thursday and couldn’t resist poking fun at his opponent’s plan by handing out individual tire pressure gauges. The gauges were a reference to comments Sen. Read More
    BANGOR – Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama hasn’t been shy about courting war veterans, a group of voters that historically has aligned strongly with his opponent, Sen. John McCain, a longtime veteran and former prisoner of war. With a tight race likely for November, both… Read More
    Several health and environmental groups are urging U.S. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine to support federal legislation that the organizations claim will help close a dangerous hole in U.S. anti-terrorism policies. The groups are pushing for Congress to enact legislation that would require facilities that… Read More
    AUGUSTA – Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign in Maine will be heading to gas stations in several towns in the state Thursday to register voters. The Democratic presidential candidate’s campaign will hold registration drives Thursday in Brewer, Portland, Lewiston and Whiting. Volunteers will talk with motorists… Read More
    AUGUSTA – A day after being removed from Maine’s ballot by a state supreme court ruling, independent U.S. Senate candidate Herbert Hoffman says he’s considering taking his ballot access case to the federal level. Hoffman of Ogunquit says his case would focus on due process… Read More
    PORTLAND – Maine’s supreme court overturned a lower court ruling on Monday and said a single faulty signature can invalidate a whole page of a candidate’s nominating petition, effectively removing independent Herbert Hoffman’s name from November’s U.S. Senate ballot. The Maine Democratic Party, which challenged… Read More
    PORTLAND – With presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain in Maine to raise money and speak to supporters, Barack Obama’s supporters are challenging McCain’s records on energy and economic issues. At a news conference in Portland on Monday, Democratic House Speaker Glenn Cummings said McCain… Read More
    PORTLAND – The Maine Democratic Party is taking its effort to banish U.S. Senate hopeful Herbert Hoffman from the November ballot to the state supreme court. The secretary of state already ruled that Hoffman collected enough signatures for his name to appear on the ballot,… Read More
    PORTLAND – The Maine Supreme Judicial Court has declared a winner in a disputed Democratic primary race in Yarmouth that was initially declared a tie. In a 15-page decision issued Tuesday, justices ruled Melissa Walsh Innes the winner over Kimberly McLaughlin by a single vote,… Read More
    PORTLAND – Republican Sen. Susan Collins has kept her fundraising advantage as both she and Democratic opponent Tom Allen raked in a little more than $1 million apiece in the latest quarter as overall contributions soared to new highs. Altogether, the two candidates have raised… Read More
    KENNEBUNKPORT – John McCain is coming to Maine. According to McCain’s campaign Web site, the presumptive Republican presidential candidate will be in Kennebunkport Monday for a series of fundraising events. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var… Read More
    AUGUSTA – Lawyers for the state and independent U.S. Senate candidate Herbert Hoffman fended off claims by a Democratic Party leader Thursday that Hoffman should effectively be kicked off the November ballot because he violated rules for gathering nominating petition signatures. At an hour-long hearing… Read More
    Jobs and employment top the list of concerns for Mainers in 2008, but gasoline prices, energy-related issues and the cost of living also rank high. That’s according to recent results of the Pan Atlantic SMS Group Omnibus Poll, a survey conducted by a company based… Read More
    PORTLAND – The Maine Supreme Judicial Court has heard arguments about disputed ballots in a legislative primary race in Yarmouth and is expected to issue a written decision within a few days. The June 10 ballot count had Melissa Walsh Innes and Kimberly McLaughlin tied… Read More
    Congress is back in Washington this week after the Fourth of July recess, but members of Maine’s congressional delegation say they are concerned about how much will be accomplished before the monthlong recess for the national party conventions in August and September. “We have a… Read More
    Have you ever heard of Lilly Ledbetter? She’s not a household name, but she probably should be. Lilly Ledbetter was a working woman at the Goodyear Tire plant in Gadsden, Ala., for almost 20 years. Late in her career, she got an anonymous tip that… Read More
    AUGUSTA – A spokeswoman said Monday the Maine Democratic Party had filed a Superior Court appeal, taking issue with Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap and challenging the validity of independent Herbert Hoffman’s petitions to be on the November ballot for U.S. Senate. “In his decision… Read More
    DEXTER – Tammy Lockhart of Dexter is the Democratic candidate for the District 24 seat in the Maine House of Representatives. Lockhart, a former journalist and small-business owner, said she would focus on the local economy and attracting quality jobs to the area if elected. Read More
    NEWPORT – Frederick “Chip” Austin is a Democratic candidate for the House District 25 seat, which covers the Penobscot County towns of Newport, Plymouth, Exeter, Corinna and part of Corinth. A resident of Grove Street in Newport, Austin said he brings to his candidacy a… Read More
    AUGUSTA – Looking toward the presidential election atop the November ballot, Democrats are seeking to carry once-rocked-ribbed-Republican Maine for their national standard-bearer for a fifth consecutive time. Republicans, vowing to make the battle for the state’s four electoral votes competitive, think they have a statewide… Read More
    NEWRY – U.S. Rep. Tom Allen of Portland met Saturday with about 30 members of the Maine State Bar Association as the group’s summer meeting was ending. Allen is the Democratic nominee running against Republican incumbent Sen. Susan Collins of Bangor for the U.S. Senate. Read More
    A state official has made a recommendation in favor of an independent U.S. Senate candidate who is hoping to get his name on the statewide ballot in November. Brooklin resident John Knutson, chairman of the Maine Democratic Party, is challenging a petition filed by Herbert… Read More
    Democratic U.S. Rep. Tom Allen and Republican Sen. Susan Collins reinvigorated their fight over the middle class this week as they traded claims about recent votes in the Senate on whether to consider extending expiring federal tax provisions. The two are vying for the U.S. Read More
    U.S. Rep. Michael Michaud of Maine criticized presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain on Friday for his stance on free trade while touting his own economic alternative, a bill that is gathering momentum in the House. “We believe that we have to have trade, but… Read More
    The ads started appearing on television in Maine last month. One showed a tough-talking boy in a school classroom telling his classmates they’re not going to get to vote for class officers by secret ballot. Another showed blue-collar workers making seemingly sarcastic remarks about how… Read More
    Adam Goode surprised a lot of people by winning the House District 15 Democratic primary on Tuesday. It wasn’t simply that he defeated opponent Gerry Palmer, a well-known name in Bangor Democratic politics, that caused political observers to sit up and take notice. It was the wide margin… Read More
    AUGUSTA – In the end, Democratic and Republican voters went with familiar faces and issues rather than unseasoned challengers and ideology in primary contests for southern Maine’s 1st District congressional seat. In each case, the voters nominated a candidate with state legislative experience and at… Read More
    Tom Allen, long believed to be the likely Democratic nominee in the U.S. Senate race, racked up an impressive win over his primary election opponent in unofficial returns Tuesday. With 497 of 615 precincts reporting, Allen held an insurmountable lead over Tom Ledue of Springvale… Read More