U.S. Rep. Tom Allen handily defeated Republican challenger Steven Joyce on Tuesday to represent the 1st Congressional District for a fourth term. Unofficial results tabulated by the Bangor Daily News with 81 percent of the vote in shortly after midnight had the Democratic incumbent with… Read More
    BANGOR – The $25 million bond that would build a new prison in Machias and make improvements at the Maine Correctional Center in South Windham was being soundly rejected by voters, according to unofficial results tabulated by the Bangor Daily News on Tuesday night. Voters… Read More
    With 81 percent of the vote tallied, a $24.1 million environmental bond was passing by a comfortable margin early Wednesday morning. Just under 60 percent of voters expressed their approval. Question 2 was winning by an overwhelming margin in southern Maine. In more easterly, rural… Read More
    Seeking to shore up what polls suggest are their wavering bases, 2nd District rivals Mike Michaud and Kevin Raye hit the road Friday for the last weekend of campaigning in one of the tightest races nationwide. Raye, a Republican, was in Bangor Friday afternoon with… Read More
    For longtime residents of Penobscot County, the race for sheriff is a case of deja vu, pitting two-time adversaries Glenn Ross, the Republican incumbent, against Democrat Tim Richardson, who held the office in the early 1980s. At a recent candidates night the two challenged each… Read More
    There’s a common joke among politicians when asked about the environment – they’re in favor of it. Cleaning up rivers and planting trees is rarely a difficult decision for lawmakers. That is, unless you live in Maine, where the air, the forests, even the fish… Read More
    After much consideration, I’ve decided to do something that could potentially spell political suicide for my campaign for the State House: Say something nice about my opponent. As a Maine native who has lived here for roughly 40 years, it’s disturbing to see political candidates… Read More
    The one who represents us in the 121st Legislature in Augusta is important. We need a person who is attentive to the job, and really attends the legislative sessions. Thus, I’m putting my oar in for Bob Stanwood. When Bob was in Augusta we had… Read More
    I’m voting for Mike Michaud for Congress in the 2nd District and asking you to do the same. Mike earned my vote by cosponsoring the Maine Rx law, which will lower prescription drug costs to about 325,000 Mainers who lack prescription drug coverage. He supports… Read More
    In his Oct. 29 letter, “Deciding on Michaud,” Bob Glidden refers to Kevin Raye as carrying a “silver mustard spoon.” In Washington County, every small business struggles to stay in business and Raye’s Mustard Mill has a 100-year history of doing just that. No silver spoons of any… Read More
    The Bangor Daily News will publish commentary relating to Nov. 5 election issues ending with the Nov. 2-3 edition, and no longer is accepting such material for publication. Read More
    I have had the opportunity to work with Susan Collins on behalf of veterans a number of times since she has been our senator. I could not have had better cooperation from the senator or her staff on each occasion. In one instance, she presented the Silver Star… Read More
    On Nov. 5 we have an opportunity to improve the quality and reliability of the state’s drinking water systems. Referendum Question 2 includes a request for $1.8 million to construct drinking water system improvements that address public health threats and to provide the state match for $6 million… Read More
    The Maine Department of Corrections is finally entering the 21st century. The expansion and rehabilitation of the prisons at South Windham and Warren along with the new juvenile centers at Charleston and South Portland have resulted in a cleaner, safer and more functional Corrections Department. Read More
    Five years ago, Chellie Pingree led Maine’s Senate in passing the first corporate accountability law in the nation. It required corporations to report the value of tax breaks they received, and describe how that money was used so that Mainers could assess what they got in return. Read More
    For too long now, Democratic majorities in the State House have been the major decision-makers in Maine. Their policies have ultimately driven too many businesses from the state – not just because of NAFTA or conditions nationwide, but because of the passage of too many restricting rules and… Read More
    I know someone and I bet every one of you knows a neighbor or family member who can’t afford the cost of health care. It’s time to do something about this problem. That’s why I’m voting for John Baldacci for governor. It doesn’t matter whether… Read More
    Jonathan Carter has proposed and consistently argued that his single-payer, total choice, total coverage health care plan will insure all Maine citizens while saving Maine more than $400 million. He has also explained how he will fund this plan by reducing administrative costs and streamlining all services through… Read More
    I was sitting home watching the debate for governor on Oct. 16 and found myself reacting to the comment from independent candidate John Michael. I was appalled to know there was a man who could possibly be the next governor who seems to be so racist and narrow-minded. Read More
    About two weeks ago, Sean Faircloth knocked on the door of my home, doing what political candidates all do – visiting and talking with the people they wish to represent. We had a nice chat and discussed a number of issues that were of personal concern to me,… Read More
    I am writing to endorse State Rep. Marc Michaud for his bid for re-election to the Maine House of Representatives. Snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle dealers who reside along the border, like myself, have had to deal with people who sell new merchandise without a franchise… Read More
    On Nov. 5 the voters of Brewer will be electing a member to the city council, and a member to the Maine House of Representatives. A former outstanding member of the council who is running for the third time is Jerry Hudson. Jerry is a man with strong… Read More
    Every year, the nonprofit League of Conservation Voters ranks state and federal lawmakers’ environmental records by tallying how they voted on key environmental issues. U.S. Rep. John Baldacci has been all over the map, with a low of 0 percent as a state senator in… Read More
    The crossing signal was against her, but traffic was light and Sen. Susan Collins took the opening, striding briskly across Farmington’s Main Street to shake hands with a group of shoppers on the opposite sidewalk. The 49-year-old Collins waded into the crowd, clasping hands and… Read More
    There will be little election night drama in the U.S. Senate and 1st Congressional District races, if a new poll is a predictor. The poll shows incumbent Republican Sen. Susan Collins leading challenger Chellie Pingree, the Democrat, by a wide margin. It also shows likely… Read More
    BUCKSPORT – It’s the afternoon shift change at International Paper and the mill workers are approaching a man with a broad smile and an outstretched hand who has strategically positioned himself in front of the cross-walk leading to the employee parking lot. The papermakers have… Read More
    BANGOR – A lot of political candidates preach passionately about providing the most basic human needs to those least able to help themselves. Donning a red apron on a recent Saturday in the kitchen of the Grace United Methodist Church at 193 Union St., Jonathan… Read More
    Chellie Pingree is an energizer. Whether before a group of laid-off garment workers, labor union activists or a team of college students who have knocked on thousands of doors on her behalf during the campaign, the Democratic Senate candidate has a way of pumping up emotions. Read More
    Any voter still undecided about who should be Maine’s next governor, still looking for that one quality that elevates one candidate above the others, may want to consider the composure factor. On that character trait – the ability to remain calm, focused and civil while under unwarranted attack… Read More
    Looking out over 100 mostly attentive teenagers in the Nokomis Regional High School gymnasium in Newport last week, 2nd Congressional District Republican nominee Kevin Raye couldn’t help but think of his own political beginnings. It has been 24 years since Raye, then a student at… Read More
    Democrat Mike Michaud took a last-minute look through his notes before a recent afternoon address to a throng of raucous, sign-waving supporters at a rally in Lewiston’s historic Kennedy Park. The blue-collar candidate isn’t much on stump speeches, although this day he’s in front of… Read More
    Tom Allen believes the best ideas for governing come from the people. Campaigning last week in his bid to be returned as the 1st Congressional District’s representative, Allen, 57, told reporters and others during visits in Rockland that he sees his job as listening to the concerns of… Read More
    BUCKS HARBOR – Gov. Angus King was in Bucks Harbor on Wednesday to show his support for the $25 million bond issue for prisons, but it was clear that the trip Down East was half the fun for the outgoing governor. “I called John Melrose… Read More
    BANGOR – After weeks of dueling in the press, 2nd Congressional District rivals Mike Michaud and Kevin Raye stepped up their already pointed criticisms of each other in the race’s first televised debate Saturday. The first face-to-face meeting since a comparatively tepid Chamber of Commerce… Read More
    The fact that there are four face-to-face debates scheduled through next week hasn’t slowed the almost daily exchange of barbs between the 2nd Congressional District rivals, Democrat Mike Michaud and Republican Kevin Raye. This week, Michaud, the state Senate president pro tempore, railed at a… Read More
    The Maine Council of Senior Citizens asked federal and gubernatorial candidates this week to pledge that they will refuse contributions from pharmaceutical companies and return the ones they have already received, because of that industry’s legal attack on Maine’s Rx law. “The pharmaceutical industry is… Read More
    BANGOR – For a contest that was generally quiet before Labor Day, the 2nd District congressional race between Democrat Mike Michaud and Republican Kevin Raye is now anything but. With almost daily repudiations of each other’s positions or advertisements – or, most often, both –… Read More
    AUGUSTA – A Republican incumbent lost his state Senate primary while a sitting House member lost his bid for the Democratic nomination in another Senate race in Tuesday’s voting, according to unofficial election returns. Besting Sen. Michael McAlevey of Waterboro in the Senate District 34… Read More
    DISTRICT ATTORNEY DISTRICT 7 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i = 0; i < slot_sizes.length; i++) { if (isMobileDevice()) { if (slot_sizes[i][0] googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes =… Read More
    Maine voters sent a message to the Legislature on Tuesday that they do not like having multiple items lumped together in bond issues. And though both bonds were approved, totaling $60.47 million combined, one almost didn’t make it because of what some people called excessive, unnecessary funding requests… Read More
    BANGOR – Nearly 20 years after they first faced off for the sheriff’s seat in Penobscot County, Glenn Ross of Exeter and Timothy Richardson of Hermon will be doing it again this November. Richardson won the Democratic primary Tuesday, defeating Joseph Dauphinee of Bangor and… Read More
    ELLSWORTH – The final tally for Tuesday’s Republican primary for district attorney for Hancock and Washington counties had incumbent Michael Povich winning by nearly 1,200 votes. Povich received 4,034, or 58 percent, of the 6,908 votes cast in the two counties. His challenger, former Hancock… Read More
    ROCKLAND – Sheriff Dan Davey easily hung onto his seat Tuesday for another four-year term as top law enforcement officer for Knox County, grabbing 1,798 votes to his opponent’s 1,431 votes. During his campaign, Davey said another term would allow him to finish up a… Read More
    BANGOR – State Sen. Mike Michaud clung to a slim lead early Wednesday morning over his Senate colleague Susan Longley in a back-and-forth battle in the race for the Democratic nomination to the open 2nd Congressional District seat. With 86 percent of precincts reporting just… Read More
    BANGOR – The race for the Republican nomination in the 2nd Congressional District was too close to call early Wednesday morning, with Kevin Raye of Perry, a former aide to U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe, and former Bangor Mayor Tim Woodcock within 1 percentage point of each other. Read More
    Question 2, the $34.97 million bond issue marketed as a way to improve the state’s economy, was passing by a slim margin early Wednesday morning, but not in some counties that could benefit from the money. For Hancock County, the bond includes $5.5 million for… Read More
    Mainers overwhelmingly showed their concern for the health and safety of the state’s students Tuesday, approving a $28.5 million bond issue that calls for installing sprinklers on public college campuses and contributing to a fund to help schools pay for asbestos removal and other renovations. Read More
    DISTRICT ATTORNEY DISTRICT 7 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i = 0; i < slot_sizes.length; i++) { if (isMobileDevice()) { if (slot_sizes[i][0] googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes =… Read More
    Voters actually will be voting on four bond questions this year – two on Tuesday and two in November. Even if all are approved, Maine will owe less after the November election than it does now because the state is paying off the balance on older bonds, according… Read More
    STATE OF MAINE Referendum Election, June 11, 2002 googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for (var i = 0; i < slot_sizes.length; i++) { if (isMobileDevice()) { if (slot_sizes[i][0] googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define… Read More
    Richard “Duke” McKeil hopes he is not the reason Question 2 fails at the polls Tuesday. Question 2 asks voters to let the state borrow nearly $35 million to fund 11 different initiatives, from fighting terrorism to funding biomedical research. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define… Read More
    Question 1: $28.5 million bond issue Do you favor a $28,500,000 bond issue to capitalize the State’s School Revolving Renovation Fund for repairs and improvements in public school facilities to address health, safety and compliance deficiencies, general renovation needs and learning space upgrades; to… Read More