The question that should be posed to Susan Cockrell (BDN, July 13) and her animal rights allies is this: why are you trying so desperately to muzzle the scientists and bear experts at Maine’s Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife? Cockrell’s inflammatory BDN column, attacking… Read More
    The referendum to end trapping, hounding and baiting of bears should have generated numerous opportunities for respectful, rational discussions of bear-hunting methods among Maine voters. Instead, a coalition of extremists, including commercial bear baiters and out-of-state trophy hunters led by SAM (Sportsmen’s Alliance of Maine),… Read More
    Tom Hennessey’s three-part series on the bear referendum was shamelessly biased in what was more subjective editorializing than an attempt at balanced reporting. The proponents of this referendum have three main issues in the killing of close to 4,000 Maine black bears each year with the use of… Read More
    (Editor’s note: In this final installment of three columns, focused on disrespect to Native Americans in the world of sports and, particularly, to a Maine Indian legend, Louis Sockalexis, author Ed Rice argues his case why Louis Sockalexis deserves to have the title “First Indian” to play major… Read More