FORT KENT – Residents of northern Maine received little new information Monday night from the candidates for Maine’s 2nd Congressional District seat, except maybe from the Socialist Equality Party candidate. Incumbent Democrat Michael Michaud, Republican hopeful Brian Hamel and Carl Cooley of the Socialist Equality… Read More
    FORT KENT – A former Democratic congressman from Indiana was in northern Maine Monday pushing for the election of Sen. John Kerry as president in order to stem the loss of jobs in the region. Jim Jontz, president emeritus of Americans for Democratic Action Inc.,… Read More
    Message and money go hand in hand in a political campaign’s final days, and if the most recent finance reports are any indication, Democratic Rep. Michael Michaud at least has more of the latter. Michaud, serving his first term as the 2nd District congressman, had… Read More
    We are now in the final days of preparation for Election Day. Of course, anyone not aware of this has probably had his or her head in a bucket for the last three months. The ads began long ago, folks have been “stopping by for… Read More
    On Nov. 2, we will have a very critical presidential election. This election will help determine how our nation will unfold as we progress through this new century. Not only will many internal and national concerns be affected by the results of our presidential choice, our international relationships… Read More
    Not long ago, in Washington, D.C., I visited the Jefferson Memorial and noted this quotation from Thomas Jefferson’s writings: “Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever.” I agree with Jefferson that a nation… Read More
    Not many pastors I know take sides publicly when it comes to presidential politics. Every pastor I know has strong, carefully considered positions and a strong personal choice of the candidate to vote for. That seems contradictory, but the choice not to advocate strongly for… Read More
    AUGUSTA – With the looming presidential election expected to turn on a handful of electoral votes, governors from within and beyond Maine’s borders are pulling out the stops to secure votes for both major parties. Former independent Gov. Angus S. King has already endorsed Democratic… Read More
    BANGOR – Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. John Edwards, assured a Bangor audience Wednesday that her husband and his running mate Sen. John Kerry, care more about protecting the health, safety, jobs, world standing and environment of Americans than protecting the profits of major… Read More
    BANGOR – Although the contest’s first debate ended just hours before, 2nd Congressional District contenders Democratic Rep. Mike Michaud and Republican Brian Hamel kept the barbs flying Wednesday over a pair of television ads each said was misleading. Hamel called on the incumbent to pull… Read More
    More than $1.7 million has been raised to sway voters on Question 2, the referendum to ban bear trapping and bear hunting with bait or dogs, according to campaign finance reports filed Tuesday. About three-quarters of all the money reported thus far – $1,261,243.31 –… Read More
    AUGUSTA – New campaign finance reports show that opponents of the proposed property tax cap that Maine voters will consider next month have raised $876,000 and spent $562,000, and still held the upper hand over proponents financially heading into the final weeks of the campaign. Read More
    BANGOR – With the final presidential debate being held tonight, Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards, is visiting Maine to talk with voters in Bangor and Lewiston. This is her first trip to Maine during the presidential campaign. In Bangor, Edwards… Read More
    PORTLAND – Democratic Rep. Tom Allen and Republican challenger Charlie Summers traded jabs over tax cuts, prescription drugs, the war in Iraq and the best way to create jobs Tuesday in the second of five debates in their race in the 1st Congressional District. Summers… Read More
    LINCOLN – If you see “misunderestimated,” “Internets” or a few other Bushisms scrawl across the screen during the presidential debate tonight, don’t blame Peggy Thompson. At least, she hopes you won’t. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = [];… Read More
    WASHINGTON – Four years ago, Ralph Nader had a seat on the Sunday talk shows, a spot on 43 state ballots and a gutsy low-budget campaign that was packing in supporters. Unbowed at age 70, he’s back this year sounding the same pox-on-both-your-houses message. But this time he… Read More
    BANGOR – Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and a group of military mothers Monday offered some of the harshest criticism to date of the Bush administration and its rationale for invading Iraq, calling the conflict a “war of choice, not necessity.” “But getting… Read More
    WASHINGTON – The Democratic Party and 18 senators are objecting to a broadcasting company’s plan to air on 62 TV stations a critical documentary about John Kerry’s anti-war activities after he returned home from Vietnam three decades ago. Sinclair Broadcast Group has asked its television… Read More
    YARMOUTH – A local man who produced the memorable 1988 Republican TV ad showing Democratic presidential hopeful Michael Dukakis wearing a helmet while riding in a tank is putting his imprint on this presidential election as well. Greg Stevens works out of his home as… Read More
    PORTLAND – Lawyers will be stationed in many voting precincts in anticipation of ballot fights in a hotly contested presidential race. Officials for the campaign of Democrat John Kerry say they have recruited more than 100 Maine lawyers. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var… Read More
    PORTLAND – Campaign fraud charges have been filed against four Green Independent Party members who were involved in the campaign for a Maine legislative candidate from Biddeford. A York County grand jury indicted Philip Castora, 78, of Arundel and Fred Dolgon, 75, of Old Orchard… Read More
    BANGOR – A new poll released Thursday indicates that Question 2 – the referendum to ban bear trapping and hunting with bait and dogs – is behind, with just a small portion of the electorate undecided. Of voters who said they were certain about their… Read More
    BANGOR – With a presidential election, several hotly contested state and local questions, and a host of city, state and national elective positions to fill on Nov. 2, Bangor is bracing for heavy voter turnout. While there’s no way to predict how many voters will… Read More
    PORTLAND – A visibly agitated and disappointed Ralph Nader lashed out Tuesday at the Maine Democratic Party which has decided to appeal a Superior Court ruling that allowed the independent presidential candidate to remain on the state ballot. “It’s pretty reprehensible,” Nader said of the… Read More
    President Bush and Sen. John Kerry could end up dividing Maine’s four electoral votes. Unlike most states, which have winner-take-all systems for their electoral votes, Maine gives two to the statewide winner and one to the victor in each of Maine’s two congressional districts. googletag.cmd.push(function… Read More
    HOULTON – With less than a month until Election Day, bright signs urging voters to cast their ballots for certain candidates are popping up all over town. Town Clerk Cathy O’Leary said Friday she expects voters to turn out in force to elect local, state… Read More
    PITTSFIELD – Area voters will have an abundance of new choices on Election Day, due to redistricting, term limits and the death of a veteran commissioner. On Nov. 2, Pittsfield voters will be selecting three county and legislative representatives, deciding races for two Town Council… Read More
    BANGOR – A former U.S. ambassador under President Clinton maintained Friday that Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John F. Kerry definitely held the upper hand in his first debate Thursday against President Bush. Meanwhile, General Joseph Tinkham, retired Adjutant General of Maine and Homeland Security adviser… Read More
    PORTLAND – Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean and conservative activist William Bennett on Thursday debated the strengths and weaknesses of President Bush and Democratic challenger John Kerry. Their appearance before 600 people at the conference of the American Council of Engineering Companies came just hours… Read More
    ORONO – A handful of students gathered Thursday night to watch the presidential debate at the University of Maine’s Memorial Union, and the majority were Kerry supporters. About 30 students divided between the Bear’s Den and the University Credit Union lounge on the second floor… Read More
    AUGUSTA – One of the state’s leading polling organizations will be closely gauging reaction to Thursday night’s presidential debate in an effort to make a conclusive determination on how Mainers will vote Nov. 2. Patrick O. Murphy, president of Strategic Marketing Services of Portland, said… Read More
    BANGOR – The Bush twins touched down Wednesday in Maine like a pair of Texas tornadoes, dusting up a commotion with admirers and supporters wherever they went. Barbara Bush, the brunette, and her sister, Jenna, the blonde, brought their 22-year-old political perspective to this battleground… Read More
    PORTLAND – Some people who live in Maine like to say there are really two Maines: the liberal, populous and relatively wealthy southern portion and the more conservative, rural, less wealthy northern district. How these two different Maines vote on Election Day could make a… Read More
    LEWISTON – The Kerry-Edwards campaign announced Friday that John Edwards will return to Maine on Sunday, Sept. 26, for a campaign stop in Lewiston. The visit will be the Democratic vice presidential candidate’s second to Maine this month. He held a rally at the University… Read More
    ELLSWORTH – It’s fall. The air is crisp and the political skies in Hancock County should remain clear of the clouds of campaign controversy during the final month or so before the Nov. 2 election. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]];… Read More
    PORTLAND – A statewide poll released Thursday as President Bush rallied supporters at Bangor International Airport had the Republican incumbent locked in a close race with Democrat John Kerry. The poll by Critical Insights put Kerry at 45 percent and Bush at 42 percent among… Read More
    BANGOR – As Air Force One took off into the Bangor sky after the president’s speech Thursday evening, a man in a rubber George W. Bush mask stood alone in a gravel parking lot holding a sign reading, in part, “Deport Bush.” In some ways… Read More
    AUGUSTA – President Bush’s stop in Bangor today arrives at a pivotal moment in his re-election campaign according to one prominent Maine pollster who said Republicans sense the state’s four electoral votes could be within reach. Since 1992, Maine has voted Democratic in presidential elections,… Read More
    BANGOR – People were lined up Wednesday to get tickets, temporary parking bans near the airport were in place, and police officials were going over extra security measures in preparation for today’s campaign visit from President George W. Bush. Republican officials are anticipating a crowd… Read More
    Incumbent Democratic Congressmen Michael Michaud and Tom Allen have wide leads over their Republican challengers, based on a new poll released Wednesday. The poll, conducted for WLBZ-TV in Bangor, WCSH-TV in Portland and the Bangor Daily News, show Michaud with a 21-point lead over Brian… Read More
    MACHIAS – Candace Gingrich has a national profile but a very local message: Young people need to vote. The younger sister of former U.S. House Speaker and famously conservative Newt Gingrich, Candace Gingrich is touring the country on her own terms. googletag.cmd.push(function () { //… Read More
    AUGUSTA – Preparations continued Tuesday for the president’s planned visit to Bangor, but not all of the events propose to offer a warm welcome. The Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine plans to bring its own greeters to Bangor International Airport where President Bush… Read More
    LEWISTON – A tendency to visualize political goals through the prism of religion makes notorious terrorist Osama bin Laden and President Bush more similar than different according to the running mate of independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader. Speaking to about 50 students and supporters Monday… Read More
    BANGOR – Thousands of people signed up for tickets Monday to hear President Bush campaign on the tarmac at Bangor International Airport on Thursday. The outdoor event, which starts at 4:15 p.m., may draw 10,000 people, according to Randy Bumps, executive director of the state… Read More
    BANGOR – President Bush, a familiar sight at his family’s southern Maine estate, will venture north Thursday for a Bangor rally. Not everyone wanting to hear Bush will be allowed to attend the event, scheduled for 4:15 p.m. at a location to be determined. googletag.cmd.push(function… Read More
    YPSILANTI, Mich. – Five Democratic governors on Friday said President Bush’s health care and economic policies have endangered the economies in their states. The governors said their states would be better under a John Kerry presidency. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes =… Read More
    AUGUSTA – President Bush is poised to peel off one of Maine’s four electoral votes, according to an analysis released by Cable News Network on Friday – six weeks before the election. Aired during its morning broadcast and posted on the network’s Web site, CNN… Read More
    ORONO – Their very name suggests they’re a tough crowd. Their posters, which feature the Statue of Liberty brandishing a baseball bat, erase any remaining doubt. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner = false; for… Read More
    ORONO – The candidates for vice-president of the United States will square off Oct. 5 in a man-to-man debate, leaving Green Party vice presidential nominee Pat LaMarche fuming on the sidelines. Speaking to about 20 University of Maine students Wednesday at the Memorial Union, LaMarche… Read More
    BANGOR – One is a wartime president. The other a wartime veteran. For the country’s roughly 26 million veterans, choosing between President Bush and Democrat John Kerry is not expected to be as cut and dried as it has been in elections past. googletag.cmd.push(function ()… Read More
    PORTLAND – President Bush and John Kerry were evenly divided in a statewide poll of likely voters conducted for the Maine Sunday Telegram. Kerry and Bush had 43 percent each, Ralph Nader 3 percent and 10 percent were undecided, according to the Zogby International poll. Read More
    BANGOR – There have been no public debates, no television ads and just a handful of face-to-face meetings between the candidates for Maine’s 2nd Congressional District seat. But Republican challenger Brian Hamel said Monday that, behind the scenes, Democratic incumbent Rep. Michael Michaud has set… Read More
    ORONO – The University of Maine was getting ready Tuesday for today’s arrival of vice presidential candidate John Edwards. The gates to the Edwards rally will open at 4 p.m. today on the mall at UM. googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes =… Read More
    NEW YORK – All of the delegates were especially excited to be at Madison Square Garden Thursday night to watch President Bush officially accept his party’s nomination for a second term. But Mark Ellis, a delegate from Augusta, and Sen. Susan Collins also were thrilled to see 1976… Read More
    NEW YORK – Maine delegates to the Republican National Convention were urged Thursday to place the United States economy in perspective when they return home to solicit votes for President Bush. Bush did not carry Maine four years ago in his campaign against Al Gore,… Read More
    OLD TOWN – Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry’s days as a solider in Vietnam have helped define the candidate like few before him, analysts say. To his supporters, he is a bona fide war hero and a principled anti-war advocate. To his opponents, he is… Read More
    BURNHAM – When it comes to presidential politics, this is no party town. Those in this small, Waldo County village of just over 1,000 people aren’t prone to pick sides before Election Day, having the highest percentage of independent, or so-called “unenrolled,” voters in the… Read More
    AUGUSTA – Independent presidential hopeful Ralph Nader might have secured enough signatures to place him on the Maine ballot, Democrats challenging his candidacy conceded Tuesday. But potential problems with the paperwork nevertheless should disqualify the consumer advocate from running in Maine, lawyers for two Maine… Read More
    BANGOR – Former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell on Thursday panned the Bush administration’s foreign policy initiatives – particularly its handling of the Iraq war – as fundamentally flawed and in large part responsible for a rift between America and many of its allies. “American power… Read More
    AUGUSTA – A public drawing held Tuesday in the secretary of state’s office determined the order of two citizen initiatives scheduled to appear on Maine’s November ballots. The two questions on property-tax limits and bear-hunting restrictions will appear as follows: googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define… Read More
    AUGUSTA – Newly released campaign finance reports indicate Republican challengers for Maine’s two congressional seats are nipping at the heels of the state’s Democratic incumbents, who continue to lead the GOP nominees in fund raising. According to reports available Friday from the Federal Election Commission,… Read More
    The question that should be posed to Susan Cockrell (BDN, July 13) and her animal rights allies is this: why are you trying so desperately to muzzle the scientists and bear experts at Maine’s Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife? Cockrell’s inflammatory BDN column, attacking… Read More
    AUGUSTA – Democratic, Republican and Green party leaders are hustling to find replacements for 40 legislative candidates who have dropped out of the running this year, mostly because of competing personal commitments. The major parties have until July 26 to fill the vacancies, which were… Read More
    The referendum to end trapping, hounding and baiting of bears should have generated numerous opportunities for respectful, rational discussions of bear-hunting methods among Maine voters. Instead, a coalition of extremists, including commercial bear baiters and out-of-state trophy hunters led by SAM (Sportsmen’s Alliance of Maine),… Read More
    Tom Hennessey’s three-part series on the bear referendum was shamelessly biased in what was more subjective editorializing than an attempt at balanced reporting. The proponents of this referendum have three main issues in the killing of close to 4,000 Maine black bears each year with the use of… Read More
    BANGOR – Retired Gen. Wesley Clark, campaigning in the city Tuesday for the newly printed Democratic ticket of John Kerry and John Edwards, blasted President Bush for his handling of the Iraq war, telling a group of veterans here that the administration doesn’t hold exclusive claim to patriotism. Read More
    WASHINGTON – Presidential candidate John Kerry on Tuesday chose former rival John Edwards as his running mate, selecting the smooth-talking Southern populist over more seasoned politicians in hopes of injecting vigor and small-town appeal into the Democratic ticket. “I trust that met with your approval,”… Read More