This week’s ClickBack focused on the state budget and a church where smoking marijuana is considered a sacrament. Here are some responses. Balancing the budget, in the face of declining revenues, will be a major focus of the 124th Legislature. Where should they cut? googletag.cmd.push(function… Read More
    A proposal from a Bangor dentist to forbid the purchase of soda with food stamps elicited dozens of reader comments in this week’s ClickBack. Here is a sampling: Government and taxpayers absolutely have the right to limit the choices of people receiving assistance when some… Read More
    ClickBack returns this week after an Election Day and Veterans Day hiatus. The BDN’s editorial page interactive feature seeks thoughtful comments on the Karen Wood tragedy, the proposal to block the purchase of soda with food stamps, the Legislature’s election of the state’s attorney general, and the bailout… Read More
    Editorial page readers this week weighed in on Question 1 on the Maine ballot, the referendum that seeks to repeal the beverage tax. The tax was enacted by the Legislature in the spring to help pay for the state-sponsored DirigoChoice health insurance program. A yes… Read More
    This week’s ClickBack featured election-related issues, and as usual, elicited a range of comments. Look for new questions in Tuesday’s editorial comments. More comments are found at the ClickBack page at Should the Oxford casino be approved? googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var… Read More
    The election is two weeks from today, and ClickBack remains locked in political mode, so we focus our questions on issues that will be resolved on Nov. 4. What do editorial page readers make of Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Obama? Should the casino proposal be approved? Will… Read More
    This week ClickBack asked readers about the “Palin effect” and whether it would win over voters here in Maine. Maine is one of two states that could split its electoral votes. If the McCain-Palin ticket wins more votes in the 2nd Congressional District but loses the state to… Read More
    ClickBack participants this week took on the 2nd District congressional race and the Palin-Biden debate. Look for new questions in Tuesday’s editorial column, or post your own at Is John Frary a worthy alternative to Mike Michaud? googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var… Read More
    Which vice presidential candidate emerged victorious in the debate? What do you make of John Frary, the Republican challenging incumbent Mike Michaud in the 2nd congressional District? Should skinny-dipping be illegal? Can John McCain win in Maine’s 2nd congressional District? ClickBack, the BDN’s editorial page… Read More
    This week, ClickBack asked readers to consider the bailout, Sarah Palin and the recent presidential debate. Here are some of the comments. Go to and pull down the Opinion menu and look for ClickBack to participate. Look for more questions on Tuesday. Will the… Read More
    There’s no shortage of hot topics for BDN editorial page readers to discuss this week: the first presidential debate, the unsteady candidacy of Sarah Palin, the proposed federal bailout of mortgage-backed securities and the imminent LURC approval of the Plum Creek project. To participate, go to and… Read More
    This week, editorial page readers commented on the U.S. Senate race between Susan Collins and Tom Allen and the financial crisis. To participate in the discussion or to see more of the answers to this week’s questions go to, pull down on the Opinion tab and look… Read More
    This week, ClickBack continues on a political path as we march toward Election Day, just six weeks away. We are seeking the thoughts of editorial page readers on the Susan Collins-Tom Allen race for the U.S. Senate, the fate of school consolidation votes in your community, and what… Read More
    Editorial page readers had some strong views about the upcoming election and the recent hurricanes. How do you choose a president – policies, personality, character, experience or judgment? googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes = [[300,250]]; var new_slot_sizes = []; var has_banner =… Read More
    This week, ClickBack seeks editorial page reader comments on how voters make up their minds on presidential candidates, punishment for Seamore’s kidnappers, how the federal government might better prepare for and respond to hurricanes, and banking bankruptcy. As always, readers should go to and pull down on… Read More
    Editorial page readers had strong opinions about Sarah Palin and expressed them at the ClickBack section of the BDN Web site, bangordailynews. com. They also felt strongly about our question about the so-called elite liberal media. A selection of comments posted at the ClickBack page follows. Read More
    After enjoying a Labor Day holiday break, ClickBack returns this week in high gear for the political season. The party conventions are over, the kids are back in school, there’s a nip in the air, and it’s less than 60 days until Election Day. Each week from now… Read More
    This week, ClickBack asked readers about the American Folk Festival in Bangor and the potential for developing tidal power in Maine. To see the comments of editorial page readers on these and other questions, visit the BDN’s redesigned Web site and used the “Opinion” pull-down menu to find… Read More
    This week, ClickBack focuses on the American Folk Festival, presidential politics and tidal power. To participate by posting your comments on the issues, go to the BDN’s newly redesigned Web site,, and use the Opinion pull down menu to find ClickBack. Readers also can post their own… Read More
    John McCain and Barack Obama answered questions in an evangelical forum. Are their answers important? Article VI of the U.S. Constitution states “…no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” But it says… Read More
    Recent ClickBacks have sought editorial page reader comment on the Olympics, nuclear power and the merits or drawbacks of negative political ads. To join the discussion, go to and look for the ClickBack logo in the Opinion section. Is the television coverage of the… Read More
    As the world’s athletes compete to stand atop a medal podium, Maine was knocked from its top tax perch. Let us know what you think about taxes, tumbling, seaweed and nuclear power by going to Look for the ClickBack logo in the Opinion section. You can answer… Read More
    This week, ClickBack asked editorial page readers to comment on the economic impact and role of fairs in community life; the Maine Office of Tourism’s decision to promote “stay-cations,” and the Bangor Housing Authority’s compromise over the display of a flag at one of its housing complexes. Look… Read More
    This week, ClickBack solicits the thoughts of editorial page readers on summer vacations, flag flying and state fairs. To participate, visit and click on the ClickBack logo. Registration is required, but the BDN does not share information with third parties. Maine tourism promoters want… Read More
    Editorial page readers – and readers of other pages of the BDN’s Web site – were eager to comment on the game warden’s decision last Saturday to shoot a bear wandering a Bangor neighborhood. Readers also commented on Sen. Obama’s trip to the Middle East and Europe, and… Read More
    This week, ClickBack asked editorial page readers to respond to questions about the running mates Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama should select, and about what the U.S. should make of Iran testing missiles. Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain will soon pick their… Read More
    This week’s ClickBack, the BDN editorial pages’ interactive feature, elicited strong sentiments on the stand of old-growth trees on Plum Creek’s land in Elliotsville. The Native Forest Network believes the trees, in a 200-acre plot near Big Wilson Stream, are more than 100 years old and should be… Read More
    This week’s ClickBack asks editorial page readers to consider and weigh in on cutting old trees, drilling for oil off U.S. shores and state government coming to the rescue in the energy crisis. To participate in ClickBack, the BDN’s interactive feature, go to and click on the… Read More
    Tuesday’s ClickBack column, the BDN’s interactive editorial feature, sought comment on Hollywood Slots in Bangor, Sen. Barack Obama’s decision to forgo public campaign financing and the Christian Civic League of Maine’s decision to drop its petition drive for a referendum on gay rights. Readers’ responses posted on the… Read More
    This week, ClickBack, the BDN’s editorial page interactive feature, seeks reader opinion on campaign finance, the Christian Civic League’s petition drive and Hollywood Slots. To participate, go to and click on the ClickBack logo. New users are required to register, but the BDN does not share e-mail… Read More
    This week, readers were asked to comment on Plum Creek’s development plans for the Moosehead Lake area, the future of paper mills in Maine, and the evolution of U.S. policy in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some of the responses, posted at the ClickBack page at, are reprinted here. Read More
    Editorial page readers this week responded to a question submitted by “richard” about the need for a revolution, and to the BDN’s questions about how $4 per gallon gasoline changes driving habits and Hillary Clinton’s concession-endorsement speech. Gas is $4 per gallon – time to… Read More
    This week, ClickBack asked BDN editorial page readers to weigh in Sen. Hillary Clinton’s next move, after Sen. Barack Obama locked up the Democratic nomination for president Tuesday. Readers were also asked about the future of the Katahdin Paper mill in Millinocket, which may close in July because… Read More
    This week, the BDN editorial page asked readers to respond to questions about the University of Maine System’s tuition increase, energy policy and the gay rights referendum. Some of the responses posted at the ClickBack section of are printed here. Look for more questions in Tuesday’s editorial… Read More
    With eight candidates – six Democrats and two Republicans – vying to represent Maine’s 1st District in Congress, voters need to know which candidates share their concerns and solutions. Through ClickBack, the editorial pages’ online feature, readers submitted questions that were sent to all the campigns. Four candidates,… Read More
    This week, ClickBack asks readers to submit questions they would ask candidates in the 1st Congressional District primary races. The 1st District seat has been held by Democrat Tom Allen for 12 years; Rep. Allen is challenging Sen. Susan Collins for a Senate seat in November. Six Democrats… Read More
    This week, ClickBack sought reader comment on the Penobscot Nation’s threat to sever ties with the state, the increase in drink taxes and oil prices. Penobscot Indians consider defying state – is that an appropriate response? googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define Slot var slot_sizes =… Read More
    This week, ClickBack focused on Patriot’s Day, flags, drink taxes and toxic chemicals. Here are what readers had to say. A University of Maine at Farmington student made American flags out of plastic and duct tape on the floor of the school’s student center, leading… Read More
    Readers weighed in at on ClickBack questions posed in a Tuesday editorial column. Some of the comments follow; all comments can be seen on the newspaper’s Web site. To participate, look for the new questions on Tuesday, then visit the Web site and click through the ClickBack… Read More
    This week’s ClickBack asked readers to comment on a recent story that showed how eastern and northern Maine are virtually free of light pollution, and about the state’s ongoing debate with the federal government over the Read ID plan. To read all comments, go to and click… Read More
    This week’s ClickBack, a BDN interactive feature that solicits reader comments via, asked about deer feeding and the Legislature’s post-budget work. Look for next week’s ClickBack questions on Tuesday in the editorial column, then offer your comments on the Web site, and see them on Friday’s OpEd… Read More
    The BDN’s interactive commentary feature ClickBack this week sought reader thoughts on Vice President Dick Cheney, the lottery and the school year. Among the comments made at the ClickBack feature on are: Vice President Dick Cheney, when told by a TV news reporter that… Read More
    This week, the Bangor Daily News’ interactive commentary feature ClickBack seeks readers’ thoughts on national, state and local issues. To participate, visit and look for the ClickBack logo. Click on it, and you will be taken to this week’s questions. If you are not yet registered at… Read More
    Readers responded to the questions posed in Tuesday’s ClickBack editorial on the BDN Web site (, scroll down and click on the ClickBack logo) with the following comments. The ClickBack feature is a new way for readers to engage with the newspaper and with other readers. Some of… Read More
    This week’s ClickBack questions, which readers respond to on the BDN Web site, focus on national and local issues. To participate, go to and click on the ClickBack logo (registration is required, but the BDN does not share the information with third parties), and share your views. Read More
    Today we publish the first responses to the BDN’s new feature, ClickBack which is another way for readers to share their thoughts on issues of the day. To participate, go to our Web homepage,, and look for the ClickBack logo. New users must register (the… Read More